Women's Superannuation: Catching up is hard to do

Any time out of the workforce requires a big financial effort to catch up.
By · 15 Sep 2017
By ·
15 Sep 2017
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Summary: All Australians now have the opportunity to catch up on making concessional super contributions. But taking time out of the workforce makes it very hard to catch up afterwards.

Key take-out: A 10-year career break requires 20 years of double superannuation contributions to retire with the same superannuation balance as someone who had not taken a break.

Women often take time away from their job to raise a family, sometimes for many years.

In doing so, as well as losing regular income they also miss out on regular employer superannuation contributions – which is the biggest single reason behind the widening gap in retirement savings between men and women.

New rules come into effect from July 1, 2018 that offer all Australians the opportunity to “catch up” on missed annual superannuation contributions, for up to five years, provided their balance is below $500,000.

Any legislative initiative that helps people build an adequate superannuation nest egg is a positive, but let's look into what needs to be done to catch up on missed super.

The bottom line: a long career break requires many years of doubled superannuation contributions to retire with the same superannuation balance as someone who had not taken a break.

We go through some more detailed numbers below to explain how a catch-up strategy can work, but a sensible approach is to put in more than the minimum contribution before taking a break if possible so your retirement balance is already ahead of the average.

Building a model

Any sort of model is only as good as its input, which makes it important to understand the basis of the calculation.  In this model it has been assumed that the worker:

  • Works for 40 years (say from age 22 to 62).
  • Has superannuation contributions that equals to 9.5 per cent of their income, less 15 per cent contributions tax.
  • Their superannuation fund earns a rate of 4 per cent after fees and inflation.
  • For the first 13 years of their working life earns an income equal to 80 per cent of AWOTE (average weekly ordinary time earnings, currently $1543 a week). Then, for the next 13 years they earn AWOTE, and for the last 14 years of their working life they earn 120 per cent of AWOTE.  This gives us an age earnings profile consistent with evidence that people tend to increase their income over a working lifetime.

To keep all figures in today's dollars, we will use an after-inflation rate of return for the superannuation fund, and assume that contributions increase with inflation.

The average superannuation case

The first point is to look at the retirement balance of the worker after 40 years. Given the inputs above, the worker will retire with $589,000 in superannuation in today's money. If this were one member of a couple with equal superannuation balances, it would be reasonable to suggest that they were on track for a comfortable retirement – particularly if they planned to make some extra superannuation contributions as they got closer to retirement.

The model is very sensitive to the rate of earnings. If the earnings rate of the fund is increased to 6 per cent per annum after inflation, the ending balance increases to a far more impressive $930,000. However, I think 4 per cent per annum after inflation and taxes is a more realistic return. As a benchmark, the Future Fund looks for a 4.5 per cent - 5.5 per cent return after inflation. Taking into account the 15 per cent tax on superannuation earnings in a worker's superannuation fund, I think 4 per cent is a reasonable approximation.

What about after a career break?

The next step is to calculate the cost of a career break, and to consider the impact this has on a person's final superannuation balance.

It has been assumed that after eight years' work the person has a break of either five years or 10 years. This has two effects on the superannuation balance.  The first, and most direct, is that for that period of time there are no contributions being made. 

The second is that the person is taking much longer to graduate through the three levels of pay that we have set up in the model (80 per cent of AWOTE, then AWOTE, then 120 per cent of AWOTE), as a break may slow a person's career advancement.

The following table illustrates the impact of a five-year and 10-year break after eight years of working on ending superannuation balances.

A 10-year career break after eight years of work leads to a 34 per cent reduction in the final superannuation balance.

Is it possible to catch up?

The new superannuation rules are encouraging people to catch up with superannuation contributions, and the rules now allowing employees to make tax deductible personal contributions makes getting money into superannuation easier than ever.

The question is; what if a person wanted to make additional superannuation contributions to catch up to where they might have been if they had not had the career break?

For this part of the calculations, it has been assumed that the person looking to catch up on contributions has the ability to double the rate at which they are contributing to superannuation. 

Following a five-year career break, it then takes eight years of doubling a person's superannuation contributions to then get back to the final balance of $589,000.

Following a 10-year career break, it then takes 20 years of doubling a person's superannuation contributions to get back to the final balance of $589,000.

The harsh reality is that reducing superannuation contributions early in a working lifetime makes it a significant effort to catch up later on, because the compounding effect of earnings in the superannuation fund is significantly slowed down. 

Another way to look at this is that for a person who works through the 40 years, they have contributed $260,000 to end up with their $589,000 balance.  For the person who took the 10-year career break, they have had to contribute $308,000 into their superannuation account to end up with the same final balance. 


We should always be aware of the limitations of models – for example the assumption of a steady superannuation investment return of 4 per cent after fees and taxes is highly unrealistic, albeit a justifiable estimate.

We know in reality there will be negative years and strongly positive years. That said, it is interesting to put together a long-term model of what we might expect from superannuation given the current 9.5 per cent contributions rate.

Broadly, for someone working on the average income over a 40-year working lifetime, superannuation looks like it will be a significant asset, but one that will need some help to fund a comfortable retirement.

If we turn our thoughts to the issue of a having a period of time when no superannuation contributions are being made, for either five or 10 years, we see that it has a significantly negative impact on the final superannuation balance.

To stay even, an individual will have to double their contributions for eight years to catch up after a five-year career break, and for 20 years to catch up after a 10-year career break.

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