Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
Colonial FirstChoice Wholesale Personal Super - PM Capital Global Companies FSF0837AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 5.86% 20.65% 13.09%
Colonial FirstChoice Wholesale Personal Super - Royal London Conservative Global Share FSF0628AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 8.02% 24.84% 18.60%
Colonial FirstChoice Wholesale Personal Super - RQI Global Value FSF1005AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Value 8.45% 23.28% 12.22%
Colonial FirstChoice Wholesale Personal Super - Stewart Investment Ww Leaders Sustainability FSF0621AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 8.22% 20.98% 10.35%
Colonial FirstChoice Wholesale Personal Super - T. Rowe Price Global Equity FSF0626AU starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 8.33% 26.30% 8.48%
Colonial Geared Index Global Share FSF5688AU starstarstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 20.27% 57.68% 22.00%
Colonial Global Share FSF0489AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 11.21% 31.01% 12.20%
Colonial Managed Investment Funds - Global Tech & Comm FSF0144AU starstarstar Equity Global Technology 14.51% 41.48% 16.63%
Colonial Managed Investment Funds - Stewart Investment Ww Leaders Sustainability FSF0048AU starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 9.12% 23.02% 11.22%
Colonial Wellington Global Tech & Comm FSF0143AU starstarstarstar Equity Global Technology 14.53% 41.55% 16.63%
Colonial Wholesale Indexed Global Share CFM0405AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 9.93% 27.67% 12.66%
Cooper Investors Global Equities Fund (Unhedged) CIP0003AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 12.08% 23.23% 8.87%
CVW WF - CLAL Index International Shares Pension CVW0031AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 9.05% 25.91% 12.77%
CVW WF - CLAL Index International Shares Sup CVW0016AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 9.14% 24.80% 12.00%
Dimensional Global Core Equity Trust DFA0004AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 9.28% 25.53% 12.70%
Dimensional Global Large Company Trust DFA0105AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 10.13% 27.64% 14.10%
Dimensional Global Sustainability Trust Unhedged DFA0041AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 10.17% 27.76% 13.11%
Dimensional Global Value Active ETF starstarstarstar Equity World Large Value 7.96% 23.37% 13.32%
Dimsnl Global Cor Equities Trust (UnH Cl) - Active ETF starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 9.28% 25.52% 12.69%
DSM Global Growth Equity Fund Retail ETL0410AU starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 10.80% 30.60% 10.58%
DSM Global Growth Equity Institutional ETL0199AU starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 10.87% 30.94% 10.78%
ELM Responsible Investments Global Fund ELM2449AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 21.47% 33.87% 14.01%
Epoch Global Equities Shareholder Yield Fund Unhedged GSF0002AU starstarstar Equity World Large Value 5.81% 22.68% 11.47%
Epoch Global Equities Shareholder Yield Unhedged B GSF3876AU starstarstar Equity World Large Value 5.88% 23.07% 11.81%
EQT Eight Bays Global ETW3547AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 11.54% 30.87% 12.67%

176 - 200 of 484 results

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