In her final dispatch from the US, Washington correspondent Anne Davies examines the drive to clean technology.
By · 9 Jan 2010
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9 Jan 2010
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In her final dispatch from the US, Washington correspondent Anne Davies examines the drive to clean technology.

ROOSEVELT transformed the US during the Great Depression by introducing Social Security, building dams, roads and an electricity network Eisenhower gave the US its interstate highway system, transforming the economy and cementing the car in the fabric of American life.

Microsoft, Apple, Netscape and Google turned the US of the late 20th century into the leader in the information economy.

Now Barack Obama, facing the steepest downturn since FDR's time, wants to transform America into a green machine, a nation that leads the world in technology and manufacturing of solar panels, wind turbines, electric cars, technologies to make the electricity grid more efficient and long-life batteries.

Can the US, the land of the internal combustion engine and the McMansion, where bigger is always better, really become a green economy?

Can it catch up to Germany, Denmark, Spain and even China, which have been fostering green technology for years?

And can the US achieve Obama's dream without passing a scheme that puts a price on carbon?

There are plenty of evangelists for the new green economy despite the outcome at Copenhagen, which left the world well short of a binding commitment to lower global emissions.

In California, the venture capital industry, having weathered some tough times over the past 12 months, is roaring back to life and "clean tech" is hot.

"I am more bullish about this than ever," says Steve Westly of Westly Group, a venture capital fund that is backing the electric car company, Tesla.

"We have seen some stunning innovation in California and in China," he says, adding that China is now the leader in clean tech. "But most people don't realise how quickly these technologies are coming."

The parallel, says Westly, is the mobile phone market. The first mobile phones cost $3000 and weighed 3.2 kilograms. Now they are 95 per cent cheaper and weigh almost nothing.

He believes it will not take long before solar reaches "grid parity" when a kilowatt of solar power can be produced for the same cost as conventionally generated power and at that point the technologies will "go through the ceiling", he says.

The argument is similar with electric cars. Tesla, the company that Westly has backed, has produced its first all-electric Tesla roadster, which goes from zero to 100 km/h in 3.9 seconds. But it comes with a hefty $US100,000 ($A110,000) price tag.

Tesla is now working on a more economical family vehicle, which Westly believes will take the US car industry by storm.

Chevrolet is working on the Chevy Volt, a plug-in electric car that switches over to extend its range with electricity generated from a small petrol engine. The Volt is Chevrolet's signature effort to catapult the company into electric cars.

The Obama Administration has used the necessity of an economic stimulus package to pour money into the industry and grants and subsidies are just starting to flow.

About $US80 billion for clean energy will be available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, on top of $US70 billion in funding that was already available for projects like retooling the car industry to meet tougher emissions standards and for the nuclear industry.

Some of the new money is going into low-tech projects such as insulating and weatherising homes of 1 million low-income Americans, a program known as "cash for caulkers" because it pays for plugging gaps in houses.

But there are also billions flowing into science labs, venture capital companies and American factories.

"Our aim is to set the table and the private entrepreneurs can make the food and serve it," said a White House official during a briefing before Christmas on plans to use some of the money the banks have repaid to triple the funding available under tax credit schemes for green technology, taking it to $US7.3 billion.

The Administration says it will now meet its goal of doubling America's renewable energy output to 55.6 gigawatts through wind, solar and geothermal in just three years.

That will mean nearly half a million new jobs in advanced manufacturing jobs building wind turbines, solar panels and new components for an advanced "smart" grid capable of carrying power from these renewable sources according to the Administration.

There are plenty of "green shoots" emerging.

The town of Newton, Iowa, was hit hard in 2007 when Maytag, the whitegoods maker that began there, moved the last of its manufacturing to Mexico and shed 1800 jobs. At its peak Maytag employed one in five residents of Newton.

Then TPI opened up on the outskirts of town, making blades for wind turbines, thanks to Iowa's subsidies for wind power. Now even the old Maytag plant is busy making the foundations for the windmills.

But not all the news in the sector is good news. In Pipestone, Minnesota, Suzlon Energy cut its workforce in half mid-year at a factory making fibreglass blades for wind turbines as orders fell thanks to the credit squeeze.

