Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
PIMCO Australian Bond Active ETF PIC4405AU Not Rated Bonds - Australia n/a n/a n/a
PIMCO Australian Bond E FSF9117AU Not Rated Bonds - Australia n/a n/a n/a
PIMCO Australian Bond Fund ETL0115AU starstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 2.01% 5.05% 0.75%
PIMCO Australian Bond Wholesale ETL0015AU starstarstar Bonds - Australia 1.99% 4.99% 0.70%
PIMCO Australian Low Duration Bond Fund ETL0175AU starstarstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 1.90% 5.43% 2.25%
PIMCO Australian Low Duration Bond Fund ETL0182AU starstarstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 1.88% 5.38% 2.21%
PIMCO Equities Australian Bond ETL0008AU starstarstarstar Bonds - Australia -2.17% 5.38% 4.64%
PIMCO Income Institutional PIC5683AU Not Rated Unconstrained Fixed Income 2.79% 7.42% n/a
PIMCO Income Wholesale ETL0458AU starstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 2.22% 7.29% 2.60%
PIMCO Target Return ETL0050AU starstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 3.10% 6.39% 5.58%
Realm Strategic Wholesale Income A AMT3151AU starstarstarstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 2.26% 10.15% 8.98%
Regal Private Credit Opportunities A RGL2448AU Not Rated Unconstrained Fixed Income 2.50% 10.54% n/a
Regal Private Credit Opportunities GenCl RGL8447AU Not Rated Unconstrained Fixed Income 2.37% 9.79% n/a
Reservoir Global Multi-asset Credit Fund NCC2253AU Not Rated Unconstrained Fixed Income 1.52% 2.96% n/a
RL Insurance Bond Ser IV - Australian Fixed Interest CML0188AU starstarstar Bonds - Australia 1.23% 2.98% -0.40%
RL Investment Bond 5/93 - Fixed Interest (G) PRU0602AU star Bonds - Australia 1.15% 2.66% -0.71%
RL Living Money - Fixed Interest Fund LGL0492AU starstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 1.34% 12.89% 2.49%
RMC Enhanced Income EVO7097AU Not Rated Unconstrained Fixed Income 2.16% 11.78% n/a
Roadnight Capital Diversified Income RNC8437AU Not Rated Unconstrained Fixed Income 2.72% 12.30% -5.30%
Russell Australian Bond A RIM0005AU starstarstar Bonds - Australia 1.84% 4.37% 0.29%
Russell Investment Australian Government Bond ETF starstar Bonds - Australia 1.50% 3.27% -1.22%
Russell Investment Australian Semi-Government Bond ETF starstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 1.77% 4.24% 1.17%
Schroder Australian Investment Grade Credit - IC SCH0044AU starstarstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 2.25% 7.31% 3.00%
Schroder Fixed Income Fund - CC SCH6618AU starstarstar Bonds - Australia 2.12% 5.58% 0.69%
Schroder Fixed Income Fund - IC SCH0046AU starstarstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 2.18% 5.86% 0.96%

351 - 375 of 416 results

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