Redbubble continues to soar

With its share price up over 400 per cent year to date, Alex Gluyas catches up with the founder and CEO of Redbubble, Martin Hosking to discuss his reappointment to the top job in February, what's behind the company's huge growth this year, and what investors should look out for in the short-term.
By · 20 Oct 2020
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20 Oct 2020 · 5 min read
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Martin Hosking is the founder and interim CEO of Redbubble which is an online marketplace that sells independent artist designs on things such as t-shirts and homewares.

Martin had been chief executive at Redbubble for 8 years, so from 2010 until he stepped down in 2018, but he returned to be interim CEO in February this year when its share price was around $1.15. He’s done a great job since then, and like most online marketplaces, Redbubble has been a huge beneficiary from COVID with its share price now sitting at around $5.65, so up nearly 400 per cent since Martin took over.

I pick his brain about what’s behind their massive growth this year and Redbubble’s most recent quarterly update released on Thursday last week which tells us more about how much growth is to come and what investors should look out for.

Here’s Martin Hosking, the CEO of Redbubble. 

Table of contents
Cash situation
Redbubble & COVID
Share price performance
Changes made throughout the year
Early supply chain disruption 
Growth focus
Search for new CEO

Thanks for joining us Martin. We generally start these interviews talking about cash and your most recent update for the quarter ending September 30 reported a cash balance of $84.5 million compared to $58 million for the end of June. What do you attribute that $27.4 million increase in cash to? Has increasing your cash position been a focus given the current environment?

Not specifically. The increase in the cash follows from the fact that we, unlike most retailers, have negative working capital which means that we don't pay our fulfillers or the artists until after we've received the money and we don't hold any inventory. The faster we grow, the more cash we have on hand. The cash isn’t actually an outflow of accelerated growth, and the nature of our negative working capital. We have a very capital-light model both from a fixed capital base, but also from an inventory base because we hold no inventory, and so it follows from the fundamentals of the marketplace model.

You returned to the CEO role in February this year after stepping down in June 2018, I think it was. What was behind your and the board's decision for you to return as CEO this year?

The reason behind it was that the previous CEO there was had a different strategic orientation than the board had and so the decision was made that the best way to resolve that different strategic orientation was for me to come back. It is on an interim basis and clearly it sort of has been delayed somewhat by the COVID crisis.

You began that interim CEO role in February, which was just before kind of COVID lockdowns hit and the market crashing in March. How did you view the state of things at Redbubble in February when you started, and then through the onset of COVID in March?

When I started, I thought the fundamentals of the business were strong and indeed they were. I thought that we had a very solid, strong technology team. I think that the engagement with the artists was strong and we also had acquired TeePublic, and that was also a very solid acquisition. I thought the fundamentals of the business were there and my immediate orientation was to focus the business by doing slightly less than had been anticipated and embracing some of the strengths across the Group, particularly some of the strengths which TeePublic had had and so that was my immediate orientation. With the onset of COVID that changed slightly, but probably actually brought more emphasis on it rather than anything else.

And since you started earlier this year, Redbubble’s share price is up nearly 400 per cent to date. So how much of that do you attribute to changes you've made since you started in February and how much of that is COVID’s impact on online shopping?

It's a little bit hard to separate those two things as they have worked hand in hand. The way in which I think about COVID crisis is it has accelerated trends which were already underway and, in that sense, it's brought us forward. I was very confident of the business when I came in in February, I was very confident that if we focused on doing a smaller number of things, we could deploy our resources more efficiently, and we could also operate with a smaller operating capital expenditure less opex. So that has been important. I think the markets have rewarded us that we have been able to show the very strong growth while also demonstrating with a negligible operating expenditure growth. And so what the markets are seeing is, yes, this is a business which not only can grow strongly at the top line, but also can grow strongly at the bottom line. I think prior to my coming back, they had less confidence around that. Because we had not matched operating expenses to growth with strong growth in profitability. Now that's being seen, that's being reflected in the share price.

Could you pinpoint some of the changes that you have made since February. And whether there were things that were going to be changing anyway, or whether they were things that were directly in response to what's happened with COVID?

