Cyan's unique benchmark

This week's fund manager interview is with Dean Fergie, the Director and Portfolio Manager at Cyan Asset Management. Mitchell Sneddon spoke to Dean about IPOs, Cyan's investment process and more.
By · 22 Jul 2019
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22 Jul 2019
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Dean Fergie is the Director and Portfolio Manager at Cyan Asset Management. Along with his colleague Graham Carson, Dean manages the Cyan C3G fund, a small-cap fund focusing on companies with market caps between $50 and $200 million dollars.

The fund has been operating since 2014 and has returned 19 per cent per annum after fees since inception. Like a number of small-cap managers, the fund has had a tough 12 months, but it's starting to rebound. We talked to Dean about IPOs, the investment process, and he also gives us three stocks to keep an eye on.

Dean, tell us how you and Graham came together and why you thought you guys should start a fund?

Yeah, I guess I've been working in the funds management industry for 25 or 30 years. Graham's been an analyst for a long period of time, so I think we've got a good blend of skills. I think what we both realised was that the best money-making opportunities are in the kind of small to microcap space, if you're very selective about what you want to invest in. But you can only do that really effectively with a limited amount of funds under management, that’s the funds that grow too large or they have big institutional mandates just can't effectively invest meaningfully in that smaller cap space. So we wanted to have a very, I suppose, kind of light and cost-effective business model, which meant not having a lot of analysts and back-office and that sort of stuff. So we wanted to come together in a small group and manage a small amount of money for a limited number of investors, but to do that very effectively and to concentrate on absolute returns.

What do you think that Cyan does differently to the other small-cap managers out there?

Yeah, there's a couple of things. We're really selective about what we invest in. We only invest in kind of 25 to 30 companies. We don't invest in any resources. We don't invest in any biotechnology. Anything that we think is very risky, we don't invest in. We’re long-only, so we don't short and probably most specifically, we have a really flexible cash weighting. So we don't feel that we ever need to be 100 per cent invested. We don't try and match an index as such. We really only invest when we really think the risk-reward equation works well enough over, and if that doesn't happen, then we leave the money in the bank and we don’t risk that capital.

What that's meant for returns over time, and we've been going for that five years, is that we've ended up with pretty strong annualised returns. They're close to 20 per cent per annum, but with very low volatility in the fund. The volatility in the fund is around or even just a touch lower than the All Ords Index, which is a very diversified index. We think that the actual outcomes we’ve achieved for investors have been very, very good.

And recently there's been some pressure on small-cap managers in the Australian market. You've even seen some of them close their doors. Actually, there's been some articles in the press about that. How are you guys going with the current pressures that the market is been bringing to the small-cap sector?

Yeah, it's been really interesting. I mean you've probably seen three or four reasonable small-cap managers decide to close their doors. That seems to be a fallout from the fact that a number of large institutional investors look to be bringing that management of their funds inhouse. So you've seen a lot of large super funds pull money from external managers. We've never targeted large institutional money. We manage around kind of $50 million and that's amongst sort of 200 individual investors. The largest investors in the fund are actually myself and Graham, so we've never had a large mix of money that walks out the door, and has a meaningful effect on our operational capacity as a fund. That's been, I think, positive. It's obviously harder to get that money in the door immediately, but it all is at full fees and it's really manageable to have a such a diversified unitholder base.

I think when you're looking at investing in funds, you've got really two sides of the equation. You've got the side of what does the fund invest in, how diversified or how concentrated is the portfolio of stocks? But on the other hand, you've also got how concentrated or diversified is the unitholder base, and we've got diversification of both sides where I think some of these fund managers have one or two clients that could be half their fund and if they decide to leave it, it really affects the business model and the outcomes for the other unitholders at the time.

Talking about your fund, I noticed it's actually got a unique benchmark. The benchmark of your fund is 2.5 per cent per quarter. Why did you choose that figure and not, say, a traditional benchmark like the Small Ords Index?

I mean that again, another really good question, our philosophy has been that individual investors just want to make a positive return. They don't care if you've exceeded the Small Industrials benchmark or the Nasdaq Tech benchmark or whatever it is. They want to make a meaningful positive return.

And I don't think investors invest in a fund like ours, which is certainly more risky than a number of other asset classes, because they want to make a modest return above inflation or the bank bill rate. We think that a double-digit return of 2.5 per cent per quarter or 10 per cent per annum is meaningful and if we can exceed that, then we're happy to take a performance fee. If we don't, we don't think we've done a great job for our investors. We just wanted to, I think, make it fair and that if investors get a good uplift then that's good. That's what we want to target. Of course, we're not always going to achieve 10 per cent and it's becoming increasingly harder as interest rates fall. But we just think people want to invest to achieve kind of a reasonable positive return.

