InvestSMART and Rask Invest launch first portfolios

Rask Invest will initially offer three portfolios via the InvestSMART platform.
By · 15 Apr 2024
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15 Apr 2024 · 5 min read
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15 April 2024, Sydney, Australia: InvestSMART Group Limited (ASX: INV) (InvestSMART) and The Rask Group Pty Ltd, have launched and funded their first portfolios under the InvestSMART white label.  

Rask Invest will initially offer three strategies: passive income, growth and high growth, via the InvestSMART platform. The Rask Invest portfolios had a waiting list of over 600 interested investors and have recently been opened to a select group of individuals.  

Ron Hodge, InvestSMART CEO said:  

"We see our technology stack as robo advice 2.0. A further step in democratising retail investors' access to professionally managed investment portfolios, without the hefty fees charged by traditional fund managers. 

"The platform is not just a rebrand of InvestSMART portfolios. Our aim is to empower advisers, stockbrokers and financial institutions to create and manage their own ETF portfolios, using InvestSMART's technology for compliance, trading and administration. 

"With 49% of investors aged between 25 and 49 years old1, there is a broad demographic who either can't afford professional advice, or don't see the value in it, but should have some of their investments professionally managed. 

"Wealth management is changing. Firms need to innovate with technology to ensure they capture the trust and imagination of future investing generations." 

Owen Rask, Rask's Founder said:  

"Over the past six years, we have built a 200,000 strong community of highly engaged investors. 

"Our community is diverse in terms of age, net wealth and investing experience, but share a desire for trusted investing information and guidance.  

"While it is early days, we're really excited by the initial traction, which has reinforced the InvestSMART Rask proposition that can be leveraged by all types of investors. 

"Given the transparency, security of assets held on HIN and scalability, so far, it is proving very popular with direct investors via their SMSF, family trusts or even kids accounts. 

"We've also begun to engage with very high-quality financial advisers, who are eager to outsource select clients to a trusted investment partner who can automate the client's investment journey.​  

"We're excited to bring to market a culmination of the best lessons we've learn​ed from hundreds of expert guests, fantastic technology and our own professional investing."  

 Unique features of the InvestSMART platform include:   

  • Advisers / brokers can create and manage their own ETF portfolios, using InvestSMART's proprietary technology for compliance, trading and administration.  

  • HIN based. Unlike other white label platforms investors have full legal ownership of the underlying assets.  

  • For stock broking clients, InvestSMART can execute trades via the stockbroker. This means the stockbroker can receive fees on FUM and brokerage.  

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