Yes, I can. I've tightly focused the business on four things. The first thing was leveraging skills across the group in bringing on artists. The artists and designers create the content on Redbubble. We've always been good at bringing them on, but we have not over recent years been so good at who is in the Redbubble marketplace, and differentiating those artists which create the most value. And so we’re leveraging the technology which TeePublic has to more directly market to artists and make sure that we are servicing the artists, which matter the most efficiently. So that's a change, which is showing significant benefit now. The second thing was that as a company, we'd also been historically quite good at low customer acquisition costs. We only spend about 11 per cent of total revenue on marketing, which is very low for an eCommerce player.

And the reason why we've been able to do that is because we've got strong on social marketing and also particularly strong in search engine optimisation. TeePublic had some real strengths there as well, and I was able to leverage those skills and strengths into Redbubble. Third and fourth things, recognising that increasing customer loyalty for us as a company is of primary importance and it's not something which requires a whole of company effort. The company now has embraced loyalty and improving loyalty as a primary strategic objective, in addition to the first two things. And in that context, the releasing of new products and making sure new products coming out, also appeal to the loyalty objective is a core focus for us as a company. It's a relatively small number of things which we are now focused on to drive growth in the marketplace.

Can you explain which areas of the business you've seen really benefit from this, that accelerated shift to online platforms you were talking about, and the geographies that are seeing the most growth?

The thing which has been both surprising in one way, but also gives me a great deal of confidence about the durability of the trend is that the shift has been across all products and all geographies for us as a company. Historically we had had apparel had been a primary source of growth for us as a company with COVID actually wall art and home furnishings have been really strong. Also within geographies the North American and European markets have grown slightly differently at different times, but overall the growth there has been strong and in Australia. So again, one of the things which I've focused on is I said, let's not worry about other geographies. We've got a billion customers within our core geographies and that's enough for us. And so we’re just focusing in on those core geographies with a limited expansion in our product range, and it has been strong growth across all geographies and all products for us as a company. I think that that gives me some degree of confidence about the resilience of the growth going forward.

Yeah, and that was going to be my next question was how much of this elevated growth is due to COVID? I mean, will it be sustainable if, touch wood, COVID does start to slow down over the next couple of years, do you feel like you'll be able to sustain this sort of growth?

I don't think anybody would think that they could sustain a 100 per cent year on year growth. That is when you're operating a marketplace approaching $500 million in sales that would be a big ask. But I do think that when we come off at the other side, we will have many more millions of customers will be exposed to the Redbubble brand. We will be marketing to many more millions of customers than we were historically and the marketplace itself will be much stronger and more resilient. I think we have got a high degree of confidence at the other side of the COVID crisis when it occurs and which, of course, we're all looking forward to, that online retailing and Redbubble’s place in online retail will be significantly stronger than it was going in. That is also the consensus of the analysts as well. Their surveys of customers have been - many analysts have done these surveys McKinsey, Bank of America and others - they are suggesting that customer behaviour has changed and that with more exposure to online, people are likely to, the online share has gone up overall.

And in your quarterly update, you referred to a positive adjustment to numbers because of delivery times, which are now back to normalised levels. Could you explain what sort of disruption you saw in the supply chain, or delivery of products to customers earlier on this year?

Yes, certainly. I was very concerned when COVID first hit in mid-March, my number one concern was whether or not the supply chain itself would be disrupted. It's worthwhile just reminding your listeners that Redbubble, the manufacturing is done by third party fulfillers and is done through a print on demand model. So an order comes in, it's then manufactured by one of our third party fulfillers and then delivered by them directly to the customer. Now we've been very fortunate that we currently have 41 fulfilment locations and manufacturing for Redbubble, for Redbubble artists specifically, and it's highly diverse. About 97 per cent of all products are close to the customers, manufactured within proximity, in the same geography as the customers. That gave us a resilience, which we needed, but we did lose some fulfillers. At various times a fulfilment location would be shut down and we were able to divert around it.

We certainly did see an increase in delivery times. That was primarily not because of the slow-down in fulfilment, though, that was because of a slow-down in the shipping and that has now caught up. But that was like a lot of folks, the shipping networks were getting jammed and we had to slow down. So that has caught up as I think the shipping networks, the postal networks have caught up now and are serving well.

Just looking at your investor presentation, your marketplace revenue, essentially your margin is up 116 per cent compared to the first quarter financial year, last year. Could you explain what's been behind that improvement as well? Has that been an area of focus?

