Listed Investment Companies

Search Results

Code Security Name Category Market Cap
Price MER Yield NAV
(post tax)
NAV Date Prem/Disc
NTA (%)
PL8 Plato Income Maximiser Limited Equity - Australia $936.00 $1.24 0.80% 5.50% $1.07 31/05/2023 16.00% No
PGF PM Capital Global Opportunities Fund Limited Equity - Global $1,096.00 $2.27 1.00% 5.40% $1.63 26/05/2023 39.26% Yes
RYD Ryder Capital Limited Equity - Australia Small/Mid Cap $100.00 $1.22 1.25% 8.70% $1.23 30/04/2023 -0.48% Yes
SNC Sandon Capital Investments Limited Equity - Australia Small/Mid Cap $114.00 $0.79 1.25% 7.90% $0.78 31/03/2023 0.88% Yes
SEC Spheria Emerging Companies Limited Equity - Australia Small/Mid Cap $135.00 $2.23 1.00% 5.90% $2.22 31/05/2023 0.36% Yes
GVF Staude Capital Global Value Fund Limited Equity - Global $212.00 $1.25 n/a 6.60% $1.16 30/04/2023 7.58% No
TOP Thorney Opportunities Ltd Equity - Australia Strategy $117.00 $0.65 n/a 4.70% $0.69 30/04/2023 -6.39% n/a
TEK Thorney Technologies Ltd Equity - Global Strategy $53.00 $0.14 0.75% 0.00% $0.32 30/04/2023 -55.97% Yes
VG1 VGI Partners Global Investments Limited Equity - Global $560.00 $1.99 1.50% 5.80% $2.01 31/05/2023 -1.00% Yes
WAA WAM Active Limited Equity - Australia Strategy $68.00 $0.90 1.00% 7.90% $0.83 30/04/2023 8.85% Yes
WAM WAM Capital Limited Equity - Australia $1,798.00 $1.61 1.00% 10.00% $1.55 30/04/2023 3.64% Yes
WLE WAM Leaders Limited Equity - Australia $1,872.00 $1.38 1.00% 6.60% $1.40 30/04/2023 -1.43% Yes
WMI WAM Microcap Limited Equity - Australia Small/Mid Cap $428.00 $1.56 1.00% 7.20% $1.28 30/04/2023 21.59% Yes
WAX WAM Research Limited Equity - Australia Small/Mid Cap $245.00 $1.20 1.00% 9.20% $0.98 30/04/2023 21.91% Yes
WQG WCM Global Growth Limited Equity - Global Strategy $287.00 $1.61 1.25% 5.20% $1.34 31/05/2023 19.60% Yes
WHF Whitefield Industrials Limited Equity - Australia $660.00 $5.62 0.35% 4.00% $4.69 30/04/2023 19.83% No
ZER Zeta Resources Limited Equity - Global $117.00 $0.22 0.50% 0.00% $0.37 30/04/2023 -41.22% Yes

51 - 67 of 67 results

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