Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
188 Universal Accnt 188 Crp Bond Trust High Yield Not Rated Non Investment Grade Debt 1.13% 3.42% 3.81%
AIMS Commercial Mortgage Ord Units MCK0008AU starstarstar Mortgages 1.17% 4.83% 3.59%
AIMS Commercial Mortgage Retail NAB0020AU starstarstar Mortgages 1.11% 4.58% 3.44%
AIMS Commercial Mortgage Wholesale MCK0005AU starstarstarstar Mortgages 1.28% 5.24% 3.96%
Alceon Real Estate Corp Snr Mstr Ord ARM4395AU Not Rated Mortgages Aggressive 2.58% 10.98% 10.57%
Altius Sustainable Short-term Income Ord AUS0079AU starstarstarstar Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 1.44% 5.86% 4.39%
Altius Sustainable Short-term Income Return AUS1392AU starstarstarstar Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 1.40% 5.75% 4.29%
AltX Credit C - Senior Debt ATX2244AU Not Rated Mortgages 28.59% n/a n/a
Antipodes Asia Income Fund MAQ0782AU starstar Non Investment Grade Debt 2.62% 7.86% 2.61%
ANZ Fixed Income Fund MMF2134AU starstar Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 1.94% 5.38% 1.07%
ANZ Mortgage ANZ0129AU Not Rated Mortgages 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
ANZ Mortgage Series 2 ANZ0079AU Not Rated Mortgages 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
ANZ OneAnswer - Investment Portfolio - OnePath Mortgage NE ANZ0359AU Not Rated Mortgages 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Aquasia Short-term Income Institutional AQU0535AU Not Rated Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 1.41% 6.38% n/a
Aquasia Short-term Income Ordinary AQU7324AU Not Rated Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 1.39% 6.29% n/a
Ares Global Credit Income A HOW4476AU starstarstar Non Investment Grade Debt 1.57% 8.01% 5.16%
Ares Global Credit Income P HOW9204AU Not Rated Non Investment Grade Debt 1.75% 9.18% n/a
Australia Pacific Pooled APM8830AU Not Rated Mortgages 0.02% -7.37% n/a
Australian Ethical Defensive Sup AUG0103AU starstar Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 1.13% 4.17% 3.00%
Australian Ethical Income Wholesale AUG0024AU starstarstar Australian Short Term Fixed Interest 1.29% 5.07% 3.74%
Balmain Opportunity Trust A CMC2251AU Not Rated Mortgages Aggressive 2.38% 9.66% 8.57%
Barings Funds Feeder Trust BCA0003AU Not Rated Non Investment Grade Debt -0.19% 1.92% -1.43%
Barwon First Mortgage BAR8707AU Not Rated Mortgages Aggressive 2.10% 8.92% 8.24%
Bass Property Credit L BSS6324AU Not Rated Mortgages 0.78% 6.96% 8.86%
Bass Property Credit M BSS2638AU Not Rated Mortgages 2.43% 8.27% 9.72%

1 - 25 of 143 results

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