Mark Armstrong's Nationwide Property Outlook
The easy wins in the residential real estate market are over, but that doesn't mean you can't make money as a property investor - you just have to look a bit harder and be a bit more creative.
Median values in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne are going nowhere fast, that's true, but there are two things to bear in mind: medians are meaningless, and there's more to life than the east coast cities.
The days of just buying any house or apartment in Sydney and Melbourne, borrowing 90 per cent of value, and then counting your money as it rose in value ended about 18 months ago.
The real estate boom of 1998 to 2003 was described as a "bubble", in the same category as the internet bubble of the late 90s. Except for one thing: there has been no bust. Property values along the east coast rose as much as 50 per cent in a few years. Values looked inflated; there was a frenzy of speculation. And then ... a levelling out, with some patchy falls. (See Graph - Australian Housing Prices)

The property crash that so many experts warned about never happened: does that mean it's still to come? We don't think so. High levels of immigration and demographic movements in the major cities should mean that even in the places that boomed the most the bear market in real estate has no more than 12 months to run.
That's because there is no sign of forced sales, and unless conditions change dramatically no reason to forecast them.
"Australia has good economic fundamentals," says Angie Zigomanis, senior project manager with BIS Shrapnel. "Unemployment is low and wages are growing, so there is still underlying demand for property. Despite low yields, investors can afford to hold their properties for the longer term instead of realising capital through forced sales."
What's more the slowdown does not spell the end of property as a viable investment.
As in the sharemarket, where it is easier to make money in a bull, rather than a bear, market, in residential property it is easier to make money when the overall market is doing well. The trick is to continue making money when things are not so bright. Focusing attention on the economic fundamentals that underpin the market will maximise the chances of finding a property that will outperform the market.
The important thing now is to either look beyond the big cities of the east coast or, when thinking about Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, to be careful creative about what you are doing. This is a time to get back to investment basics.
In this article, we take a look at what those basic are for each
capital city, review past performances, forecast likely developments over the next 12 months, and offer a practical action plan for your investment strategy.
Median values are the most widely quoted measure of property market movements. The median is the middle figure in a range of house price sales, ranged from lowest to highest. When looked at over a long period, median values can provide a useful general guide to overall price movements across a capital city, or across Australia. That is how they are used in this article. However, when it comes to looking for properties that will outperform the general market, reliance on median values has two major flaws. The property market in any city is pretty diverse. There are varying demographics, geographical conditions, economic factors and architectural styles. Even when median values are levelling out, or falling, across Australia, or across a city, not every property drops in value or stagnates. There are properties that do better than the median value and properties that do worse. Rod Cornish, head of property research at Macquarie Property, agrees: What is more, when the median rises in a particular city, investors are not privy to the reasons. Angie Zigomanis, senior project manager with BIS Shrapnel, says: "Median values are quantitative, not qualitative. They don't tell you what caused the increase. Was it natural capital growth, renovations or a combination of both? "We've estimated that, across any city, renovations make up 1 per cent of median house price increases." For example, if a city's median sale price increases 4 per cent in a year, and renovations account for one of these percentage points, it means that a quarter of the "increase" is due to owners actively adding value to their properties not natural capital growth. Inflation accounts for some of the price rise too. So be wary about using city-wide median values to indicate the true investment performance of individual properties or locations. |
The Sydney market sets the trend for other capitals. It has the highest median value, and it is the centre of our financial markets. Salaries are higher and there is a greater concentration of extreme wealth, creating a large number of multi-million dollar properties. In turn, this buoys the value of more moderately priced property.
Over the past five years, Sydney's median value has climbed from $315,000 to $511,000. This has significantly reduced affordability and pushed first-home buyers out, many moving to more affordable areas, such as Brisbane.
The widespread migration from NSW to Queensland and the reduction in home buyer demand has also affected rental vacancy rates. With fewer people wanting to rent property, vacancy rates rose, thus keeping a tight rein on rental income. Faced with rapidly rising prices, rental income that didn't keep pace, and the State Government's unpopular "vendor duty", investors began deserting the market in early 2003.
Faced with an exodus of investors and home buyers, vendors had to adjust their price expectations.
Rod Cornish, head of property research at Macquarie Property, says the changed market conditions were also related to interest rate movements: "The Australian residential market is particularly sensitive to interest rate movements. The practice of borrowing significant sums to purchase residential property is well entrenched. It takes much longer to pay off a loan at higher interest rates than lower ones, so any change in interest rates has an effect."
