Life in the fast lane too much for banker

With the legitimate bonus he received in 2008, the ambitious, young Macquarie Bank fund manager, known as Osy, splashed out on a Porsche 911.
By · 20 Mar 2010
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20 Mar 2010
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With the legitimate bonus he received in 2008, the ambitious, young Macquarie Bank fund manager, known as Osy, splashed out on a Porsche 911.

Living in London in his early 30s, Oswyn De Silva was Macquarie's joint head of Global Property Securities and an associate director earning a base salary of #130,000 ($215,000).

"It had been a pretty good year," he told the NSW Supreme Court this week, "basically one of the best on record".

And he had been determined to do an outstanding job.

"I was basically told to do a hedge fund strategy and I said, 'I'll do it. I'll do it so well. I'll make sure,' because if the fund doesn't perform well, I'm out of a job," he said.

From 2006 while working in Australia and in 2007 he lifted the poor-performing fund to what he described as "No.1 in the world".

At the same time, he pocketed what authorities say was $3.6 million by buying for himself the shares Macquarie was about to buy and selling them to the fund at a profit.

He told Justice George Palmer he constructed this as his performance fee, so he wouldn't miss out on the spoils of making everyone else rich.

He initially insisted he had done no wrong and only ever acted in the best interests of Australian investors. But under repeated questions from the judge, De Silva eventually relented and admitted his plan wasn't all above board.

"In my mind, your honour, as of today, I've come to the conclusion that I did both something wrong and something right," he said.

"What I did wrong was basically try to also benefit from stock positions in my own account."

He blamed Macquarie's high-pressure culture, and said the "performance fee" was to account for his 21-hour days, working across three different time zones, being threatened with "no pay cheque" if he didn't perform, and even being told how to dress and cut his hair.

De Silva was diagnosed as HIV-positive in 2005 and kept his illness hidden from his employer until he resigned in May 2008. He said part of his motivation in setting up his private trading accounts was to cover his future medical costs.

He spiralled into a cocaine addiction after leaving Macquarie.

He has not been charged for the trading, and his admissions in court this week cannot be used against him if he is. But on Thursday he was sentenced to jail for trying to leave Australia in breach of earlier court orders that he remain in the country to face questions from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

De Silva, a Malaysian citizen, arrived in Australia on February 20 to visit friends and access funds in a superannuation account.

He stayed with a former lover in Potts Point. On February 26, while standing on the kerb outside the apartment, he was served with court orders and an outline of ASIC's concerns about his trades.

An hour later he travelled to Sydney Airport to try to get a flight to Kuala Lumpur. He did not buy a ticket that night but several days later, after his brother Kevin arrived in Australia to help him, the pair flew to Perth to try to leave from there - believing they were less likely to be caught.

When they presented their passports to board the plane an immigration officer stopped them and called the Australian Federal Police.

De Silva told the officer he was leaving because he needed urgent medical help. He later told the court he was suffering injuries, self-inflicted through self-loathing and a penis pump.

ASIC had been tipped off about De Silva's trades in June 2008 by Singapore's central bank, but it shelved any investigation into him because he was not in Australia.

On February 23 ASIC learnt he was in Sydney.

In court this week, David Stack, for ASIC, asked De Silva about his life immediately before his trip to Australia.

"Was life travelling well for you?" Mr Stack asked.

"No, it wasn't."

"Life wasn't great?"

"Absolutely not."

"Can I show you an email?"

De Silva wrote to his former bank colleagues to announce his trip: "Visiting Sydney for a vacation and like to catch up for lunch and dinner. Lots to update. Everything's great and about to start school in Los Angeles acting and filmmaking."

De Silva said "school in Los Angeles" was a cover for drug rehab, though he had already been there and stopped using cocaine in December.

He said he felt compelled to lie.

"To talk about 'what you do' when my colleagues ask me, I had to say something other than I have remained unemployed, I was spiralling into coke use because I was HIV-positive and I didn't want to deal with the reality of it," he said in a tearful cross-examination.

On each of the three days he attended court this week, De Silva turned up in jeans and a check shirt.

Several of his stories and explanations changed over the course of the week.

Justice Palmer said De Silva's contrition was not sincere, but that he had come from a good family, was previously a generous and kind person who, since being diagnosed with the virus, had lived a dark and troubled life.

The weightiest issue in sentencing, the judge said, was the effect it would have on De Silva's health. He has delayed sending De Silva to jail while he awaits more information on available medical treatment.

De Silva offered, unsuccessfully, to sell his Porsche and pay a $150,000 fine.

The car could be a good buy. De Silva claims he was so riddled with guilt that he only clocked up 2000 kilometres in it in two years.

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