Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
Invesco Wholesale Senior Secured Income CNA0805AU starstarstar Non Investment Grade Debt 1.38% 5.84% 4.63%
iShares Enhanced Cash ETF starstarstar Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 1.17% 4.74% 3.62%
iShares Global High Yield Bond AUDH ETF starstar Non Investment Grade Debt 2.09% 8.48% 3.77%
KC Diversified Income KCL4613AU Not Rated Mortgages 1.96% 7.39% 7.71%
KeyInvest LEB - Pendal ShortTerm Income Securities IOF8546AU Not Rated Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 0.87% 3.33% n/a
KeyInvest LEB - Russell Investment Australian Cash IOF0142AU Not Rated Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 0.68% 2.69% 1.94%
KKR Global Credit Opportunities (AUD) A CHN2049AU Not Rated Non Investment Grade Debt 1.21% 8.59% n/a
KKR Global Credit Opportunities (AUD) B CHN2216AU Not Rated Non Investment Grade Debt 1.22% 8.49% n/a
KKR Global Credit Opportunities (AUD) C CHN4364AU Not Rated Non Investment Grade Debt 1.18% 8.33% n/a
La Trobe Australian Cr 90 Day Ntc Acnt LTC9067AU Not Rated Mortgages Aggressive 1.33% 5.54% 4.62%
La Trobe Australian Credit 2 Year Account LTC7657AU Not Rated Mortgages Aggressive 1.73% 7.09% 6.11%
La Trobe Australian Credit 4 Year Account MFL0001AU Not Rated Mortgages 2.13% 8.76% 7.59%
La Trobe Australian Credit 6 Months Ntc Account LTC4034AU Not Rated Mortgages Aggressive 1.40% 5.84% 4.78%
La Trobe Australian Credit Select Investment Account MFL0002AU Not Rated Mortgages Aggressive 2.20% 9.08% 8.50%
La Trobe Classic Notice Account LTC0001AU starstarstarstar Mortgages Aggressive 1.26% 5.22% 4.29%
La Trobe Financial 12 Month Term Account LTC0002AU starstarstarstarstar Mortgages Aggressive 1.70% 6.95% 6.06%
LIB - Pendal Short-term Income LIF0123AU Not Rated Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 0.83% 3.24% 2.38%
Lifeplan FlexiGrowth - High Yield Option LIF0018AU starstar Non Investment Grade Debt n/a n/a n/a
Lifeplan TaxSmart - High Yield Option LIF0021AU Not Rated Non Investment Grade Debt 1.20% 4.80% n/a
Loomis Sayles Senior Floating Rate Loan IAM0006AU starstar Non Investment Grade Debt 1.18% 6.90% 5.89%
MA Secured Real Estate Income MAA6243AU Not Rated Mortgages 1.93% 8.73% 8.29%
Macquarie Australian Diversified Income Fund MAQ0204AU starstarstarstarstar Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 1.50% 5.94% 4.28%
Macquarie Conservative Income MAQ0060AU starstar Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 1.17% 4.73% 3.62%
Macquarie Global Yield Maximiser MAQ6971AU Not Rated Non Investment Grade Debt n/a n/a n/a
Macquarie Global Yield Maximiser Wholesale Units MAQ9345AU Not Rated Non Investment Grade Debt n/a n/a n/a

51 - 75 of 143 results

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