Putting Virtus under the microscope

Gaurav Sodhi speaks with Sue Channon, the CEO of Virtus Health, regarding their IVF focussed business.
By · 19 Jun 2019
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19 Jun 2019
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Virtus Health was the first IVF business to list globally and it’s been listed in Australia since 2013. 

I caught up with the CEO, Sue Channon, to find out how it has been progressing since then.

Sue Channon from Virtus, thanks very much for joining me.


Sue, we’ve been covering Virtus since it IPO’d, that was back in 2013-2014, but there might still be some investors who are unfamiliar with the company and what it does, so can you give us a rundown of the services you provide and how you make money from them?

Yes. As you correctly mentioned there, Gaurav, Virtus listed on the ASX in June 2013 and that was following a five-year period under private equity management. That five years prior to listing, really, Virtus had led the way in terms of the consolidation with the sector and our strategy had always been on delivering high quality assistive reproductive services and that was done through an investment in clinic infrastructure, targeted geographic placement of our clinics, so we took our services out to local communities. Also, investing in a ‘hub’ and ‘spoke’ type of model, where we’d have consultation monitoring centres out in local communities but our main labs which have a high level of investment in them were in – for example, in New South Wales we’ve got three major lab locations in Victoria and one major lab location with some other smaller services, lab services, provided.

As well as that, we focused on a vertical integration and diversification strategy. We were giving revenue away to third parties, for example, in diagnostics and day hospital services. We focused our investment on that diagnostic portfolio, specialist genetic services and day hospitals. As I said, it was about collecting all that revenue that we were giving away to third parties, but also to diversify the revenue so that there’s always been that concern from investors, and it hasn’t played out, but investors were concerned about the fact that we relied on a lot of government funding or patients relied on a lot of government funding. We were focused on diversifying our revenue to ensure that if anything did change we had other sources for income. 

That was also why we subsequently invested in our international growth and also our low-cost services. We now provide services across the full assisted reproductive service value chain right from your consultation and your simple diagnostics to analyse a patient in fertility, all the way through to simple intrauterine and semination services, ovulation induction services, low cost services, more complex IVF and then all the way through to your high-end genetic services. We would be the only assisted reproductive services organisation in Australia that covers all of those services. Others do provide some but we certainly follow all of those services.

We’ve noticed that one of the key differences between Virtus and a lot of its competitors is that vertical integration. Uniquely, you run day hospitals and other services as you mentioned. How does managing a more diversified service offering go? Because, you’ve gone from being a specialist in one area to now collecting revenue streams from multiple areas, has that been a difficult transition to manage?

From my perspective, no. When I came into the organisation 15 years ago I had come out of a large private healthcare organisation, so I had managed hospitals, I’d managed operating theatres, I had managed diagnostics through another role that I held. For me, it made sense to go through that vertical integration strategy and the people I recruit to run those have all got experience. For example, I’ve got a Managing Director looking purely after our diagnostics for us. We’ve got people looking after our day hospitals, so we’ve got the right people in place to make sure those assets can perform at the level we need them to perform. 

I guess, when we listed the two main concerns that investors raised at the time was, one, any changes to government funding, and two, was the doctor model. In terms of the government funding, we had very strong both internal and sector lobbying that goes on and there’s been a Medicare benefit schedule undertaken across all specialties in the last year. We have been told from high level of sources in Government that there will be no changes to the Medicare benefit schedule for IVF item numbers, so that’s been a lot of hard work by a number of people to make sure that doesn’t happen. 

We feel we’ve really over the years been able to develop good relationships at the level we need to to help people understand the need for funding for assistive reproductive services, that it is a medical condition. People need help to achieve their families and one in six couples will have an issue with their fertility and I think we’ve talked about that in the past.  In terms of the doctor model – I’ve been in the organisation 15 years, we’ve worked very hard to make sure we have strong succession plans in place to continue that flow of young doctors coming into the organisation, so we support them through their additional training they had to do to become a fertility specialist.