Brendan Jack, a director of Buyer's Service for Real Estate, agrees that the market is likely to remain subdued, the vendor duty continuing to be a psychological barrier. Jack says investors prepared to look past this tax should be focusing on established apartments in the area spanning the city fringe and eastern suburbs. Their popularity with purchasers and tenants alike means these properties can still provide strong capital growth and reasonable rental returns.
Over the past 18 months, affordability has increased, and fewer people have been moving from Sydney to Brisbane. This could be an early signal that the NSW market is starting to recover.
Compared with Sydney, Melbourne has a relatively stable emigration level. The Australian Bureau of Statistics says the number of people moving from Victoria to elsewhere in Australia ranged from around 18,000 to 23,000 from 1986 to 2004. (In the same period, the numbers moving out of New South Wales ranged from 18,000 to 36,000 - a much more volatile pattern.)
Melbourne, which does not have the extreme wealth of Sydney, has fewer multi-million dollar properties, and prices at the upper end of the market don't have such a marked effect on values at other levels. In other words, the Melbourne market behaves in a more orderly and consistent manner.

Like Sydney, the Melbourne market began its adjustment in 2003. Zigomanis at BIS Shrapnel says this adjustment is making housing more affordable for home buyers and is pushing up rental vacancy rates. At the same time, investors have pulled out because there has been so much new development. "Demand for this sector of the market has been pretty much exhausted."
The net result is an oversupply in the apartment sector - most notably in multi-unit high rise developments such as Docklands. Cornish says Docklands developers are having to change the nature of their projects to keep them viable. "With investors increasingly staying away from high rise apartments, developers are now focusing on the owner-occupier market. They are redesigning projects into low-rise developments, with fewer units per building."
In the established apartment sector, small boutique blocks in quiet, established residential areas will still lease relatively easily. However, investors need to be realistic about rental expectations.
South-east Queensland property markets - including Brisbane, the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast - are increasingly seen as a single market. Population growth, coupled with better freeways and reduced travel times, have effectively joined the three districts into one big market. Therefore, "Brisbane" in this article includes the whole south-eastern coastal strip.
Interstate migration is a key factor in the Brisbane market. To a large extent, migration is fuelled by Brisbane's affordability relative to Melbourne and Sydney. When affordability in those cities drops, there is more migration to Brisbane.
In early 2002, after many years of sluggish growth, Brisbane's median house value was $185,000. Then the median began to grow rapidly, as a flow-on effect from rapid price growth and declining affordability in Sydney. Faced with the prospect of crippling home loan debt, Sydneysiders fled to Brisbane.
Keen to snap up large blocks of land at relatively affordable prices, these people fuelled a development boom in the outer suburbs. By mid-2004, Brisbane's median house value had skyrocketed to $308,000.
This growth has now levelled off. With Sydney prices moderating, ABS statistics show that the number of people moving north dropped 7 per cent over the past 12 months. This has affected median values, which have remained stagnant over the same period.
Michael Matusik, director of Matusik Property Insights, says land sales are down 37 per cent on last year. "The 20 per cent gain in the average land price made during 2004 is likely to be reversed during 2005". Matusik believes the market won't get its next kick-start unless, or until, developers modify their price expectations.
The catch is that, while reducing land prices might help re-invigorate the new development market, it will have a negative effect on the value of established property in the area and exacerbate Brisbane's overall price moderation.
Outside the 'golden triangle'
Interstate migration forges a unique relationship among Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. This relationship is magnified by the combined large population base. These factors don't play such a big role in other capital cities, so each one must be viewed in its own right.
Despite the softening of prices in the eastern states, Perth property prices are still increasing. Median values rose from $255,700 to $284,500 in the six months to March this year, an increase of 5.5 per cent.
"The property cycle started later in Perth than in the south-east of Australia, so there's still some price growth left," says Cornish at Macquarie Bank. "We think the WA economy will be the strongest performer of any state over the next two years." Cornish points to a 87 per cent jump in interstate and overseas migration into WA over the past two years.
Perth development is fuelled by home buyers purchasing house-and-land packages rather than investors buying new apartments. The construction cycle is less volatile. "Prices in Perth won't boom the way they did in Brisbane," says Cornish. "It will be more a case of steady growth."
In mid-2002, the Adelaide property market sprang to life. The median house value rose from $170,000 to $270,000 by the end of 2004 - an average annual growth of 16 per cent.
The last time Adelaide saw this kind of spurt was in the early 1980s. This was followed by a lengthy period of sluggish growth. From 1985 to 2002, the median value rose by an average 4 per cent per annum. Cornish says this pattern looks set to repeat. He expects price growth to slow considerably, creating a flat housing market in the short term.
