IntelliHR catches COVID tsunami when paddling for a wave

With human resources teams unable to physically connect with employees during COVID lockdowns, IntelliHR has seen demand for its staff management technology grow faster than ever. After recently attracting the attention of tech investor Bevan Slattery, Alex Gluyas speaks with IntelliHR CEO, Rob Bromage, who explains the opportunity COVID has provided: "For the last five years, we've been working really hard and paddling out for a big wave and along has come a tsunami."
By · 27 Aug 2020
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27 Aug 2020
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Rob Bromage is the CEO of intelliHR, which is an HR tech business based in Brisbane, which sells a cloud-based platform for managing staff and data. It's a small company with a market cap of around $50 million, but its share price jumped from 7 cents to as high as 32 cents on the recent news that tech investor, Bevan Slattery had invested $2.5 million in the company.

With many companies, both here in Australia and around the globe operating from home, Rob tells me that COVID has provided an opportunity for the business and there's been quite a lot of interest in it. The technology also gives Rob a unique insight into how employees and HR teams are dealing with the remote working situation during COVID, so he shares his thoughts on that too.

Here's Rob Bromage, the CEO of IntelliHR.

Table of contents
How the technology works
Interest in business throughout COVID
Wellness check-ins for staff morale
FY20 results 
Capital raising
Global expansion
Revenue model and pricing
Insight into employee morale & HR during COVID
Share price movement & Bevan Slattery investment
Pipeline for next 6-12 months

Thanks for joining us, Rob. It really seems as though COVID lockdowns have provided a good opportunity for your HR technology. Could you start off by giving us some detail around how the technology actually works?

Yeah, for sure. IntelliHR is an Australian HR tech business and we have always built the application to service a global marketplace and specifically why we went about a global marketplace is their distributed workforces. When you're actually looking after a workforce that spans multiple countries, you can't see them. Having a tech piece in there to support better communication and more meaningful conversations around performance and alignment is really essential. The global pandemic is a health crisis. But it has also meant that every business is now also a distributed workforce business. It's really brought IntelliHR to the forefront in around enabling and supporting businesses, and helping them look after their people through these difficult times.

And what sort of interest have you received in the last six months with COVID obviously forcing so many businesses and their employees to work remotely?

Absolutely. It's probably one of the most pivotal times in the history of our organisation and I'll be honest, it's actually one of the proudest moments for myself as the leader of the organisation. The first thing we saw when the pandemic actually hit is this incredible disruption to every single business and really needing to fundamentally change their business models and find a way to run their businesses with people working from home. At that point from a commercial organisation, we realised that we needed to support our existing customers with tools to support them through these times. But also wanted to actually provide an opportunity for businesses that might not be in a place to actually financially procure technology to support them to actually look after them as well.

We actually created a freemium product which was a COVID-19 HR essentials platform, rolled out straightaway into our existing customer portfolio, but we made it available to any business that needed help. Our company essentially doubled, I suppose, very quickly through the pandemic because businesses needed our tooling. It’s just been incredible growth for the organisation. Just in the space of six weeks, I think we added an extra 50 customers and it took us almost three years to get to 100 and six weeks to add another 50 in very quick succession.

How has that increased demand translated into your financial results? Are you performing better than you otherwise would have if COVID hadn't occurred?

That's a really good question, Alex, like if I look at our growth at a customer and a paying customer, we maintained our growth in, I suppose, the second half of the financial year consistent with the first half. And certainly, we would have liked to have accelerated a lot further in that sort of last half. But I think the conditions to maintain growth levels and continue to build on top of an existing growing customer portfolio, we were very happy with that. But on top of that, then to add an additional 49-50 odd freemium customers, it really provides us an incredible launchpad as business actually returns with confidence and starts to invest in technology and infrastructure to support a new way of working. On the cash receipts side, we've done incredibly well, so we've almost tripled our cash receipts year on year and the growth that we've had within our revenue, I think it's in the 160 plus per cent sort of mark, we've continued on at quite a positive growth level, albeit we would have certainly liked to have grown a little bit faster, if for not the global pandemic

And just with some of the actual systems that IntelliHR provides, I was interested by the automated wellness check-in, which is what you describe as checking on employee morale. I assume things like that, are they targeted at larger organisations who might have more trouble connecting with employees, particularly in lockdown?

