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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
HOSTPLUS International Shares EM Pension Not Rated Equity Emerging Markets 5.43% 13.19% n/a
HOSTPLUS International Shares EM Super Not Rated Equity Emerging Markets 4.87% 11.79% n/a
HOSTPLUS International Shares EM TTR Not Rated Equity Emerging Markets 4.87% 11.79% n/a
iShares Emerging Markets IMI Equity Index BGL0083AU starstarstar Equity Emerging Markets 5.94% 12.02% 5.33%
iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF (AU) starstarstar Equity Emerging Markets 6.86% 15.22% 4.71%
iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ex China ETF Not Rated Equity Emerging Markets 1.69% n/a n/a
JANA Emerging Markets Share Trust CHN6433AU Not Rated Equity Emerging Markets 6.97% 16.81% n/a
JPMorgan EM Markets Rsrh Enhanced Index Equities Act ETF Not Rated Equity Emerging Markets 7.41% 15.34% n/a
Lazard Emerging Markets Equity (I Class) LAZ0003AU starstarstarstar Equity Emerging Markets 8.45% 16.90% 12.01%
Macquarie True Index Emerging Markets MAQ0837AU starstarstar Equity Emerging Markets 6.91% 14.68% 5.34%
Martin Currie Emerging Markets A ETL0201AU starstarstar Equity Emerging Markets 6.52% 11.71% 1.70%
Martin Currie Emerging Markets M SSB2434AU starstar Equity Emerging Markets 6.56% 11.90% 1.93%
Martin Currie Emerging Markets X SSB5404AU starstar Equity Emerging Markets 6.74% 12.68% 2.64%
Mercer Emerging Markets Shares Fund MIN0037AU starstarstar Equity Emerging Markets 7.18% 12.58% 4.63%
Mercer Passive Emerging Markets Shares NCL0008AU starstar Equity Emerging Markets 6.55% 14.47% 5.04%
MFS Emerging Markets Equity Trust ETL0334AU starstarstarstar Equity Emerging Markets 8.70% 28.28% 9.89%
Microequities Emerging Companies Value MIC0004AU star Equity Emerging Markets 0.89% -9.19% -5.44%
MyNorth Emerging Markets Index IPA9989AU Not Rated Equity Emerging Markets 7.01% 14.95% n/a
Ninety One Australian Fds Emerging Markets Equities I INV1488AU starstarstarstar Equity Emerging Markets 8.30% 20.92% 6.82%
Ninety One Australian Fds Emerging Markets Equities J INV4233AU starstarstarstar Equity Emerging Markets 8.39% 21.31% 7.15%
Northcape Capital Global Emerging Markets NCP0001AU starstarstarstar Equity Emerging Markets 4.40% 3.79% 3.80%
OA - OnePath Global EM Shares MMF2835AU starstarstar Equity Emerging Markets 4.45% 14.64% 4.36%
OA Frontier TTR - OptiMix Global EM Shares MMF8231AU starstar Equity Emerging Markets 3.41% 14.19% 4.12%
OnePath Integra - OnePath Global Emerging Markets Shares MMF0450AU starstar Equity Emerging Markets -8.09% -21.34% -2.11%
OnePath Integra - Optimix Global Balanced Emerging Markets MMF1149AU starstar Equity Emerging Markets -9.43% -20.11% -2.77%

51 - 75 of 112 results

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