Karl Siegling, Cadence Capital

Cadence Capital's Karl Siegling pinpoints opportunities in Australia and abroad.
By · 5 Apr 2018
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5 Apr 2018
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‘Buy low, sell high' is the strategy of all value investors, but not everyone can articulate their specific strategy as well as Cadence Capital's Karl Siegling.

Siegling established Cadence as a listed investment company within Cadence Asset Management in 2006. He's still the managing director and portfolio manager.

The Cadence approach is to only buy a stock when it's fundamentally cheap, if it's also technically strong.

Known for its scale-in, scale-out strategy, Cadence enters portfolio positions incrementally. It won't go beyond an initial 1 per cent weighting in a security, and only ever builds up an exposure to 5 per cent at cost. When a stock starts to fall, Cadence will exit its positions in thirds, which in turn also minimises the impact of selling at the wrong time.

Siegling chats to InvestSMART about particular stocks Cadence is holding right now, why he suddenly has an even keener eye on resources, and the opportunities in a disrupted financial services sector outside of the big banks.

Listen to our podcast, or read the full interview below.


Laura Daquino: I'm here with Karl Siegling, the founder, Managing Director, and portfolio manager at Cadence Capital. How are you going Karl?

Karl Siegling: Great. Nice to meet you.

Laura Daquino: Nice to meet you too. I understand that Cadence Capital has a very distinctive investment approach, where you scale into a stock and also incorporate technical analysis. Could you talk me through this a little bit?

Karl Siegling: Look, to try and simplify it a little bit, most fund managers would tell you that they're trying to buy low, sell high. They're trying to find cheap stocks and when they get expensive, they sell them. So, the question I always pose is: If everyone's buying low and selling high, how come everyone isn't outperforming the market at all times?

I think the distinction for us is it wouldn't matter how low or how cheap we think a stock is – if it's falling in price, we wouldn't buy it. And it wouldn't matter if we owned a stock – if we thought it was starting to become expensive, if the price was still going up, we wouldn't sell it. We'd only sell it when it starts to fall in price.

So, written on our wall in the office is a sentence, 'Buy assets that are going up, sell assets that are going down'. It sounds incredibly simple, right? But it is very, very difficult for most of the population, psychologically, to buy an asset that's going up and sell an asset that's going down. In fact, most of the day is spent in this town between brokers ringing managers, and managers ringing clients, and these type of conversations that are taking place are usually about people telling someone to buy something because it's fallen and it's going to recover, or sell something because it's doubled in price, not because of its valuation. So, there's that constant tug for people to actually be attracted to buying things as they're falling, for a bargain, or to sell something after they've doubled their money because they can take a profit.

Laura Daquino: Which stocks are you holding in your portfolio right now?

Karl Siegling: Okay, so just a quick smattering of what we've been doing. We bought Melbourne IT about three or four years ago at $1.11, and I think it's trading about $3.30 today. That's a classic example of a really, really unloved stock that nobody liked. We bought a position and we've been adding to it over time, and we've continued to add as the stock's going up, not as the stock's going down. That stock has really transitioned and transformed itself into a leading IT company in Australia – in fact, it has just entered the ASX top 300.

I think we've been on record with Macquarie Bank, after the Global Financial Crisis. People really ... I don't like using this word … but people really hated Macquarie Bank. It had $17 of cash in the bank, everyone thought it was going to go bankrupt, it fell down to about $17, then recovered to $24. We've been adding to our position all the way from $24, the stock's now about $106, $107, and we think it's worth about $120. It's a very interesting company, been growing at 20 per cent per annum for about nearly five decades now. It is a global business, 75 per cent of its earnings are offshore, and 75 per cent of its earnings are recurring. And it is the largest manufacturer and producer of green energy infrastructure style product in the world. That's what they're known for.

Laura Daquino: Speaking of offshore earnings, you would obviously still be quite bullish on global growth then?

Karl Siegling: Look, this synchronised global growth story – I don't know if you've watched any of our webcasts, I've been talking about this in the last four or five webcasts – I think it's the thing that's pulling the door along. People go from thinking the market's really good, to thinking it's really bad – they're just emotional thoughts that keep bouncing back and forth. But what is happening is the synchronised global growth. We've got America recovering, we've got Europe showing signs of recovery, we've got the China/India story, which hasn't gone away, that Chindia story, it just oscillates. We've got the South Americas actually starting to produce some GDP. And, in actual fact, there's talk that Africa, the continent of Africa, is going to go from negative GDP to breakeven GDP. Now that hasn't happened – well, it's virtually never happened.

We're talking about a phase where we've got this synchronised global growth, and I think I described it as, if you've got an eight-cylinder car, and it's operating on four cylinders, suddenly when you've got it operating on eight cylinders, it's a totally different story. So you suddenly have the wind behind your sails. We are seeing that a bit.

Laura Daquino: That would obviously help the resources sector as well, which you have spoken quite a bit about recently, where we might be at a turning point.

Karl Siegling: So, resources are very important, and they're very important for our philosophy as well. We spoke to you about buying things on the way up, and selling things on the way down. At the height of the last resources boom it was going to be stronger for longer, then it was going to be stronger forever, then it was going to be China, then it was India, then it was Chindia, eventually it was going to be ‘Chindia stronger forever'. Then the resources market collapsed. Now it's recovering. It's up 100 per cent from its lows, or the Accumulation Index was at 2000, now at 3000 and something, and we see this trend continuing. Companies in our portfolio such as OZ Minerals, Fortescue, Origin Energy, Bathurst Coal, Metals X, these are all resources companies that are recovering, and we still think are, on a cash flow basis, reasonably cheap.