Yeah, I think IntelliHR from the outset was always about if you employ people, then you need our system. And I suppose we kind of position ourselves a little bit like the general ledger for people for organisations. Certainly, through times and we've recently conducted a global survey and found that wellness is still the number one priority for every business. But built into IntelliHR’s capability is a continuous sort of check-in with staff to ensure that leaders are connected with their team members and maintaining an open dialogue in around wellness and actually how they're actually going.

The wellness capabilities within IntelliHR are very practical around connecting people to make sure that people are actually being looked after. And we do wrap that up with, I suppose, some really good aggregation of data and some sophisticated tools like predictive sentiment analysis so that organisations can actually see where problems are and where they can actually intervene to help people. But wellness is just one of those things, but it's also a very top priority for business.

The type of organisation that we appeal to in the past is a distributed workforce. If you can't see your people and you need a piece of technology to improve communication and keep that continuously going, and that's where we add the most value. We've certainly seen larger enterprises struggle more with that through these times, just because of the sheer size of those businesses. We do have obviously an appeal to a larger enterprise and if anything, over the last six to 12 months, that's probably been one of the themes trending within the business, pandemic or not. But we've been appealing to organisations that are employing people up around the 1-2000 employee head counts. And even through our pipeline, coming through organisations that are employing 7-10,000 employees.

Just on your financial year ‘20 results, I think you reported a loss of around $4.8 million. Is there a goal for a specified time period when you think you might turn profitable?

The business has always been focused on getting to a position of demonstrating cashflow positive and certainly that's something from a budget perspective and management of the organisation. We've been very focused on ensuring that we had that runway all the way through. There's not a defined period. We're investing in growing the business at pace. So from a cost-based perspective, we've reasonably demonstrated that we've got a reasonably sort of fixed cost base now. We've reached that sort of critical mass of the business that we actually require to be able to execute our business plans and we're continuing to invest in scale opportunities. An example of that is the establishment of a team in Toronto in Canada. We're very focused on accelerating growth through North America and servicing a larger market than purely the Australia and New Zealand marketplace

And earlier this month, you announced a $5.5 million capital raising.


What's the fresh capital going to be used for? Is it all to do with that growth and expansion that you just mentioned?

Yeah, I think IntelliHR has now got two very prominent cornerstone investors and the first being Colinton Capital, which came into the business in December last year and the recent capital raising was very opportunistic in the sense that we now have another large cornerstone investor in Bevan Slattery who has got to be one of Australia's most successful tech entrepreneurs on a global footing. With that, comes a lot of endorsement in around the business, the business model, everything that we’ve been building to, to date. But yes, additional capital, the business was in a position where it had sufficient cash reserves to actually work its way through to a cashflow position. This is all growth capital, so it's not stay in business capital it's growth in terms of how we actually expand and increase the scale of the actual business with a particular focus of what we're actually going to be doing in Northern America. Very nice timing and an incredible endorsement and certainly lifts the morale within the business but has also given us a lot of confidence in terms of the direction of the organisation.

You have businesses using your platform in 18 countries. You've talked about North America there, and Australia has been a focus. Are you looking to expand elsewhere too? Are there other opportunities?

Yeah, the business has now got customers, obviously out of Australia and New Zealand and also domiciled into the US, specifically. By positioning a sales team into North America, specifically, Toronto and in Canada there we now expand our sales clock to pretty well, 21 hours in that regard. Just adding North America as a market increases our addressable market by 15 times. We've expanded the potential for IntelliHR, which is really exciting. The plan has always been to extend into Europe as well. We're tracking a little bit behind where we would like to be in terms of getting into Toronto, and that's been really, I suppose, symptomatic of the global pandemic actually slowing our ability down to travel. But we've still found a way to employ resources and a sales team in Canada, so we can actually get our momentum sort of moving. But once we've got a nice established runway with what we're doing in North America, or we'll certainly be turning our sights to Europe.

Just on that, can you explain a bit about how your revenue model actually works? Are all your customers subscription-based or is there a certain proportion that are one-off customers?