But, before they finish that final piece of training, we’re talking about contracting with us, so because they’ve had that experience in the organisation and get to know the people, they’re signing up those contracts. They’re on five-year contracts, but they’re a rolling contract so at the end of five years we don’t have to go back and renegotiate the contract. They can give 12 months’ notice and there’s a 12 month restraint period, but we’re not renegotiating every five years on contract, they just roll through.

Just on that doctor model, you would have set the business up. Virtus was running for a long time with a model with its doctors in place with a private business. Has that model changed since you’ve become public. Is there more pressure to preserve margin for shareholders that maybe wasn’t present in the past?  

We had five years of private equity as well, but we’ve also run the organisation – if you can run a healthy profitable organisation, that’s a great benefit to the staff and the doctors because you can invest in the equipment. The technologies around fertility are becoming more complex and that was one of the reasons why the doctors in the early days actually moved out of a privately owned doctor-owned-and-run clinic into private equity and subsequently listing, because they could see that they would not be able to afford to continue to provide the level of infrastructure both scientifically, clinically and facility-wise, but just being a doctor-run model.

That was one of the key reasons the doctor chose to go in this direction and it was a choice they made because, as I said, it was a doctor owned organisation when I first joined it 15 years ago. That, along with the fact that we could see the need for assistive reproductive services was growing. As I said, one in six couples – people more and more are needing access to IVF treatments because they’re leaving having their children to such a – so late in life – the average age of our patients is 37 – that they could see they would not be able to provide the level of infrastructure that we’d need to actually provide the services. The other thing they were quite cognisant of was the fact that they wanted to outlive their individual careers, because often the doctor provides the golden handshake to their colleague and they come in and walk into their practice and after all that work they’ve put in there’s nothing to sell. But, within an IVF clinic you’ve got a lot of infrastructure, a lot of people supporting the doctor in providing those services to patients.  That was one of the early reasons why the doctors chose to sell… As I said, we don’t really tend to see any conflict between providing the services at a high level and we manage the business in a way that keeps it healthy, that you’ve got to have great services otherwise your patients will go somewhere else. Word of mouth referral in this business is extremely strong and so unless you’re investing in the science and the infrastructure to keep improving outcomes for patients, you’ll lose your patients. 

It’s a balancing act for sure, but as I said, it’s important for us to keep investing in the organisation and the doctors know that the organisation is performing at a high level in every area including financials, then they’re likely to get those investments.  

Now, Virtus was the first IVF business, I believe, to go public. It’s been now more than half a decade since that happened. You’ve been in the business for 15 years. How does the IVF market look today versus when the business was listed? Is it different to what you would have expected, has it followed a trajectory that you would have expected?

It hasn’t followed exactly the pathway I expected it to. I suppose the key thing about the sector is most of the bigger clinics are providing pretty good services and good outcomes for patients. I guess it’s commoditised a bit over the last five to ten years, so from an organisational perspective we have to make sure we keep coming up with options for patients that are going to continue to attract them into our organisation and improve their success rates. As I said, that word of mouth referral is really important, so we focused quite a lot on that and our patient services and our patient satisfaction. The other area that has played out is that introduction of the low cost model. Which, as I said, we brought that model into the sector. 

We could see from our postcode demographics that there were patients who weren’t accessing IVF in the lower socio-economic demographic and made the assumption that it was because of affordability. We went about setting up a lower priced model for patients. Patients are very carefully triaged as they come into that service. If they’ve got certain comorbidities, we won’t put them through that service. If they’ve got BMI over a certain level or if they’re over a certain age, we would not put them through that service because it’s unlikely to be successful for them. Because it is a lower stim service, we are aiming to produce between three to five eggs for collection rather than the 10 to 15 we might in a fully stimulated full service type of cycle. 

