Hardball, Murdoch Style

Analysts tracking News Corporation soon learn they had better play by Rupert’s rules. As Mike Mangan learned to his cost, Rule One is that they maintain a ‘buy’ recommendation — or it’s bye bye fees.
By · 14 Oct 2005
By ·
14 Oct 2005
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The global media giant News Corporation (NWS) is a fascinating company, in the image of its leader, Rupert Murdoch. But one thing is certain: with News, intrigue is never far away. Recent examples include the company’s move from Australia to the United States (which took up most of 2004) and its negotiations with Liberty Media (which took up most of 2005).
The latest intrigue is its backflip over its poison pill arrangements.

But first some background. In October 2004, News was trying to persuade its shareholders to vote in favour of it moving to the US. It promised the appropriate corporate governance bodies that if it ever, by chance, introduced a poison pill it would only be for 12 months; after that any poison pill would be put to a shareholder vote. This was a last-minute concession to the corporate watchdogs aimed at swaying shareholder sentiment.

The promise was made, but apparently News representatives claimed (in private meetings) that there was no time to enshrine this new arrangement in the new company constitution. Therefore the new arrangement was to be a board policy. Being gentlemen who kept their word, the corporate governance bodies accepted the News representatives would do the same.

Within a week of moving to the US, News adopted a poison pill. And within 12 months of that, it just changed its poison pill board policy '” there was to be no shareholder vote after all. To my non-legal brain what News has done appears perfectly legal. The problem seems to be that among gentlemen, it did not keep its word.

Now the corporate governance bodies will test their version of events in a Delaware courthouse. Regardless of the outcome, the episode reaffirms a reputation the company has had for a long time: that it is too cute by far. News is used to winning, but I don’t think it is healthy if there is a perception that it will say whatever is required to get a deal done. It’s not healthy for the company, for democracy, and certainly not healthy for wider society '” particularly if the company is large and has global influence.

The experience of the corporate governance bodies certainly echoes my experience as an analyst. One example from the old days was when News operatives spoke about dollars. As an analyst you could never be sure whether they were talking Australian or US dollars. The difference could be anywhere from 25% to 50%. It was usually US dollars but not always, and often you couldn’t tell. Not that the ambiguity seemed to faze the company. Favoured analysts always seemed to work it out. It was all very cute.

Other examples abound. Within a couple of months of announcing the merger of the its US satellite TV operations with Echostar in 1997, News warned that unless Echostar managing director Charlie Ergen resigned, it would walk away from the deal. Ergen did not resign; instead he went to court and eventually secured a great deal. For News it was all part of the cut and thrust: say one thing, do another and if you don’t like it we’ll see you in court. When dealing with News it’s best to do what Ergen did and have a brace of lawyers ready, something the corporate governance bodies perhaps didn’t do.


I notice a few brokers are saying the court case is irrelevant to News’s core value. But that ignores the issue of trust. A company that is not trusted will not have a place in most portfolios. I look forward to the day News reflects on that. Which brings me to broker recommendations. No other company I know has been recommended by so many brokers, yet produced such appalling returns. The earnings per share (EPS) at News has been static since 1987, as shown in the following chart.

With a negligible dividend, shareholders have relied on share price appreciation for any return. But with a poor EPS growth record, little wonder News has delivered no share price performance for shareholders since 1998 as shown in the following share price chart.

One of the intriguing aspects of its dreadful share price performance over the past seven years is that almost all the brokers missed it. At a time when News gave virtually no return to its shareholders, almost every broker had a “buy” recommendation on the stock; the vast majority of brokers still recommend News to their clients. Generally this recommendation is supported by cliches such as “huge discount to the sum of the parts”, “global growth”, “vision” and my own personal favourite, “unparalleled opportunity”.

Now, brokers getting stock recommendations wrong is not new news. But I would argue it is unique for almost every broker who covered the stock across two continents to continually recommend a stock and for that stock to deliver nothing to shareholders '” over seven years. And this track record has not changed even after the so-called Spitzer reforms apparently shook up the US stockbroking community. So what’s going on?

I’ve previously made some estimates about the amount of fees News generates for the investment banking community: about $US250 million a year for the past 10 years. This is more than it paid in dividends to its shareholders, as the following table shows. So if you want to know why there are so many “buy” recommendations, perhaps you need look no further. To quote Deep Throat: “Follow the money”.


News is a very complicated company, spanning almost all media and nowadays every significant economy around the globe. Few outside the inner circle know what is truly going on. But understanding what is really happening is valuable information, and the company knows it. So over time, an analyst pyramid seems to have developed. Those closest to the top of the pyramid get the best information. Now in my day as a News analyst, the information pyramid worked something like this:

    1. House brokers received special tips on likely deals; the company rang you. On one memorable occasion, a house broker came out with a complete summary of a new deal the morning before it was announced. Whoops!