Yes. So just the numbers as you go down through the P&L, the total revenue is the IFRS total revenue that includes the money which the artists earn through the marketplace. So last year, the artists earned $67 million through the marketplace but we don't see that money that goes directly to the artists. The marketplace revenue is, you’re quite right, is what we would think of as comparable is effectively our real revenue and we draw that out. It is up in line with the total revenue. So the difference between those two numbers haven't moved very much. And the overwhelming reason, as we came into the COVID crisis, our revenue was growing at circa a bit over 20 per cent per year. I mean, it's clearly a very healthy number. As we went through the COVID crisis that accelerated, and that drove the higher growth rate, particularly in the fourth quarter of last year and the first quarter of this year. The numbers you're referring to are the last two quarters.

It seems that this year, in particular, the last few months, have had that real growth focus and your marketing expenses are up compared to the same quarter last year. In your update, you mentioned artist and user acquisition as key initiatives to generate this growth. Are you planning to continue ramping up this paid acquisition strategy towards the end of this year and into next year?

The paid acquisition marketing is up. It’s not up disproportionately larger than the revenue. It's up 129 per cent versus 116 per cent. We have increased it, but it's still as a proportion of total revenue is still at about that 11 per cent range, so it’s not dramatically changed. We've historically been very good at acquiring customers cheaply, so we don't anticipate dramatically increasing our marketing spend going forward. Clearly our willingness to do so is whether or not it produces gross profit. While we can do it profitably, we obviously continue to explore our ability to increase marketing spend to drive more profit, but it's not to drive more revenue per se. It's always to drive more profit. I think your second part of the question was about artists. We spend a negligible amount on artists marketing, the artists find us organically and we then work to make sure we're serving them very well.

The market has obviously responded really positively to your quarterly update. Your share price was up 17 per cent in the following few days. What do you think the market's seeing in that quarterly update?

I think overwhelmingly what they're seeing is addressing the concern that they had had that we seem to be quite good at growing revenue, but not nearly as good at driving profitability. And so what they're seeing in this is that revenue clearly is very strong, but even more tellingly is the profitability is extremely strong and the cash flows are extremely strong. And so they're going to be increasingly confident that this business at scale is a very profitable business. And that's been to some extent reflected in the share price. I still think there's a reasonable degree of catch up there. The analysts all note that versus its peers, Redbubble is still trading at a significant discount, even at the current share price. And the reason for that discount had been the combination of a more choppy performance than we would have liked, but also that we hadn't demonstrated the underlying profitability of the business.

And the board's still out searching for a new CEO, but I mean, judging by your share price, you've done a pretty good job, Martin. Is there any possibility of you remaining CEO or where's that process at?

So just for a bit of context, I had my birthday last week and it was 60 years old. Not that that's necessarily a good, there’s many a person that at 60 continues to be a CEO. But no, my commitment to the shareholders and to the board is that I’ll step down when the right person is found, but I won't leave before that. The board is looking for the longer-term CEO for the business because, in addition, I think the investors would want to have confidence that the CEO is going to be around for a significant period of time as they bed down the business and take advantage of the opportunity. And so that process is continuing forward. It's not being unnecessarily hurried, but it's also not being held back either.

Are you involved in that process of looking for the CEO or is that solely with the board?

Yes, it's the board appropriately is taking the lead on that process. That is the right role of the board. I am the largest shareholder in the company and to some extent, of course, I'm being involved in that way and also, as a director of the company. But I think it is something which you can believe it should appropriately be led by the chair of the board which is Anne Ward, and so she's taken the lead on that.

And just finally, I just wanted to get, your opinion on what should investors be looking out for over the next six to 12 months with Redbubble?

I think that for us, as a company, as we come through next year, we have very high margins, which has been commented on. I think we will be making more investment out of the margins to increase customer loyalty. I think we have the ability to be providing better shipping, lower cost shipping, perhaps even free shipping. We also have the ability to use our margins to drive loyalty in other ways. And so that's something which we will be doing. So that will be with the objective of improving customer loyalty over the short, medium and longer term and that's an area which we will really be focusing on. Redbubble has the ability to be a specialised marketplace and what we have seen over quite a few years, is that specialised marketplaces can compete very successfully with Amazon and carve out strong defensible niches provided they are good at acquiring the customers cheaply and also if they've got a good value proposition for those customers. And so that's our overwhelming orientation.

Martin, thanks very much for your time.

Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.

That was Martin Hosking, the CEO of Redbubble.

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