We don’t do things like donor services, we limit the amount of freezing because we’ve got lower numbers of eggs. For us, it’s a lower cost to provide the service and hence, we can provide it at a lower price. You have a doctor of the day, you don’t have your specialist going through with you all the way, but you will have a fertility specialist and it’s very much a nurse run protocol with the doctor overseeing it, so the doctor has less hands on attached to that service. We still get good success rates because we’ve got that triaged group of patients, they’re a younger, healthier, less comorbidity sort of patient.

We brought that model into the market around the time of listing actually and others have copied that model. The hardest thing over the last five years has been having to constantly tweak our model, that low cost model, to make sure pricing remains in the market and continues to remain attracted to patients. Even in the face of that restructuring market, Virtus has been able to maintain profitability and earnings growth. I think it’s been a challenge, certainly has, but all of our low-cost clinics are all performing very well.

How about on the demand side? Because social norms and expectations of what women might do, these things have all changed a lot, even since the company has listed. Have you seen much change in the demand for the services at all or is cycle growth kind of growing the way you would expect?

I was with the organisation at the time where we’re seeing year on year 5 per cent growth. A lot of that was driven by changes to the Medicare benefit schedule, changes to the Medicare safety net that really made it affordable for patients. 80 per cent of the patients out of pocket back then was covered by the Government. Those were the sort of heady heydays. We see now – you look at population growth and all that – we see probably a 1-2 per cent growth in Australia playing out. It goes up and down. We see states performing at different levels, at different times. For example, our Queensland business which was having a bit of a struggle when Primary or Healius first went into that, has now come back, both in the low cost and the premium cycles or full service cycles. 

We do see different states performing at different levels at different times and overall we would say 2 per cent growth rate is probably where we see things. Economic conditions play into it. But you still have to go back to the fact that if you’re infertile, the longer you leave it, the more difficulty you’re going to have in achieving pregnancy because your eggs are getting older and it’s those eggs that we really need to preserve the quality of in terms of getting an outcome. Then of course we’d see between a 1 per cent and 2 per cent price increase at the same time as well. 

I think if you look at our half-year results announcement, as I said, we had a number of headwinds hitting us in FY19, they were related to the growth strategies we’d had in place. We’d been investing in our infrastructure, so we’ve got the new four-theatre day hospital in Alexandria with the new IVF clinics and associated services, a new clinic down in Hobart. We really needed to do those, those were facilities that had little or no investment for 15 years and we really did need to do those. We added a CIO to the people mix because a big part of our strategy going forward is about making sure that we have that sort of digital transformation going on through the organisation.  

And you’ve also been investing overseas as well. Can you explain the rationale for going overseas and the opportunity set available? You’ve identified the drivers for higher cycles in Australia and a lot of those drivers are probably working overseas markets as well.

Absolutely, I mean all these sort of different industry reports you read and analyst reports, it all points to a global growth in IVF services and some regions’ IVF services are more advanced than others. Australia has led the way in terms of the consolidation and the corporatisation, the quality of the services and the safety of the efficacy of those services are very high in Australia. But you’re right, UK has got good quality service design. The reason why we chose to go offshore was two-fold. One, to get continued growth, but also to diversify that revenue as I mentioned previously, so that we weren’t totally reliant on an Australia assisted reproductive services market where what we felt at the time, there may have been potential for changes to the MBF. 

That hasn’t played out and I don’t think it will, but there were all those – let’s look at how we could mitigate the risk in the organisation, so that’s why we went offshore. The markets we chose were around – do they have good regulations or similar regulations to Australia? The legal framework is similar to Australia so it’s one that we can understand. Good clinical and scientific practice and preferably English speaking so that that’s the area that if you’re offshore, if you’re not English speaking you can have an issue with that, so hence our move into Singapore, Denmark, UK and Ireland. That’s been the strategy behind that expansion offshore.

What percentage of revenues are coming from those jurisdictions at the moment?

About 20 per cent in total. In 2012, we had no revenue coming from international and now we’ve got, as I said, about 20 per cent of revenue is international business. 