No. The majority of our customers actually, all but one, are monthly subscription-based. That means basically for every person employed within their business, they're paying IntelliHR, a monthly subscription fee, is how that actually works. When we do talk about subscribers essentially that translates to every person working within that organisation and that's a really exciting revenue model. Also, a little bit why we've been very successful with our net revenue retention rate of 113 per cent. Our platform is about supporting businesses through performance enablement and helping them to create a culture based on continuous feedback and giving them the data that they actually need to improve their businesses. We've got a very good track record of supporting businesses growing in that regard.

And what price are you selling the technology at? Because I understand there's a number of different plans you offer over different time periods.

Yeah. This year we've introduced a value-based pricing model. Traditionally we had actually sold the platform as all in one. Here is the platform, this is what you require. We've identified customer needs specifically in around feedback, specifically also, in around performance enablement and then we've preserved the full program in around our strategic HR platform. We do have three different plans, so at a feedback level and we have that plan as Feedback Essentials. Australian customers can get that product for $6 per person per month.

The Performance Enablement product Australian customers can get that for $10 per person per month and the Full Strategic HR platform at $16 per person per month. In addition, the business also charges an implementation fee. We have professional services around onboarding customers and ensuring that the platform is configured and set up so that they get the best value as quickly as they possibly can from the actual platform as well. And that ranges depending on size of business, but typically from just under $10,000 per implementation. Professional services is also an area where we've seen significant growth but particularly, in the past year, and we also see that will continue into financial year 2021.

And how does that offer and compare to what your competitors are offering? Who are you competing with and how is the IntelliHR offering, a superior offer?

We compete with different parts of the market. At an enterprise level, we would be competing with an SAP or a Workday or an Oracle PeopleSoft, or a Cornerstone, for example. From a pricing perspective, we're quite competitive with a similar solution that's quicker to be implemented, and quicker to value, essentially. We have a number of points of difference at that enterprise level. There's a range of other customers in the mid-market, but again, that's where we're more like for like price, but have what we see is a superior product and a more alignment to customer needs. At the end of the day price is obviously very important to customers, and we look to price appropriately with the organisations.

Obviously, you're getting quite a lot of insight from a number of organisations across the world. What have you been seeing in terms of what's going on through COVID in terms of employee morale and how HR teams are having to adjust to the circumstances?

Yeah, it's got to be one of the most interesting periods of my career to be quite frank. Businesses or countries have gone through the similar type of problems at different stages, and kind of responded in a very similar way. But at the moment, across the globe, everyone's at a different stage combating the same issues. At an employee level, there's just been a continued focus of organisations in around wellness and people first, which is really the most important thing particularly when we're faced with a global health crisis. That focus on looking after people, wellness and checking in.

If I'm to be critical, what we saw, particularly through some of the latest research, is organisations are focused very well on their team members but have forgotten a little bit about their leaders. I think it's a little bit of making sure that organisations look after their leaders and make sure that they've considered their wellness as much as their broader teams. The second thing that businesses have started to focus on more so now has been more performance enablement. They've gone through the shock of responding to a very big disruption within their businesses, which has meant people have had to work from home. There's been a lot of people impacted through needing to stand down or not able to actually work, or industries that are affected and effectively shut down. But in addition to that, finding a way forward and starting to focus back on performance. How do we actually start to enable performance in our organisation whilst maintaining that flexibility that people actually still need, because they may be locked down, they may be home-schooling and they may not actually have all the tools that they would normally have at work to actually do their job.

I think we’ve still got a bit of a road to go in terms of seeing some sort of normality, or a new normal, so to speak. Obviously within Australia, Victoria and specifically Melbourne is doing it really tough and in Stage 4 lockdown. It's adapting to those sort of conditions and I think businesses are being very respectful of looking after their people whilst trying to maintain their sustainability and relevance moving forward.

Do you think these changes that HR teams have had to make during this time will be a permanent thing? Or do you think things might return to normal once COVID is over?

