Douglass poised to use Magellan's firepower

Hamish Douglass talks on the opportunities and threats he sees ahead.
By · 17 Dec 2018
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17 Dec 2018
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The high-profile co-founder of Magellan Financial Group, Hamish Douglass, has recently stepped into the role of company Chairman, adding to his primary role as Chief Investment Officer of the globally focused funds management group.

In an exclusive interview, he describes the current market volatility as healthy for markets and says it’s not a major correction. And with around 19 per cent of his funds under management currently in cash, Douglass is ready to take advantage of buying opportunities, noting he believes 2019 will be presenting many for long-term investors.

But with a high level of economic and geopolitical uncertainty, driven by the US Federal Reserve and the US-China trade war, he says he and his funds management team at Magellan are prepared for all eventualities.

Listen to the podcast or read the full interview below.

Tony Kaye: Hello I’m Tony Kaye, I’m the editor of InvestSMART. Today I’m talking with Hamish Douglass, who’s the Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Magellan Funds Management. Hi Hamish.

Hamish Douglass: Hi Tony, pleasure to be here.

Tony Kaye: Thanks for giving me some time today. Hamish I really wanted to catch up just to have a general chat about where you’re seeing things at the moment, and how you’re positioning for all this volatility that we’ve got in global markets at the moment. I wouldn’t say it’s unprecedented but there’s certainly things going on which are unprecedented. So what are you seeing at the moment, what are the drivers?

Hamish Douglass: Well I think the drivers are things we’ve been talking about for a while. I think there’s two principle drivers while we’re seeing volatility in the market. So, I should say Tony, we’ve seen volatility. I wouldn’t call this a major stock market correction, I would call it more volatility at the moment. A correction I’d call something more material than we’re seeing at the moment. A bit of volatility isn’t that unhealthy in markets.

So, what’s driving this recent volatility? I’d probably put it down into two major issues going on in the world. One is about what the Federal Reserve is doing in relation to monetary policy in the United States. They’ve been tightening monetary policy, which means two things. They’ve been increasing short-term interest rates and they’re planning to increase rates further, late in the economical cycle, and they’re starting to shrink their balance sheet, effectively sell assets after years and years and years of quantitative easing and buying assets. And that’s creating uncertainty in markets about what the pathway, where does it end, where does quantitative easing end? Some months it looks like they’re going to tighten more rapidly and then markets shake and it looks like, well maybe they’re not going to go as fast. So the market's reacting, and particularly reacting to everything Jerome Powell is saying about monetary policy, he’s the Chairman of the US Federal Reserve and, of course, we’ve got a President in Trump who doesn’t like stock market volatility, who’s kind of blaming it on the Federal Reserve and he’s tweeting quite continuously that he doesn’t like an increase in interest rates. That’s the first backdrop.

The second backdrop to volatility is really the increased tensions that we’re now seeing between China and the United States, particularly in relation to trade. There are some very deep issues between the United States and China, particularly the Made in 2025 Plan of China. These are some of the legitimate issues I would say that Trump has been putting on the table. It is not just the Trump Administration, there’s been a lot of commentators and politicians in the Unites States who feel very strongly that China is unfairly competing with the United States, and there is some truth in this, so now there’s a lot of tension between the countries. Is it going to be an escalating series of tariff wars and deeper sort of Cold War behaviour, or is it going to be a grand settlement? They’re currently sort of in a 90-day truce.

Tony Kaye: Where do you see that going? There’s been a lot of talk about coming to some sort of an agreement but on the other hand there’s other things going on which probably are probably working against that.

Hamish Douglass: Yeah, we’re somewhat split inside Magellan about exactly what will happen. There’s one side of my head, macro economist of Magellan, would actually say ... he would bet that there’s actually going to be a settlement of this, Trump will do a deal. Trump doesn’t like the volatility of the stock market, and therefore, will effectively do a deal to take the pressure off.

The other side of this table, and I’m probably sitting more on the other side, I find it hard to call this because the issues are very, very real issues about technology theft and transfer of technology, state sponsorship of very critical industries of the future, tariff differentials between the countries. So, there are some very real issues here. If Trump really wants to take them on we’re not going to get a full settlement in the next 90 days. This is going to get deeper before we know exactly what it’s going to look like.

And, of course, we’ve got the 2020 elections coming up. Does Trump want to take this issue of China being the centre of an issue he wants to attack by doing a deal or not? So, he’ll be reacting to the stock market, but he’ll be reacting to many things, and as soon as he looks close to doing a deal he tends to back away as more people get in his ears.

