Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
Flinders Emerging Companies A ETL0444AU star Equity Australia Mid/Small Growth -4.40% -1.68% -3.84%
Flinders Emerging Companies B ETL0449AU star Equity Australia Mid/Small Growth -4.44% -1.91% -4.21%
Forager Australian Shares Ordinary FHT0009AU starstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 4.75% 26.01% 8.40%
Futurity Sectoral Active Responsible Invm 2 SA8 FIG1790AU Not Rated Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend -1.68% 8.52% n/a
Ganes Focused Value GCM0001AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend -6.14% -10.26% 5.52%
Generation DNR Capital Australian Emerging Com ALL0024AU star Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend -5.29% 8.78% 2.59%
Generation Investors Mutual Future Leaders ALL0003AU Not Rated Equity Australia Mid/Small Value 0.36% 9.04% 4.60%
Generation Perpetual ESG Australian Share ALL0023AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Value 0.90% 6.12% 6.62%
Hayborough Opportunities HAY1035AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 0.33% 10.58% 5.86%
Hyperion Small Growth Companies BNT0101AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Growth -4.65% 16.99% 16.07%
ICE Fund ETL0062AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Growth -1.91% 11.80% 4.49%
Infinity SMID Australian Equity DAM3303AU Not Rated Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 1.20% 14.13% n/a
Infinity SMID Australian Equity E FSF7661AU Not Rated Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend n/a n/a n/a
Intelligent Investor Ethical Share ETF starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Growth 1.49% 4.19% 6.55%
Invesco Wholesale Australian Smaller Companies - Class A CNA0812AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend -3.26% 7.78% 5.67%
Invesco Wholesale Australian Smaller Companies - Class R GTU0096AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend -3.27% 7.73% 5.49%
Investors Mutual Small Capital IML0006AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Value -0.17% 12.24% 6.68%
Investors Mutual Wholesale Australian Smaller Companies IML0001AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Value -0.14% 14.21% 7.48%
Investors Mutual Wholesale Future Leaders IML0003AU starstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Value 0.21% 11.17% 6.00%
IOOF WB Australian Shares Emerging Leaders - Ausbil IOF0244AU Not Rated Equity Australia Mid/Small Growth -2.85% 9.03% 3.62%
IOOF WB Smaller Companies - Perennial IOF0132AU Not Rated Equity Australia Mid/Small Value -3.11% 2.47% -3.18%
Ironbark Renaissance Australian Sm Comp PAT0002AU starstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend -2.20% 6.24% 0.69%
Ironbark Renaissance Wholesale Plus Australian Small Companies BTA0477AU star Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend -2.13% 6.85% 1.23%
iShares S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries ETF starstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend -1.62% 6.24% 1.55%
JANA Small Caps Australian Share Trust CHN0336AU Not Rated Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 0.50% 10.20% n/a

126 - 150 of 302 results

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