Is there a high watermark in place there as well?

There is, yes.

And I presume the 2.5 per cent per quarter does not reset annually. Does it continue to compound, is that correct?

It doesn't. If we haven't exceeded the benchmark the 2.5 per cent return doesn't compound as such and the high watermark does reset after three years but pretty much... look, unless you're doing completely different sets of units, it does become a little bit sort of complex. But what's important to note is that that the returns we quote to our clients and public, are after all fees. So after all management, all performance fees or FUM fees. So we think it’s a really transparent performance outcome and we think our fees are pretty much middle-of-the-road compared to other funds.

All right.

There’s certainly other funds out there that are taking performance fees above 0 per cent, above the bank bill rate or cash rate, so they’re kind of taking performance fees but really making pretty low returns, which we don't think is completely fair. But I suppose all these funds set their prices and they either get applications or they don't.

Fair enough. Going back to something that you just mentioned, you said a getting a double-digit return in the shorter term or the foreseeable future is getting harder and harder. You have had probably one of your lower return years underperforming your benchmark. Paint the picture for us. Are you seeing less opportunities now in this world with the low interest rate world? We've got a stock market at all-time highs. Is that meaning a lot less opportunities coming across your desk?

I mean the short answer is no. At the moment, we're seeing a lot of opportunities. There's always a lag between how the market's performed and how many, I suppose opportunities there are certainly in the primary market, so in IPOs and I suppose new placements and things like that. The story of 2018, 2019 financial year was it was an incredibly difficult time from June to December, 2018. And I think all market participants thought we were going to go through a really tough time in the equity market and that completely reversed this year. And so what you're seeing is that whilst all the activities slowed down for the first quarter of this calendar year, from about sort of April, May, June, it's been really, really buoyant and we're seeing some great opportunities in the market at the moment.

I guess you're always looking forward and you're seeing market at record highs and some really, really extended valuations. It becomes increasingly difficult to see just good returns from just being in the market per se. But if the market's active, there's always great opportunities in the smaller cap space and then that's where we operate and that's where we're doing really, really well at the moment. Our fund is up in this calendar year, to date, probably about 20 per cent so it's been a remarkable rebound.

Now let's talk about the actual investment philosophy. You are targeting those smaller companies, targeting growth-orientated companies. Can you paint the picture of what the ideal company is for Cyan Asset Management?

Yeah, okay. I suppose just sort of, you know, ideal, we think the best opportunities in terms of market mispricing are in a market cap sort of range of about $50 million up to about $200 million market cap. We think anything below $50 million, the quality becomes really marginal. You're looking at a lot of cashflow negative businesses, ones that aren't commercially proven, resource explorers, biotech companies, just a lot of stuff that really a hit rate in that area becomes really, really low. And then when you get above kind of $200, $250 million, we think the market becomes pretty efficient.

You have a lot of players looking around that space at businesses. There's often a lot of research, they’re being combed over by a lot of the bigger funds and the opportunities for mispricing become less. So where we operate in that $50 to $200 million market cap, we think they're generally good quality companies that have got good assets and commercially proven either technology or systems or some sort of manufacturing facility. But they're yet to really be discovered by broader market and so we think that's a really, really good, great place to sort of go hunting.

So do you apply, say on your initial glance for these companies, do you apply screens, and then away you go, or what's the actual starting point for the research?

Yeah, I mean I know a lot of people think about how do you start this sort of process. I think it's more sort of instructive to talk about where we've come from as a business. Graham and I have both been operating in the stock market for like I said, a quarter of a century, so we're not really starting from day one. We starting from a range of experience and we know most of the companies in the space in which we're looking at, so we never start from a ‘We don't know anything about anything, let's just start screening these companies.’ We've got a bunch of companies that we know pretty well that we've either invested in or decided we're never going to invest in them or we're waiting for something to change. And then we've got a bunch of potential new investments that are coming to market that we look really carefully at because there's limited information and pricing inefficiency.

But in terms of sort of specific screens in sense of financial screens, we don't want stuff that's, we won't look at something with a PE above a certain amount or below a certain amount or debt to equity ratios or nothing really so specific like that. But what I will say is we don't invest in anything that's not revenue generative. We also don't invest in companies that are extremely highly geared or running at big cashflow negatives. They're sort of the two main things that knock out, if it's not generating revenue or massively cashflow negative, i.e. it’s looking to raise capital very, very soon. They're not the sort of businesses we look at very seriously.