Yeah, that's a really good question, Alex. I don't see we will return 100 per cent to the way things were prior to the global pandemic. The World Health Organisation has indicated that it will be two more years, we'll have this sort of beaten in another two years. For the next two years, if we're operating in similar types of conditions it's certainly going to be disruptive enough that it actually affects a permanent change. I do see people will look to enjoy the level of flexibility that they've experienced by working from home and fitting work a little bit more in, around personal lives, versus the other way. I've seen a lot of businesses, including ours that have actually seen an opportunity to reduce the cost base by changing the way we actually do business.

We don't travel to customer sites to do in-person demonstrations and we're not spending three or four days on site with customers anymore to manage their implementations and facilitate in-person group workshops which really reduced the cost base of our business and allowed us to actually go faster. I am very confident a lot of other businesses have been forced to adapt or change or streamline their processes and will be looking to retain those kinds of cost efficiencies moving forward. I do think there'll be a permanent change. I think there will be a blend of, I suppose a full distributed workforce, but returning to office.

Businesses still need to find ways to bring people together to maintain their cultures and maintain that open communication that, yes, you can do that through collaboration tools or through virtual meetings and so forth, but nothing still beats talking to people in person and interacting with your teammates in person. There's still going to be that involved, just what shape or form that looks like into the future, is probably still to be determined.

Just on your share price, it's been an interesting ride, I guess, having stayed pretty low since 2019, and then it recently had that big jump from 7 cents to as high as 32 cents, after the news of Bevan Slattery's investment. Why do you think the market specifically reacted so positively to that news?

Yeah, I think a couple of reasons. Number one, Bevan's interest in the company and I think his quote that he gave me, that I shared with the business, and again, I think it just really sums up our scenario. 'For the last five years, we've been working really hard and paddling out for a big wave and along has come a tsunami'. It’s reflective that the vision of the business to support people in a distributed way and to help organisations connect and improve communication between team members and leaders and the visibility of people data is now more relevant, than ever because you can't see your workforce. Where we're positioned as an organisation to support businesses with what has been, I think one of the biggest jolts and disruptors in not only business, but general community. The business is very well positioned to support people work through that and also come out of it.

In terms of the organisation I think it's also been the reality that with the way we've managed now financial position and have positioned the organisation particularly to try and work through to cashflow positive, and then having that additional capital come on top of what we've actually got. We're not a business that the market is, is assuming where we may be looking for stay in business capital, the capital that's come in is growth capital. The financial security of the businesses is very evident that we're in a very strong position to continue our execution of our business plan, but also to aggressively grow on top of that as we see opportunities to take advantage.

Yeah, we're in a very exciting place with two very strong cornerstone investors in Bevan Slattery, but also Colinton Capital and a very motivated workforce that has responded incredibly well through a global pandemic to support existing customers, but also a general community.

And just finally, could you run through what you're expecting over the next six to 12 months? What's in the pipeline and what should investors look out for?

Yeah, look, we've worked very hard, Alex, to protect our sales pipeline. We do have a very healthy pipeline of potential customers moving through sales processes. The type of customer that we've been working with more recently is becoming larger and also more enterprise, which means our average customer values hopefully will be on the march in the North direction. We've worked very hard to expand the market reach of IntelliHR and from the outset always positioned as a global business wanting to deal with global customers. We've now positioned ourselves very well to support one of the largest markets in the world in North America and we're now about to two to three months in, and actually building up our sales pipeline in that space.

Over the last 12 to 18 months, the business has been very focused on its product and maturity of a SaaS business model with the introduction of the value-based pricing model, giving customers the choice of three plans that suit the needs and the solutions that they're actually looking for. So they can come into IntelliHR, in some cases on a lower price point, but actually grow within IntelliHR as their businesses grow and the sophistication, or the businesses are ready to adopt newer technologies in around their HR practises. Probably the final thing is, with the introduction of the COVID HR Essentials Platform leveraged a freemium model to support the community but also provide a new way that we can actually interact with customers before becoming a paying customer.

The businesses is building an evergreen freemium product that will actually allow IntelliHR to very quickly and cost effectively, onboard larger customers onto our platform with a view for them to actually grow through the plans that we actually offer. We've built a very sophisticated business model that combines both a lend and expand strategy but a very solutions-based approach to solving our customer's needs.

Great to chat, Rob, thanks very much for your time.

Thanks very much, Alex. Great to be here.

That was Rob Bromage the CEO of IntelliHR.

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