NAB, Westpac tapped Fed

NATIONAL Australia Bank and Westpac were among global banks to borrow billions of dollars in emergency funds from the US Federal Reserve at the height of financial crisis.
By · 3 Dec 2010
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3 Dec 2010
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NATIONAL Australia Bank and Westpac were among global banks to borrow billions of dollars in emergency funds from the US Federal Reserve at the height of financial crisis.

The Reserve Bank also tapped the US central bank for than $US53 billion over six months after the financial crisis caused a global shortage of keenly traded US dollars.

Documents released yesterday by the US Federal Reserve offer some insight into more than 21,000 emergency loans that the Fed provided to investment banks, foreign central banks and other institutions. Most of the funds were released at the peak of the crisis as banks scrambled to secure crucial day-to-day funding.

Only two Australian banks took advantage of the funding window opened by the Fed as the US bank tried stabilise financial markets, the documents show. European banks and several Japanese banks also took advantage of the facility.

NAB was the biggest user of the emergency facility among local banks, borrowing $US4.5 billion from the US central bank. NAB, which operates a small US bank, turned to the Fed three times as the crisis intensified.

A New York-based entity owned by Westpac borrowed $US1 billion from the Fed, at the time pledging more than $US3.3 billion in collateral to back the loan.

The Westpac borrowings are unusual, as it barely has a North American presence, operating only a US representative office.

The Reserve Bank also made available billions of dollars of additional funds for local banks during the financial crisis. But it does not break out individual banks. During 2008-09 the Reserve's overnight lending averaged almost $4 billion a day, compared with about $750 million a day in the five years before the financial crisis.

The Reserve was also one of 10 central banks to use currency swap lines offered by the Fed, the documents show. Others include Britain, Japan, South Korea and Switzerland, while the European Central Bank was the biggest user of the currency swap facility to support US dollar-backed markets.

The disclosures also show the extent to which day-to-day US businesses were forced to rely on the Fed to raise funds to pay suppliers and pay workers. While Australia has a relatively small corporate debt market, many US companies tap short-term money markets to manage their cash flow.

The documents show issuers such as Caterpillar, General Electric, McDonald's and Toyota turned to the Fed after the market for short-term notes dried up.

The Australian borrowings pale in comparison with the big US banks, with players such as Bank of America, JPMorgan and Citibank borrowing $US15 billion at a time.

A separate US Fed facility set up for investment banks showed Citigroup drew on $US1.8 trillion in loans during the crisis, followed by Merrill Lynch, which used $US1.5 trillion.

Goldman Sachs borrowed money through an overnight loan program 52 times in amounts as high as $US18 billion.

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