Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
10Invest Vanguard Australian Shares Index Fund LIF4909AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend -1.96% 6.58% 6.66%
10Invest Vanguard Balanced Index LIF3239AU starstarstar Multisector Balanced 0.55% 6.50% 3.47%
10Invest Vanguard Conservative Index LIF4263AU starstarstar Multisector Moderate 0.61% 5.08% 2.11%
10Invest Vanguard Growth Index LIF7241AU starstarstarstarstar Multisector Growth 0.53% 7.94% 5.20%
10Invest Vanguard International Shares Index Fund LIF9015AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 3.69% 15.22% 11.42%
180 Queen Street Mall Property Trust INVEST038 Not Rated n/a n/a n/a
1851 Emerging Companies PIM5565AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 0.89% 14.41% 6.92%
188 ECT Capital Stable NNL Series 1 May 2021 Not Rated Miscellaneous -0.59% 2.13% -0.57%
188 Universal Accnt 188 Crp Bond Trust High Yield Not Rated Non Investment Grade Debt 1.13% 3.42% 3.81%
188 Universal Accnt RAM Dvrs Fixed Income Not Rated Unconstrained Fixed Income 0.92% 4.49% 3.47%
188 Universal Account 188 Em Companies Trust Not Rated Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend -1.95% 14.80% -5.17%
333 Exhibition Street Property Ordinary PLL2183AU Not Rated Unlisted and Direct Property 0.00% -5.26% -4.03%
442 Capital Emerging Companies Fund FFT0505AU Not Rated Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend -2.89% 21.05% n/a
4D Global Infrastructure AUD Hedged BFL3306AU Not Rated Equity Global Infrastructure - Currency Hedged -2.83% 6.07% n/a
4D Global Infrastructure Fund (Unhedged) BFL0019AU starstar Equity Global Infrastructure 1.44% 7.82% 8.17%
5AM Capital Global Equity A GCL3663AU Not Rated Equity World Large Growth 12.66% 18.78% n/a
60 Margaret Street Sydney Equities Trust Ord AM05305AU Not Rated Unlisted and Direct Property 0.00% 1.34% n/a
AAM Agri Access PIM1522AU Not Rated Miscellaneous 0.90% 5.89% n/a
AAM Diversified Agriculture AAL7312AU Not Rated Miscellaneous 0.59% 6.55% 2.00%
AAM Diversified Agriculture Oprting Trust AAL9042AU Not Rated Miscellaneous 7.45% 41.87% -6.31%
AAM Diversified Agriculture Rl Asset Trust AAL7743AU Not Rated Miscellaneous 0.17% 4.77% 3.16%
AB Concentrated Australian Equities Fund ACM0005AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Value 1.24% 9.67% 9.10%
AB Dynamic Global Fixed Income ACM0001AU starstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 1.47% 6.02% 3.16%
AB Global Equities ACM0009AU starstar Equity World Large Blend 6.24% 18.46% 12.60%
AB Global Strategic Core Equities Fund ACM3679AU Not Rated Equity World Large Blend 6.73% n/a n/a

1 - 25 of 24318 results

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