So they’re the initial red flags that you choose to move on from?

Oh, absolutely. Like I say anything that's like biotech or whether they’re spending money to try and develop a drug or a or a device, if we're like a resources explorer, if we're a software company that doesn't have any sales as yet, that's not something we look at investing into.

And, what's your position sizing like? You mentioned you have a 20 to 35 odd stocks in the portfolio. What's the position sizing tend to be?

So, our pure hard limit is we won't invest in any more than 10 per cent of the fund in any one stock. So that's the size of I guess around $5 million and also we won't ever own more than 7.5 per cent of the issued capital of any one stock. So, we're happy to become substantial even though we're not substantial in any single company, but we won't go too far above that.

Why is that, the 7.5 per cent?

It's pretty much the number we picked.

Fair enough.

Look I wouldn't say there's a lot of science behind it. I guess if we’re really confident about a company we have to go substantial, but we don't want to become active as shareholders. We don't want to become like a thorny where we're at 19.9 per cent of the company and we want to get involved at board level. Or, you know, become activists such if we're not happy with something we want to, we want to we want to make changes. For us, if we don't like what's happening with the business, we just want to sell out.

Yeah, fair enough.

So we don’t want to change things. And, I guess the thing is that, you know, we want to cap our fund at $100 million and so it's about finding a balance between, I suppose, opportunity and greed. I think investors become really greedy, and they want to put more and more and more into a business. If you don't have a certain hard limit that says it's the most we’re going to invest, you tend to often, especially if a business is going well, get a little bit ahead of yourself, you know, get too fully invested. And then when the tide turns and you decide, maybe I want to sell out, you know, I don't want to be that investor that people are saying, Cyan have just moved from 10 per cent to 16 per cent of it, you know, they look like getting out. All the buyers disappear. So it's just I suppose, about managing our overall risk, you know, in a fairly quantitative manner.

Let's talk about IPOs because I noticed you guys do participate in, in IPOs. How do you get access to them? Also, what are you looking for when you're taking a peek at IPOs and I guess there's a lot of risks involved in there because you're getting a set of numbers where the company has primed itself to go public. So they’re always going to put their best numbers forward.

Yeah, look, I mean I wrote an article for this, it was in Livewire just a couple of weeks ago about IPOs and that the beauty of them is that you are operating in a truly, completely, you know, an inefficient market that you've got a set number of shares, you've got a set price. There's been, I suppose no history of market pricing. There's limited information. So if you're confident with your investment decisions, you've got a unique opportunity to say, I want to buy these shares at this price without any market finding itself. Now that's both a risk and an opportunity. What we've found is that, I suppose our hit rate with IPOs, certainly in the last 18 months is about 50/50. I think we've invested in 11 and maybe five or six are above water. But the ones that are doing much better, you know, they're over, there’s some that are 2-400 per cent above their issue prices. So we've actually done really well out of a handful that's made our overall return a lot better.

In terms of your question of how you get access to them, I mean we pay generous brokerage rates to a number of the smaller brokers. We certainly pay our way into some of that corporate access. But I think also importantly, we, for the right businesses are long term shareholders and smaller companies like to have supportive institutional grade, long term shareholders on the register. If we go in with I think a really honest appraisal about the amount of stock we want to take and our interest as shareholders, then I think we tend to get probably better looked after than investors that the company or the investment bank believes, they're just there for quick stag and want to move on.

One of those IPOs that you did take a position in recently was Victory Offices.


Can you talk us through Victory Offices, what it was at the IPO level that attracted you to it initially and maybe how it compares to say something like a Servcorp, which is already listed on the market\, people might be familiar with it in a similar space.

Yeah. Look, I mean it's a good comparison. It's interesting, so Victory was one of those ones, I think it listed at kind of 15 per cent premium and it’s since sort of come back to about its issue price. It’s certainly not a great success story as yet. What attracted us about Victory, we think there's going to be a huge thematic tailwind, you know, increasingly so behind shared office space, but more importantly coworking space. I think right at one end you've got the incredible success story at WeWork, the US-based business and then you've got the more traditional serviced individual offices like Servcorp and Regis and I think Victory operated a little bit in the middle. They've got a number of, quite a bit of coworking space but also office space as well.