    2. Breakfasts and lunches with senior executives. These allowed brokers to highlight to their institutional clients just how close they were to the company. I’m told of one embarrassing broker breakfast after a poor quarterly report. During the night the broker dropped the “buy” recommendation. Unable to withdraw from the breakfast at such short notice, he was ignored by the company executives. Throughout proceedings their noses pointed to the sky. The lesson was learned and the recommendation reverted to “buy” within days. There have since been many more such meetings.
    3. Broker conferences attended by key News executives. Even here there is pyramid. Snaring Rupert is best, followed by other senior executives.
    4. Broker conferences attended by News investor relations people only.
    5. A single question, at company phone conference calls. Even during question time there was a pyramid. House brokers always got the first few questions. The most favoured brokers were generally allowed questions towards the front and the least favoured were at the back of the queue. The probable logic here was that many institutional clients got bored and hung up on the call. So the earlier you were able to ask your special question, the more clients were likely to hear your voice. This provided a greater opportunity to showcase your wares. Although I often tried, unless I had a “buy” recommendation on News I was never able to ask a question during a company conference call. I also noticed that if I had just upgraded to a “buy”, I was generally given the last question of the call. It was like being on probation. If I continued to play the game '” that is, recommend News as a “buy” '” I moved up the queue. Restricting questions to analysts with “buy” recommendations was a clever way of denying recalcitrant analysts a forum in which to express their viewpoint.
    6. All other brokers.

    The name of the game was for analysts to climb the pyramid. As they did so, their information flow increased '” at least that was the perception among their institutional clients. And the best way to climb the information pyramid was to exhibit total faith in News’s vision, no matter what the objective evidence portrayed. Thus an analyst with a “buy” recommendation would not be unhappy if the stock price fell 20% if that meant they moved from a mere question at a News conference call to the attendance by News investor relations people at their forthcoming broker’s conference. And News knows that too.

    Climbing the information pyramid is the analysts’ carrot. There is also a stick for recalcitrants. The first time I downgraded from “buy” to “hold” I was contacted by investor relations. For the next few minutes (time became a blur) I was abused, insulted and sworn at. My competence was questioned. As a young analyst I felt totally intimidated. I’m told of at least two other analysts receiving similar calls.

    The next time I downgraded News (it took three years to get my courage back), I waited in trepidation. This time the phone call went straight to my employer (the broker), who was told I was acting “unprofessionally”. I was told my “unprofessional conduct” threatened the relationships (fees) others within the firm enjoyed with the company.

    About two years later, at the top of the dotcom bubble, I downgraded to a “sell”. Having survived earlier intimidation, how bad could it be? Well, it can get a lot worse. The company asked my employer to remove me from covering the stock. I was astounded. But I suppose if you are used to changing governments (just ask Gough Whitlam, John Major and Al Gore/John Kerry), changing analysts is hardly a challenge. These sorts of experiences give a whole new meaning to John Howard’s call for companies to talk up their prospects!

    I was not replaced, at that time. But five years later, as I peruse the list of analysts on the News website, it is striking that not one has a “sell” recommendation on the stock. By and large they all have “buy” recommendations.

    While most companies talk about competitors, Rupert Murdoch talks about his enemies. It is an interesting insight to his philosophy. In the military there are no competitors either; there are enemies and they must be destroyed. I suspect in Rupert’s world, you are either loyal (and amply rewarded, mind you), or you are an enemy. And enemies must be destroyed, often with no quarter given and no prisoners taken. In Rupert’s world, there appears to be no room for United Nations observers (independent analysts).

    None of this is meant to impinge the integrity of analysts. Many are fine gentlemen and women. At the end of the day they are thrust into a vortex: they are trying to understand a $US50 billion corporation that is attempting to seduce, cajole, influence and, if absolutely necessary, strong-arm them. News is more mini-state than corporation, and more powerful than many countries.

    It was my experience that this $US50 billion corporation, with its enormous resources, was not beyond saying and doing whatever it takes to ensure its viewpoint is the one that sees the light of day. All others can then sink into oblivion. And I have become the poster child for analysts who do not play their game.


    But the above issues are not the core of the problem, but mere symptoms. After following this stock for the past 15 years it appears to me that in order of priority, the main objectives of the company are:

      1. Maintain Murdoch family control of News at all costs, even if that means moving to Delaware and instituting a poison pill.

      2. In the best traditions of its buccaneering spirit, repel all borders, such as Liberty Media’s John Malone.
      3. Dominate whatever media space they so choose '” US television yesterday, the internet tomorrow.
      4. In so far as it helps the above objectives, provide a return to shareholders.

      Shareholders are not completely forgotten. It’s just that News has more important priorities, so shareholders appear to have become an afterthought. Any shareholder returns are purely supplemental to attaining the first three company objectives.

      Given all this, there should be no surprise that I do not recommend News as a core holding. But there are trading opportunities for the brave. There are times when the company actually focuses on delivering shareholder returns, because not to do so could jeopardise their first three priorities. But perhaps we can address that another time.

      The author was a News Corporation analyst for 15 years. In Australia, he was rated among the top three News Corporation and media analysts over much of this period, including 2004. In January 2005, when News was $A24, he downgraded it to a “sell”. He was retrenched in April. His replacement has a “buy” recommendation on the company. News attended the latter’s New York media conference in June this year!

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