The Newest Tax Effective Superannuation Contribution
Over the last couple of years, there has been a new option for making superannuation contributions – employees are now able to make extra superannuation contributions (personal contributions) and claim a tax deduction for them.
Previously this was only an option for people who were considered self-employed. This strategy gives employed people a third tax effective way of adding money to superannuation, in addition to their employer contributions and any salary sacrifice arrangements that they might have in place.
As we come to the end of the financial year, it is a good time to be reflecting on the value of this strategy. At the end of the financial year there is often a flurry of tax planning, from charitable donations to prepaying interest on tax-deductible loans, and making a tax-deductible contribution to superannuation with surplus funds should be part of this discussion.
The Tax-Deductible Personal Contribution Strategy
Let’s use some figures to consider the value of this strategy, starting with a person who has $5,000 that they have saved and are considering using as a tax-deductible personal contribution to superannuation.
As a first step, they need to ensure that any personal contribution does not take their total tax-deductible superannuation contributions (employer contributions, salary sacrifice contributions and personal contributions where a tax deduction is claimed) above $25,000 this financial year. This $25,000 limit rises to $27,500 next financial year.
Let’s also assume that the person has a taxable income of $80,000, meaning their marginal tax rate is 32.5 per cent. As a benchmark, let’s consider two options. Option 1 sees them invest their $5,000 into a balanced fund in their own name over the next 20 years leading up to their retirement. Option 2 sees them invest the $5,000, plus tax saved, into their balanced superannuation investment over the next 20 years.
Assuming an average after-tax and fees earning rate of 5.5 per cent per annum, over 20 years the $5,000 invested in their own name will grow to $14,589, a tidy sum of money.
Let’s compare this with the superannuation alternative that uses a tax-deductible personal contribution.
The superannuation strategy has two tax effects. The first is that it reduces the taxable income of the person on a 32.5 per cent tax rate by $5,000, leading to a $1,625 tax refund/reduction in tax due. We will assume that the person is in a position to contribute both the $5,000 of saving and the $1,625 tax benefit to superannuation.
There is a second tax effect when the $5,000 and the $1625 tax refund/reduction are contributed to superannuation as there is a 15 per cent superannuation contributions tax to be paid, a total of $993.
After taking into account the tax refund from the contribution, and the superannuation contributions tax, the person starts with $5,631 in their superannuation account.
Investing earnings in the superannuation fund will be higher, because the investment tax rate in superannuation is only 15 per cent, compared to 32.5 per cent when they invested in their own name. This is likely to have an impact of about an increase in after-tax earning equal to an additional 1 per cent of returns per year, taking the earnings to 6.5 per cent per annum. The final balance after 20 years will be $19,843, an additional $5,250 or so.
We can judge for ourselves the value of the extra $5,250 in 20 years’ time, but given that the only difference between the two strategies is effective use of the lower tax superannuation environment, if you have surplus funds it is a strategy worth considering.
Putting the Strategy into Practice
Given we are so close to the end of the financial year, anyone looking to take advantage of this as a strategy will need to move quickly to ensure the contribution is received and acknowledged by their superannuation fund this financial year.
It is important to note that when contributing to your superannuation fund you can make a personal contribution and not claim a tax deduction for it or you can claim a tax deduction. For this strategy you want to claim the tax deduction. Your superannuation fund will be able to point you in the direction of the appropriate paperwork and process for making the contribution.
The Risks of the Strategy
There are a variety of risks with making superannuation contributions. A key one to be aware of is ‘legislative risk’, where future changes to superannuation rules might impact anything from taxation rates in superannuation to access rules.
Another key risk is that contributing money to superannuation means that it is not accessible, in complete contrast to an investment outside of superannuation which would be almost immediately available. This is important to consider.
Tax-Deductible Personal Contributions vs Salary Sacrifice for the 2022 Financial Year
For most people, the cash flows of either a salary sacrifice strategy or a strategy of making a tax-deductible superannuation contribution are very similar.
In both cases, the additional amount contributed to superannuation reduces your taxable income, and the contributions to superannuation face the 15 per cent contributions tax on their way into the superannuation fund.
It is likely to be a matter of personal choice as to which is the most effective strategy. Some employees have access to arrangements where an employer makes extra contributions alongside an employee’s salary sacrifice contributions – in these cases, the salary sacrifice arrangement has an additional benefit and is likely to be preferable.
Beyond this it is likely to come down to personal preference – does a regular amount taken out of your salary better suit? (salary sacrifice strategy), or would you rather wait to see what surplus funds are available at the end of the year and make a contribution then? (tax-deductible personal contribution).
For employees, the ability to make a tax-deductible personal contribution to superannuation has only been available for a few years. It is well worth keeping in mind as part of personal finance strategies if you have surplus funds that you are not likely to need prior to retirement. It is a simple way of getting funds into the tax effective environment of superannuation, while reducing your taxable income at the same time.