Zigomanis is slightly more optimistic. "If someone is renting in Sydney, for example, and wants to get a foothold in the property market but cannot afford local prices, Adelaide has sound fundamentals and could provide good opportunities over the longer term."
Darwin's housing market is unique among Australia's capital cities. It has high affordability relative to the south-eastern capitals. The median value was $275,000 in March 2005. High wages increase this affordability because a large proportion of residents are employed in the resource sector.
On the other hand, the city's remote location and transient population work against capital growth. "Unless they're moving there for a genuine seachange, people tend to rent out their home down south and rent in Darwin," says Zigomanis. "They move back to the family home when the transfer period is up."
In 2000, unemployment in Darwin, at 4.1 per cent, was the lowest in the country. Demographics commentator Bernard Salt, author of The Big Shift, says this was driven by Darwin's role as a base for Australia's military operations in East Timor. By early 2004, the unemployment rate had risen to 5.9 per cent - an increase of almost a third in just four years.
When unemployment rises, people move elsewhere to find work. This increases rental vacancy rates (Darwin's rate was a high 4 per cent in 2004). It also affects property values. Although the median has risen strongly over the past 18 months, this simply reflects broader national trends. A longer term look at the Darwin market shows that the median value tends to see-saw on an annual or even quarterly basis.
These influences underline the volatile nature and relative risk of Darwin as a location for investors, now and for some time to come. The city's small population exacerbates this risk because there is not a critical mass to soften the effect of rental vacancy and house price fluctuations.
Prices in Canberra are linked to the transient population and public sector employment levels. The public sector outsources a large proportion of work to the private sector, so when the Federal Government swells or cuts the public service, the economy as a whole feels the effect.
After a long period of sluggish growth due to a shrinking public sector, prices in the national capital rose rapidly in 2002-03 when the Government started re-employing. The median rose from $246,000 in December 2002 to $361,000 in June 2004.
This growth has moderated over the past year as the market has entered a necessary period of self-correction. Zigomanis believes Canberra is likely to be relatively flat for the next six to 12 months.
From 1992 to 2002, Hobart had the lowest median value of any capital city. With a small population and relatively limited employment opportunities, prices tended to move slowly.
In late 2002, the median began to play catch-up with the wider Australian market, jumping from $135,300 to $271,000 in just two years. This represents an average annual growth rate of 32 per cent - a massive increase compared with the growth rate of 3.6 per cent for the preceding 10 years.
This burst was driven by Melbourne investors who parked their money in the Apple Isle, attracted by low prices and high rental returns. Now this activity has driven up prices to the extent that the rental returns are no longer as attractive. Median values are on a par with the larger economic centres of Adelaide and Perth. It is questionable whether Hobart is still an appealing investment proposition.
Action Plan
In a softening market, established apartments in Sydney's eastern suburbs may be a viable investment option. In Melbourne, established apartments can also be a good bet, provided you keep rental expectations realistic. If you are prepared to adopt a national focus, both Rod Cornish and Angie Zigomanis point to Perth as a good performer, with Adelaide slightly less impressive but nonetheless solid.
Regardless of which city you are looking in, there are several ways to maximise your chances of finding property that will perform well, even while the overall market is softening.
Do your demographics - what are the population trends in your target suburb and its immediate surrounds? The ABS publishes population trends for local areas, down to municipality and suburb level. These are readily available on its website. As a general guide, if an area has a declining population, steer clear. It means demand is softening and price growth will be limited, even negative. At the other extreme, areas with very high population growth should be avoided because high construction rates will ensure there is enough supply to meet demand.
Select for scarcity - if you are thinking of buying an apartment, what is the view from the front door? Is there a plentiful supply of new blocks and/or blocks under construction, immediately surrounding your building? If so, you could be locked into an unwinnable war, competing with dozens of other owners for tenants, and, eventually, for purchasers when you sell. This will limit your property's growth in terms of rental income and capital value.
Drive the streets - if you are thinking of buying a house, what is the level of development in the neighbourhood? Has all the available land in the surrounding area been taken up, or are there acres of land waiting for subdivision and development? If it is the latter, the area is likely to be oversupplied well into the future, curtailing your capital growth prospects.
Check out the rates notice - what is the council's opinion of the land value, and what is its opinion of the capital improved value (ie, the land and buildings combined)? Land generally appreciates while buildings depreciate. If the land value is more than 60 per cent of the capital improved value, it is an indication of a solidly performing investment asset.
By following these guidelines, you will have a greater chance of achieving Warren Buffet's goal: to put you on the right track to making money through residential property, no matter what the market is doing.