BUSSQ Emerging Markets Shares TTR - Managed Fund

Fund Objective
For the annual rate credited to members to have a reasonable probability of exceeding the MSCI Emerging Markets Index return over rolling 10 years.

Fund Performance Comparison

Relative Fund Performance vs {{ fund.benchmark.peers.peerCount }} peers using {{ }} as their benchmark.

{{ }}
Benchmark ({{ }})
{{ }}
The performance of the peers is calculated as the total of the performance for each time period for all the funds in the peer group, divided by the number of funds in the peer group.
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Fees Comparison

{{ fund.mer | number:2 }}
% p.a.
{{ }}
{{ modelPortfolio.mer * 100 | number:2 }}
% p.a.
{{ }}
{{ fund.benchmark.peers.mer * 100 | number:2 }}
% p.a.
Average of peers ({{ fund.benchmark.peers.peerCount }})
NOTE: Fee data has been provided by Morningstar, it may not include all costs being charged on your investment such as platform and adviser fees. You should check your fund manager or adviser statements to find out the exact fees you are being charged. Peers are funds that use the same benchmark in the Morningstar database.
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Fund performance

  1M 3M 6M 1Y p.a. 2Y p.a. 3Y p.a. 5Y p.a. 10Y p.a.
Total return 2.14% 3.1% 2.78% 12.3% 10.59% -% -% -%
Growth return -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -%
Income return -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -%
Market index (MSCI EM NR AUD)
Total return 0.79% 7% 9.52% 15.26% 13.93% 5.77% 5.02% 5.9%
As at 31 Jan 2025. Returns for periods greater than 1 year are annualised. All figures are percentages.

Asset Allocation

No asset allocation data available.
Average Allocation of Peers
International Equities
Australian Equities
Fixed Interest

General Information

Fund Details
Type Description
BUSSQ Emerging Markets Shares TTR
Equity Emerging Markets
Not Rated
Superannuation Fund
1 Jan 1900
$5.73 million (as at 30 Jun 2024)
Offer information
Type Description
MER 1.22% (as at 1 Jan 2024)

FAQs about the BUSSQ Emerging Markets Shares TTR

The objective of the BUSSQ Emerging Markets Shares TTR managed fund is For the annual rate credited to members to have a reasonable probability of exceeding the MSCI Emerging Markets Index return over rolling 10 years.

The strategy of the BUSSQ Emerging Markets Shares TTR managed fund is

The APIR code of the BUSSQ Emerging Markets Shares TTR managed fund is .

BUSSQ Emerging Markets Shares TTR’s total return last month was 2.14%. This was made up of a growth return of -% and an income return of -%. These returns were calculated as at 31 Jan 2025.

BUSSQ Emerging Markets Shares TTR’s total return for the last three months was 3.1%. This was made up of a growth return of -% and an income return of -%%. These returns were calculated as at 31 Jan 2025.

BUSSQ Emerging Markets Shares TTR’s one-year total return is 12.3%. This was made up of a growth return of -% and an income return of -%. These returns were calculated as at 31 Jan 2025.

BUSSQ Emerging Markets Shares TTR’s one-year total return is -%. This was made up of a growth return of -% and an income return of -%. These returns were calculated as at 31 Jan 2025.

The asset allocation of the BUSSQ Emerging Markets Shares TTR managed fund is :

International Equities
Australian Equities
Fixed Interest

The BUSSQ Emerging Markets Shares TTR managed fund belongs to the Equity Emerging Markets sector/asset class.

As at 30 Jun 2024, the size of the BUSSQ Emerging Markets Shares TTR managed fund was $5.73 million.

The BUSSQ Emerging Markets Shares TTR managed fund has an inception date of 1 Jan 1900.

The current entry price of the BUSSQ Emerging Markets Shares TTR managed fund is $ per unit and the current exit price is $ per unit (as at ).

The current exit price of the BUSSQ Emerging Markets Shares TTR managed fund is $ per unit and the current entry price is $ per unit (as at ).

The minimum initial investment amount for the BUSSQ Emerging Markets Shares TTR managed fund is $.

Fund data sourced from Morningstar. Some material is copyright and published under licence from ASX Operations Pty Limited ACN 004 523 782 ("ASXO"). Data and content is provided for personal use only. Whilst every care has been taken in producing these numbers, neither Morningstar nor InvestSMART can make any guarantees around the complete accuracy of these figures. Should you decide to change investments, please read all relevant disclosure documents including the Product Disclosure Statements and if required, you may consider speaking to a financial professional for further guidance. A tax event may be realised as a result of switching investments. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.