The only way I think a real deal happens in the near term is if Trump, for his own domestic political reasons, decides to back off. He decides to really not take China on, and I don’t know which way ... Michael Morell, who’s been advising us and Tony you came on our roadshow. Michael’s the ex deputy director of the CIA, he doesn’t think we’re going to get any deal of substance. He thinks we could get a deal of non substance, but the Chinese aren’t going to back away for their ambitions and if the United States really wants to take them on we could almost get a sort of Cold War. I don’t mean the Soviet Union style Cold War, where we’ve got nuclear weapons pointed at each other. But a Cold War where the countries start stepping aside and moving in very different philosophical directions.

Which way does it play out in the next six months or so, I don’t know? I would warrant some caution, at hand, I think we’ll see some continued volatility both on as we increase interest rates in the United States and the markets try to read what will happen, and also these tensions between China and the United States. So they would be the two biggest issues which are causing volatility in markets at the moment. And I would quite expected, these things were visible before the markets started their volatility and things we’ve been pointing out to people are the two big issues and now the markets are reacting as more information’s coming out.

Tony Kaye: That’s right, these things have been brewing for some time.

Hamish Douglass: Yeah

Tony Kaye: We’ve also got other things going on of course, such as Brexit, what’s happening with Brexit, we’ve got other things going on in Europe, so there’s quite a bit of instability really isn’t there right around these key markets?

Hamish Douglass: Yeah, there is instability around these markets. Brexit’s obviously a very big issue for the UK, it’s not a big issue for the world as a whole, it’s very important if you’re sitting in the UK and if you have investments in the UK and we’ve effectively not got any investments in the UK at the moment because of the uncertainty of Brexit.

Maybe there will be an opportunity in the UK as the volatility increases, so we’re watching Brexit very carefully but we don’t know which way that’s going to drop. For the rest of the world it’s not a huge event, somewhat of an event in Europe, but for the rest of the world it’s not nearly like the other two events I was talking about. We do have other forms of instability within Europe, we’ve got the situation with Italy at the moment and the budget standoff we have between Rome and Brussels, at the moment. We’re expecting more volatility there but we’re not seeing a crisis in Europe likely to develop but we’re watching that carefully. We’ve got these riots that are occurring in France, it’s a very recent development and it looked like one very difficult to control. There doesn’t seem to be any single heads that you can sit down and do a deal with, so Macron’s got a real domestic political issue on his hands and it could get worse.

So you’re right, there are some other issues going on. I would put them as second order issues from a global perspective at the moment but ones to keep your eyes on.

Tony Kaye: So looking forward into 2019, it’s really going to be a continuation I suppose of where we are now in many respects. Do you think markets are pretty much going to remain in the same volatile condition that they are now, or do you think things might settle down?

Hamish Douglass: Well, I think we’re going to have more volatility. What exactly happens in 2019 will depend on those major events. If there is a deal done between the United States and China in the next 90 days and that disappears as the issue, obviously it will settle down around that. In all likelihood it probably won’t, but let’s see what happens there. I think we’ll get another few rate increases and we’ll get a clearer point about where monetary policy is heading in the United States.

We could well get more volatility and we could get more downside in markets, but what’s very important that, the very famous Ben Graham’s saying, and we’re very mindful of this. We’ve got 18 to 19 per cent in cash in our strategies at the moment.

If we do get more volatility in markets in 2019, we’re actually getting somewhat excited here as investors. The volatility’s not frightening and even greater falls in the stock market aren’t frightening us at all. It’s time to get greedy when others are fearful and it’s time to get fearful when others are greedy. We’ve just come out of the greedy period and now people are starting to get fearful. So I think for 2019 the big thing for us at Magellan is knowing when to act. And not just reacting like everybody else is going to react through 2019.

We’re still holding, we think it’s too early to use the firepower we’ve built up at this stage, but should we see any material shake out at markets from this level it’s not something that’s causing us a lot of concern. If anything it’s creating ... we haven’t seen a lot of really good opportunities in the last few years because markets have been expensive. We’ve had a limited number but there hasn’t been a large number of them. We’re now starting to see some things moving in price, and as they move in price that actually just opens up opportunities potentially or us as longer-term investors.

Tony Kaye: Where would that play out, what sort of things would you potentially be looking at if the opportunity presents itself?

Hamish Douglass: Tony, if only if I would tell you. We’re not going to pinpoint specific stocks because some of them haven’t even moved in price at the moment. We know clearly what our universe is, we’ve got a very large team of analysts working on a whole series of things at the moment and we’ll see how markets play out. Things I’m thinking of today, in six months it could be something completely different because prices may have moved in something else that don’t look attractive today but suddenly look very attractive in three or six months. So, let’s see what happens.