What happens as the business grows? Are there opportunities for the company to scale and actually raise margins? You’ve mentioned the ‘hub’ and ‘spoke’ model, that suggests that domestically at least the more people that come into the outward clinics should be able to scale up the ‘hubs’, if you like. Is that what’s expected to happen internationally as well?  

In our Australian business we’ve certainly got capacity both from our doctors to see more patients and our staff and our laboratories – that’s the main area – and certainly our day hospitals are not utilised fully. We’ve got capacity locally to prefer the growth. With our European operations it’s a similar sort of – I suppose the hardest one for us at the moment has been our Aagaard Clinic in Denmark, the one that sits outside of Copenhagen. We’ve had a doctor capacity issue there, although we have just recently appointed two new doctors, one’s starting in August and one’s starting in October/November. We expect to be able to push more patients through that clinic in the future. 

I think at some point in the future – it’s not yet, but in maybe two or three years if we continue to get growth in our Copenhagen clinic we may have to look for another location there, mainly because of the lab size. Other than that, we certainly have capacity and we will be looking at – we’re just developing a marketing program similar to that that we have in Australia to start driving volume into our clinics overseas.

Right. I was actually listening to an interview with a car CEO – I think it was BMW, one of the German car manufacturers – and he was talking about how his business had pivoted from being, really, a car manufacturer to a provider of funding. They make most of their money funding their customers who then purchase their cars and very low margin on the cars. It just reminded me a little bit of Virtus where a big impediment to sales is access to funding. Is there an opportunity there to actually become the funder for your customers at some point?  

We’ve obviously had this conversation internally and a number of the IVF clinics use external short-term loan organisations. We have been and are looking at that at this point in time.  Interesting concept, I guess you have to be careful of going too far away from your core business. We haven’t looked at funding internally.  We did make some changes a couple of years ago that allowed – the way you bill – we bill directly to Medicare so the patient doesn’t have to come up with that portion of their funding for the IVF cycle, Medicare turns it around quickly. But no, we haven’t gone any further than that.  

Finally, Sue, the world is awash with amazing technology, tell us about one of the most exciting new technologies that are coming out of Virtus at the moment?

You may have seen an announcement on the ASX a couple of months ago about our artificial intelligence – we call it ‘Ivy’. We invested, about 12-18 months ago, in a young fellow who was developing deep learning tools and he has developed a program for Virtus that can predict – we’ve invested in embryoscopes which are time lapse imaging incubators, so rather than disturb the embryos over a period that they’re developing the five days, they stay in this incubator and they’re producing time lapse images of the development that’s occurring in that particular embryo.  With that information, we’ve been able to imply artificial intelligence tool and predict the likelihood of an embryo developing a foetal heart.

At the moment, the grading of embryos is done by an embryologist and this is taking that away and giving it to artificial intelligence to do and the outcome of that has been very exciting for us. We have invested in AI across all of our clinics. We recently sold the IP to that to Vitrolife because we’re not the kind of organisation that – we focus on our core business and they will be the people who can sell it out to others. We’re about to embark on a randomised control trial that will prove the technology. At the moment, we still use our embryologist alongside the Ivy technology, but the RCT will provide us with proof that you can just leave it up to the artificial intelligence tool to do this. That’s been a very, very exciting breakthrough for Virtus.

Potentially, that could mean lower costs, obviously, a higher probability of success and also, the more cycles you go through, the better your predictive capability becomes, it could be a source of advantage for the scale predictors?

Absolutely, and with Vitrolife we’re developing Ivy Version 2, which will have a whole lot more data from around the world. We use all of our clinics across the world to teach Ivy, for want of a better word. But we’re now putting a whole lot more data in, so our randomised control trial will be on Ivy Version 2, the predictive outcome of that. A very exciting project and I think internally, everyone’s very excited with it.

Very interesting. We better leave it there, Sue. Thanks very much for your time today. Sue Channon from Virtus.

Disclaimer: Please note that Virtus Health is held in the Intelligent Investor Model Growth Portfolio and the Intelligent Investor Model Income Portfolio.

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