The unreformed world economy is skipping along on a wing and a prayer

The West struck a Faustian bargain with China in the 1990s and early 2000s. Manufacturing jobs would be outsourced to east Asia in exchange for cheap goods coming in the other direction. That was bad for Western production workers, good for consumers.
By · 21 May 2011
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21 May 2011
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The West struck a Faustian bargain with China in the 1990s and early 2000s. Manufacturing jobs would be outsourced to east Asia in exchange for cheap goods coming in the other direction. That was bad for Western production workers, good for consumers.

Now it transpires China's growth miracle is not especially good for Western consumers either. The rise in global commodity prices stimulated by China's overheating economy is making fuel, food and industrial goods dearer, thus squeezing living standards.

The picture is complicated by the fact that the boom in commodities creates winners and losers. Countries pumping oil or mining metals are enjoying booms on the back of strong growth in China and India.

China's imports from Australia, Latin America and Africa were almost 50 per cent higher in the first quarter this year than a year earlier. The flipside is that China is running stonking trade surpluses with the US, Britain and the eurozone, worth $US361 billion

($338 billion) in the year to April.

Beijing argues that China's trade surplus is well down on the peak in the year to March 2009, but that is only because its refusal to allow its currency to appreciate more rapidly has led to global commodity prices rising fast.

That has added to China's import bill and stoked inflationary pressures in emerging and developed nations.

But it would be wrong to pin all the blame on China for volatility in commodity prices. Part of the recent oil price rise has been caused by the unrest in North Africa and the Middle East, which has added a risk premium of perhaps $US20 a barrel to crude prices.

Western policymakers did not have to base their economic strategies on unsustainable consumer booms they did not have to deregulate markets so that the upward trend in commodity prices justified by economic fundamentals (the growth in the emerging world) has been accentuated by the use of derivatives to speculate in futures markets.

They could have been careful with quantitative easing to ensure the newly created money was used as seed capital for productive enterprise rather than as casino chips. They could have come to an agreement to use buffer stocks to limit price movements or been more creative with the use of strategic reserves of oil a public announcement that stocks were being run down would have burned the fingers of the speculators given the highly leveraged nature of trading.

Clearly lessons have not been learned from the mistakes of the recent past. Commodities are the new asset-backed securities. The imbalances in the global economy are as glaring as they were in 2006 and early 2007. Financial markets have not been reformed and there is once again the assumption that things will all work out well in the end.

Perhaps they will. Looked at in one way, the recent performance of the global economy has been impressive. The hope is that central banks and finance ministries will continue to muddle through. China has been using a mixture of price controls and modest rises

in interest rates as it seeks to bring down

inflation without causing a hard landing.

The US has been pumped up with cheap money and large budget deficits the trick for the Federal Reserve is to remove the stimulus without triggering a double-dip recession.

This all sounds uncomfortably reminiscent of the Goldilocks scenario - not too hot and not too cold but just right. For it to transpire, commodity prices have to ease gently, reducing inflationary pressure and thus making life less complicated for policymakers.

If they come down rapidly, the Chinese trade surplus will rise as the cost of imports goes down. Unless the authorities in Beijing are prepared to allow the renminbi to float, which they are not, they will have to intervene in the currency markets, but this will make it harder to slow credit growth at home and makes a boom and bust more likely.

If, on the other hand, commodity prices continue to rise, central banks everywhere will come under pressure to raise rates.

A sharp correction in commodity prices looks the likelier option in the short term. Every bubble in recent years has had its signature deal that marks the point when the frenzy peaks. This month the Swiss commodity trader Glencore will float, and it would come as no surprise to see the event overshadowed by a crash in commodity markets. This, lest we forget, is a global economy still in rehab.

There are good reasons to believe the trend in commodities is up. But upward trends always have dislocations and this looks one of those moments. Rarely has the old adage "sell in May and go away" seemed more apposite.

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