Tony Kaye: The US markets, I think you talked about this at the roadshow, but you don’t necessarily say the US market is over valued at this point?

Hamish Douglass: The point I was making on the roadshow, we were not making a point on whether the US market was cheap or expensive. What we were saying is this very simplistic view that the US market’s done better and others have done worse, therefore the US market must be expensive or because its overall multiple's higher than other markets. We say you have to break the markets down by their component parts by their sectors. And when we look across the major sectors in the world and we look for similar companies around the world, say we look at the major consumer staple business in the world. And we look at the ones in the United States, businesses like Proctor and Gamble, and maybe Kraft Heinz, Kellogg’s, and others and then we look at Colgate, then we look at the other major consumers staples like a Nestle or Danone or a Unilever or something, we don’t find any evidence that it’s the US ones that are expensive. If they’re expensive, they’re all expensive around the world.

They’re all trading on very similar multiples. The same in global healthcare stocks, if you look at similar pharmaceutical companies around the world, they trade on very similar multiples, notwithstanding where they are. The technology sector, which has been trading on higher multiples. But the US technology companies and the non US large technology companies, they’re actually not more expensive than the United States. It may be all of them were expensive at one point or all on high multiples. The US market has tended to be on higher multiples because it’s got a large component of its market in technology, which has had higher multiples. But if you equally weighted all the sectors in the United States with the rest of the world, suddenly the United States wouldn’t be on higher multiples than the rest of the world.

This was the point we were trying to make to people, instead of very simplistically looking at an average multiple of an entire market look at its components and then make a judgement. We were not making it a judgement at that point in the roadshow that we thought markets were cheap anywhere. We were telling people, we were cautious and we thought markets were fully valued. They’ve come off, maybe off 10 or 15 per cent, depending which day we actually look at it, Tony.

Tony Kaye: Exactly. So, from a retail investor perspective, what you were saying before about waiting for the opportunities, having a bit of a pot of cash on the side might be a good strategy for an investor and perhaps looking at the opportunities if markets fall further? Is that what you’d be saying to an average investor?

Hamish Douglass: Well, I think it’s very difficult for an average investor to try and time a market. If you have cash at the moment, I’d probably suggest there’s no need to rush into things but it’s very difficult to pick the bottom. So if I was a retail investor I would probably average into a market over the next 12 months or so. I think if you look out three or four years that averaging in is probably going to look well, but if the markets fall 10 per cent I couldn’t tell you that’s the right time to invest. They could fall another 10 per cent or they could pop up another 10 per cent. That’s very hard to judge exactly where markets are, but we’re seeing volatility and averaging in through volatility, instead of knowing you’re smart to let’s say let’s all put it in next week or in three months or in six months. That’s very difficult to do.

Tony Kaye: Yeah. In terms of sectors, if you happen to talk about sectors, what are some of the sector opportunities which are rising? I think you mentioned healthcare?

Hamish Douglass: Well we don’t really ... we have dedicated sector teams but we really think of it in terms of companies we invest in. A good example you could say the technology sector, but we’re invested in so many different areas of the technology sector. So, would I say is the technology sector itself a good place to be? I would say I wouldn’t have a clue, because you’re just talking about a blancmange of so many different things.

But, you asked me a view of whether we should be in the world’s greatest advertising platforms in technology being Alphabet and Facebook and I could give you a view which are the best enterprise software businesses in the world, and I could talk to you about Microsoft or SAP, we could probably talk to you about Salesforce. We don’t own it, we could talk to you about, we could take you through the Chinese big tech platforms and our views on that. Technology in retailing is a very big area of the world; we could probably talk to you about Alibaba and Amazon and Ebay.

If we wanted to get into payments we could probably start talking about MasterCard or Visa or American Express. But as a sector as a whole, and just saying I think you should be in technology, we think it’s a load of nonsense. There are so many things within a broad sector. And just as healthcare you’re saying. Healthcare is such a broad sector. Are we talking about investing in devices like a Cochlear, are you talking about blood plasma if you’re here in Australia, about a CSL, are we talking about pharmaceuticals, are we talking about hospitals, are we talking about health insurers? So ,which one of those things do you want to invest in?

I just wouldn’t want to give people advice that they should be doing something simplistic, like let’s go and buy healthcare ETF. So, you’ve got to break it down, you’ve got to think about the businesses and we invest in businesses, we don’t invest in sectors. We think about the businesses, we think about their prospects, we think about the threats, we think about the competition, and we think about what they’re worth and then we make a decision about individual businesses within sectors. We break it right down to the granular level of an individual business.

