Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
Schroder Real Estate Debt SCH6206AU Not Rated Mortgages 2.28% 10.21% 7.91%
Smarter Money Assisted Investor Class CRE0014AU starstarstarstar Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 1.45% 5.88% 4.42%
Smarter Money Institutional Investor CRE0015AU starstarstarstar Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 1.46% 5.92% 4.54%
Spire Wholesale Alternative Income No.1 (AUD) SPI0001AU Not Rated Non Investment Grade Debt 8.59% -13.21% -4.44%
Switzer Higher Yield ETF Not Rated Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 0.59% 2.43% n/a
T. Rowe Price Global High Income I ETL0793AU starstar Non Investment Grade Debt 2.04% 9.58% 3.40%
T. Rowe Price Global High Income S ETL8226AU starstar Non Investment Grade Debt 2.01% 9.43% 3.39%
TPT Fixed Term TPT0001AU Not Rated Mortgages n/a n/a n/a
TPT Long-term TPT0002AU Not Rated Mortgages n/a n/a n/a
TPT Select Mortgage TPT0003AU Not Rated Mortgages n/a n/a n/a
Trilogy Monthly Income Trust TGY0003AU starstarstarstar Mortgages Aggressive 1.99% 8.31% 7.41%
UBS Short-term Fixed Income Fund SBC0812AU starstarstar Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 1.31% 5.15% 3.87%
VanEck Australian Sbdntd Dbt ETF starstarstarstar Non Investment Grade Debt 1.67% 6.94% 5.24%
VanEck Bentham Global Capital Securities Active ETF starstar Non Investment Grade Debt 2.00% 8.60% 3.33%
Western Asset Conservative Income A SSB0131AU starstarstar Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 1.23% 5.23% 3.92%
Western Asset Conservative Income X JPM0100AU starstarstarstar Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 1.29% 5.50% 4.18%
Wingate Property Senior Debt Feeder WGT7019AU Not Rated Mortgages 2.19% 9.16% 6.82%
Zagga Credit Fund ZIA1670AU Not Rated Mortgages Aggressive 2.33% 10.11% n/a

126 - 143 of 143 results

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