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SuperAdvice with Olivia Long: 3 August 2023

Olivia Long, Eureka Report's SMSF coach and the head of growth for SMSF at Prime Financial, answers subscriber questions on how to best go about setting up an SMSF, what tax is due on the sale of a house, how to design your super for your surviving spouse, what will happen to your $23 million super fund after 1 July, 2025, plus much more.

03 Aug 2023
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RBA Review: Limits to the Power of Monetary Policy

The RBA review is in, all 300 pages and 51 recommendations. Stephen Grenville, former deputy governor of the RBA, takes stock of the conclusions but also of a deeper lesson, not articulated: that monetary policy is not all-powerful in controlling inflation or economic activity.

02 May 2023
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Rates, Profits, Margins & CBA

Alan has COVID so Stephen Mayne, shareholder advocate and founder of Crikey, and James Thomson, Chanticleer columnist at the Australian Financial Review, have stepped up to the plate for today's Money Café. On the reporting season's busiest day, they talk CBA profits and why the shares fell, Star Entertainment and its long-suffering retail shareholders, the RBA chief's PR problem, the best of the billionaire's sons, inflation and interest rates and more inflation and interest rates.

16 Feb 2023
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Secure Your Financial Future: Retirement Investing Tips from Experts

InvestSMART hosted an informative webinar for Australians to manage their retirement finances. The expert panel advised on diversified investment portfolios, sustainable retirement savings drawdown, managing market volatility, and tax-efficient investment techniques. Attendees gained expert insights to make informed investment decisions and take control of their financial future.

15 Feb 2023
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