Tony Kaye: Okay. Just coming back to China during this year, Chinese companies have ... certain Chinese companies have been included in the World Index which has opened up opportunities for investors in certain companies in China. Is that something that’s presented an opportunity for Magellan?

Hamish Douglass: Whether companies are in or out of an index, they tend to get repriced during the rebalancing periods within an index, but that’s not of any interest to us. We don’t make short-term decisions. There are a lot of investors and hedge funds who will trade around index inclusion and non index inclusion and think they could get rerated through being put in an index. But we’re making decisions, we’re looking five years into the future when we make an investment, and what the share price does in three months through an index inclusion frankly has very little relevance to what we do. It has very … the MSCI’s inclusion of some Chinese companies in the MSCI or Country World, does that influence us at all? No, it’s had no influence to us. They can go out as well.

Tony Kaye: Have you got a view on emerging markets in terms of what we’ve seen on the investment scene, and emerging markets, particularly have been very volatile this year. What do you see happening on that score?

Hamish Douglass: Well, first of all I think you need to distinguish between emerging markets, China and frontier markets, I think they’re very, very different beasts, if you like. Frontier markets are too small for us and very high risk, there are a lot of African countries and the like. China I think is a market unto its own, it’s a bit like Japan. So I typically would not put China in the rest of emerging markets, and the reason is, the renminbi is a lot more stable, it’s a very large economy. Very large emerging class, it doesn’t tend to have the dollar financing, US dollar financing, and therefore it doesn’t have the same risk characteristics.

If you go into Argentina or Brazil and countries like that they can be incredibly volatile, particularly around their currencies. We’ve actually been quite nervous around a lot of those countries, particularly with the US increasing interest rates and it has led to a lot of volatility and capital flows in and out of many emerging markets outside of China. So we’re being cautious when we’re looking at multi-national businesses, about the currency volatility and what it can do for those local economies. If you look at China in particular I think you should ... people should be looking at China on a stand-alone basis. It’s the world’s second-largest economy, it’s got a massive emerging middle class, it’s got a relatively stable currency. We’ve got a large number of large multi-national businesses that have large businesses in China. We’re very comfortable there. Would we be as interested with a business with a very large business in Argentina or Brazil? We’d probably be more concerned about that risk.

Tony Kaye: Alright, let’s perhaps start to wrap up and summarise. Looking into 2019, what’s your sort of high-level take on where things are going to be in 2019?

Hamish Douglass: Other than more volatility, we don’t really have a very clear view at this stage but we’re prepared sort of for all eventualities. We’re cautious at the moment but don’t forget as markets correct in price, our caution, even though it keeps playing out, might turn into optimism in terms of forward stock returns. And, if we do get a lot more volatility all I’d say is we don’t want to waste the opportunity. We would like to take advantage of that opportunity. We haven’t to date, we’ve been cautious, we’ve got our firepower reserved, but 2019 could be the opportunity for the long-term investor.

Tony Kaye: Key drivers, being as we discussed, US, China?

Hamish Douglass: US, China and I think US monetary policy are the two big things. Of course, we may see some things that none of us are even talking about today that could pop its head up in 2019. The situation in Europe, for instance, we could see a bit but it could get substantially worse. We’re not calling that, but it could. That’s the fun thing about markets, it always keeps changing in terms of what lies ahead.

Tony Kaye: Do you think the Fed will take its foot off the accelerator a bit with rate rises, or the suggestion is there that they might move to calm conditions in the US?

Hamish Douglass: I think it really depends, Tony. I think they’re going to be very, very driven by what happens in US inflation. If US inflation stays around its current level I think they will be a little bit more cautious about what they’re doing, but they’ve got a very tight labour market here. We’ve still got the effect of the tax cuts coming through that will start to fade at the end of next year, but we’ve still got a very strong economy in the United States. Consumer sentiment notwithstanding, the stock market is very high in the United States. So, if we do get some materially increased wages inflation in the United States I don’t think the Fed will have any choice. Will that happen or won’t it happen? I don’t know and frankly I don’t think the Fed knows at the moment. They will react to the data and the true facts that happen, which is one of the great mysteries at the moment. Why hasn’t there been inflation in the United States, with the tightest labour market since 1969, with an economy growing strongly? Will it cause inflation or not? We will see, and the Fed will see as well.

Tony Kaye: Hamish Douglass, thanks very much for your time today.

Hamish Douglass: A pleasure, Tony.

Tony Kaye: It’s good to talk to you.

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