Laura Daquino: Which commodities are typically winners in this kind of global environment?

Karl Siegling: You're looking for… in our view, iron ore continues, although it's a more stable commodity now than it was. There's iron ore, there's zinc, there's copper. I mean, at the more speculative end of the scale are things like lithium – you would have read and heard so much about lithium speculation, it tends not to be the space we're operating in. We're looking for commodities that are producing strong cash flows. Some of the other more obscure base metals are starting to perform well, as well. So the resources landscape, we think, is a fertile ground.

Laura Daquino: I'd like to just hop back to your international approach as well. I know 20 per cent of the fund is invested in international stocks. So, I know you talked about all the regions' synchronized global growth but, which regions, or is there any region in particular, that you think has a lot of promise right now?

Karl Siegling: Look, and I'm sure many people do this, when you start to run screens on particular countries where stocks are cheap or where they might be expensive. Europe is throwing up a lot of cheap stocks. Parts of Asia are throwing up a lot of cheap stocks.

I've been using the example of Samsung. In the English-speaking world, everyone talks about Apple and iPhones and iPads, and whatever Apple's doing, and Apple finds itself on a certain valuation. We tend not to talk so much about Samsung because it's a Korean company, but last year, the last 18 months, the Samsung earnings have displayed nearly 100 per cent EPS growth. The company was trading on 9 times P/E before all that took place. So, you're getting tremendous earnings growth at a very, very reasonable price.

So, all we're doing is we're constantly rolling over stones, looking for those stocks that are growing at say 20 or 30 per cent per annum, on a P/E of 10, 11, or 12, and it doesn't matter where they are. So, what we're telling our shareholder base, we used to have $250 million of FUM (funds under management) we only invested in Australia. Now, we are at $450 million of FUM. We are finding that it's good for us to invest offshore, more diversity, more non-correlated positions, and basically, we hope for the same rates of return with slightly lower risk by having different industries. I mean, some industries you can't even invest in, in Australia – there's no motor industry, for example, so there's nothing you can invest in.

Laura Daquino: I guess what you said about not looking at a region in particular, or looking at an industry in particular, but looking at the stocks on a stock-specific level, that's very important. And it also feeds into what you're doing with your investment into the financials industry in Australia it seems. So, I understand that that's about 20 per cent of your portfolio, financials?

Karl Siegling: Yes – and it's an unusual 20 per cent. So, I would say the four banks in Australia make up about 20 [per cent] or nearly – you know, a very, very large part of our index here. Those four banks are displaying very similar characteristics across the board. They're trading at about 200 to 220 per cent of their net tangible asset backing, they are growing at about 2 to 5 per cent per annum EPS growth, depending on which company you're talking about, and they're trading on 13 to 14 to 15 times P/E. So the banks do not meet any of our fundamental criteria. They did after the GFC when they were raising money at very, very depressed prices. We bought stock, added to those positions, and have held them for all this time. We're now rolling out of those positions. We've sold two-thirds of our positions, and we're down to the final one-third in each of those.

Where we're seeing opportunities [is] where APRA have said to the banks: "We don't want you lending money to non-conforming loans. We don't want you lending money to the SME market, and that style of investment. We want you just doing the more conservative side of what you do."

That's creating a whole plethora of opportunity for people to lend to non-conforming house loans, to auto industry, to the SMEs who need to buy equipment for their businesses. Some examples of companies like this are Home Loans (HOM), Money3 (MNY), and companies such as Axsesstoday. And we're seeing that those businesses, individuals, non-conforming SMEs, SMBs, still need to borrow money. To grow their businesses, they still need to borrow money. If the bank won't lend them money, there'll always be someone out there that will.

Laura Daquino: Is it the same story overseas, or do you think the big banks overseas are still fundamentally strong? Do you invest in any of them?

Karl Siegling: Look I don't think ... I think Australia has got a pretty unique situation. We've got four banks operating here that are more or less a monopoly/oligopoly. There's not many places in the world where a handful of banks just dominate the entire industry. But you are seeing a lot of alternative diversified financial services businesses emerging globally. The other thing that's going hand in glove with the development of these businesses is technology. So the idea that you can start something online today, with incredible technology, that's incredibly good for your customer, incredibly efficient and doesn't waste their time, and gets them through their risk profiling and risk metrics, and all that information becomes readily available quickly, so that you can access loans in an efficient matter. Fintech is taking us there. And smaller, more nimble players are very well-positioned to benefit from that.

Laura Daquino: Yeah, very good point. So I think technology is disrupting absolutely every industry.

Karl Siegling: Absolutely.

Laura Daquino: It's just omnipresent.

Karl Siegling: I mean one thing about technology, though, that we're a bit mindful of is, you don't want to just get too carried away. Just because something's called a fintech, or just because Tesla's making an electric car, doesn't mean ... it all comes back to valuation. For example, we are short Tesla. You know Tesla's got the valuation of about three or four other motor companies combined, and those companies have been in motor vehicle manufacturing for a long, long time. For example, VW is about to release 19 electric vehicles over the next three years, and they've put aside $31 billion of resources on electric vehicle batteries. They are going to be a force to be reckoned with. Tesla has three electric vehicles, which they're struggling to manufacture, and struggling to meet their orders on, and they are a massive valuation company. So it all comes back to valuation. In between all of this, we're synthesizing information, reading the tea leaves, and looking for those companies that are cheap and going up, and looking for those companies that are expensive and rolling over and starting to go down. That's basically what we do every day.

Laura Daquino: Yeah. Very good insights. Thanks Karl. I think our readers could really learn a lot from that.

Karl Siegling: Thanks very much.

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