That may change as the Obama subsidies flow through. But it shows that even renewables are subject to the same economic forces as the rest of the economy.

Many of the people who made their fortunes in the dotcom era are now focused laserlike on clean tech.

Perhaps the best known of the champions for clean tech is Al Gore, who has invested some of his fortune in Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, a venture capital company that includes many of the big names from the dotcom era.

Gore has also set up another company, Generation Investments, a sustainable investment fund that is focusing on the next stage of the market looking for proven businesses that offer long-term rather than short-term profits.

"The market is long on short and short on long," Gore wrote in his book, Our Choice.

"This short-term orientation has significant negative repercussions for the global economy. If businesses forego value-creating investments to manage short-term earnings, it damages economic viability in the future," he wrote.

The company now has an office in Australia because it sees the Australian superannuation industry as likely to be attracted to its philosophy.

The man behind Sun Microsystems, Vinod Khosla, has set up Khosla Ventures. Both Khosla and Kleiner Perkins are foundation investors in Ausra, a solar thermal company based on Australian technology developed by David Mills.

But the evangelists are not limited to the venture capital guys in California.

The economic crisis has brought together some strange bedfellows as Americans have watched 2 million manufacturing jobs disappear since the recession started in December 2007.

The United Steelworkers paired with the Sierra Club to form the Blue Green Alliance to lobby for support for green jobs and is lobbying for manufacturing subsidies for new industries where American manufacturing workers can readily adapt their skills.

An Ohio senator, Sherrod Brown, who launched the Blue Green Alliance's report, Building a Clean Energy Assembly Line, has a vision of Ohio, one of the hard-hit rust belt states, being revitalised by clean energy manufacturing.

"Done right clean energy policy will create new demand for Ohio manufacturing," he said.

But is this realistic? Is it possible to replace the stalwart industries of the US economy steel-making, car, and general manufacturing and construction with green industries that will provide huge numbers of jobs?

There are sceptics about the Administration's policies from both ends of the spectrum.

In the US, some economists and conservative commentators have seized on a Spanish study from the University of King Juan Carlos, which attempted to look at Spain's experience and extrapolate the likely impacts on employment in the US.

It found that the US should expect a loss of at least 2.2 jobs on average, or about 9 jobs lost for every four created, based on the Spanish experience.

On a national scale that would mean the loss of between 6.6 million and 11 million US jobs as a direct consequence of subsidising 3 to 5 million green jobs.

The study assumes that the subsidies lead to higher electricity costs, which will affect the costs of production in metallurgy, mining and food processing. In the case of direct subsidies, the study said electricity costs would have to rise 31 per cent to pay back the funds borrowed to pay for renewable energy. It also warned that subsidies created a serious bubble potential, as investors flood into heavily subsidised industries.

The paper drew a furious response from the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory, part of the Department of Energy. Spokesmen said the report did not use traditional research methodologies to estimate job impacts and the Spanish experience was not indicative of the workforce impacts in the US or other countries.

Meanwhile, President Obama is copping it for not doing enough. Well known liberal commentator Naomi Klein recently blasted him for missing the opportunity to create the "Green New Deal".

"Instead, he experimented disastrously with reaching across the aisle to Republicans, low-balling the size of the stimulus and blowing much of it on tax cuts. Sure, he spent some money on weatherisation, but public transit was inexplicably short-changed while highways that perpetuate car culture won big," she wrote.

As for the bail-out of car companies and banks, Klein said Obama should have demanded more, forcing them to invest in a green transformation.

Perhaps the biggest impediment for the US and indeed for Australia comes in reversing many of the subsidies for fossil fuels that are infused throughout the tax system and getting politicians to impose a cost on carbon emissions.

A study by the US Environmental Law Institute of energy subsidies between 2002 and 2008 found that $US72 billion flowed to the fossil fuel industry, compared with $US29 billion for the renewables industry.

President Obama has begun reversing that, but he faces strong resistance from entrenched oil interests.

He faces a huge battle in 2010 to persuade his own party to support a cap-and-trade scheme that would put a price on carbon. At the moment he would struggle to get a simple majority in the Senate, let alone the 60 votes needed to overcome blocking moves by Republicans.

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