What seems to be changing is that rather than these businesses being tailored to just sort of at the SME market where you think about, you know, two, three or four man businesses that want a bit of office space, the big corporations now see and we're thinking the NABs, you know, Rio Tintos, BHPs and the like are actually saying, hey, we've got a project we want a dozen people based in Melbourne for a year rather than rent our own office space, we'll put people in a serviced office because we need them with certain clients or whatever. So the corporate revenue base for these businesses is much greater than people suspect. And the attraction for Victory as we think a lot of small businesses, they've only got 20 locations at the moment. They've got some scale there. But for them to like double their business, they've only got to find another 20 locations, which is a lot easier than a Servcorp that's got, I can't remember like, you know, maybe like 70 or 80 globally, you know, maybe more.

We just liked the growth options there. You know, the pricing of Victory looked really, really attractive. It was on sort of a price to earnings of less than 10 times and a market cap of $70 million. So the small raise, it wasn't meaningful enough for the big institutions to put money into, we can put a small amount of our fund in there that if goes well it will be meaningful. We like the outlook for that business certainly in the medium term, we think it's worth investors, you know, casting their eye over.

One thing I noticed in your investment philosophy was that you don't tolerate poor performers. When I was looking through the June quarterly, you were recapping the year and you noted that there was a few significant companies that were down like Access Today, Experience Co, Motorcycle Holdings and Kelly Partners. What I'd like to have a look at is talking about the sell side as well. In the core philosophy, it was not tolerating poor performers. How do you deal with companies like these? Have you kept a hold of all of them?


And, and I notice Kelly Partners has rebounded well so far for you as well.

That's correct, so there's a couple of things in all those. One mistake I think individual investors make is that when companies start either performing poorly or the share prices go down or both, they decide they're going to, you know, top up their positions and you know, sort of double down. We, we never do that. So, in all those positions, so in: Access, Experience Co, Kelly, Motorcycle Holdings is the other. We've reduced our exposure in all those businesses going forward. We haven't cut them completely other than what we had to write down in Access Today, largely because we think they've been subject to a number of external factors as you know, as much as being opposed to sort of company mismanagement.

You know, in terms of Motorcycles, there's been some terrible sort of retail sales figures in terms of motorcycle sales that have completely fallen off the cliff. As has a lot of the automotive industry. Experience Co has been the victim of some really poor weather up in their main base around sort of northern Queensland, around Cairns. Kelly Partners is probably the only one that's been maybe a victim of overly optimistic management forecasts but again, that appears to be turning around. But in none of those cases have we decided to double up on our investments, the reverse. As I said, in all cases, we've reduced our exposure to those businesses.

We haven't sold out completely, but sometimes you know, and I think Kelly Partners has been a good example of that. It remained a profitable business and when it was trading around 70 cents, we just didn't think it was kind of worth throwing the baby out with the bath water and stuff and I think that decision to hold onto that investment has been the right one in the medium term. Whether it performs again to its previous expectations still remains to be seen and we certainly won't be adding to that position, or any of those positions until they begin to prove themselves again.

I noticed as well Experience Co, Motorcycle Holdings and Kelly Partners, they're all businesses that are essentially roll-up strategies.


Is that something that you guys are actually particularly keen on, that roll up strategy? What are the pros and cons I guess, of investing in them?

Yeah, look, I think that the main pro is the rapid growth that you can achieve from companies that effectively consolidate and I think that's one of the advantages of, of being a listed business is that you've got access to capital and that's one of the reasons why we would either say yes or no to an IPO. Is if they're saying that we'll be raising money in order to expand our business, we think that's a great reason to go to the market to raise money. If they're raising money to pay down debt, probably not a great reason. So certainly, the smaller end businesses that are growing by buying out their competitors, consolidating their back office, getting synergies, we think theoretically is a good way to find profitable investments. The challenge is that it can be pretty hard to do that effectively.

You know, probably our main success story over the past years has been AMA group, which has been consolidating smash repair businesses and they've done it really, really effectively. But there's certainly a pretty full graveyard of businesses that have actually tried to consolidate and not done it effectively. So I think you've got to be quite selective about how you go about that. And again, look with all investments where we never go to get everything right and we appreciate that. If you go into the stock market thinking your hit rate will be 70, 80 or 90 per cent, you're kidding yourself. It just won't happen. But where you do well over the long term is that asymmetrical payoff you have from long-only investing is that the most you can lose in an investment is 100 per cent, and the most you can make is theoretically unlimited. You can make five or 10 times your money and so if you don't double up on those investments that are performing and you let your profits run, you can end up with a meaningful positive return.

And that's, of course, where your position sizing as well and your diversification comes into play.

That's exactly right. I mean the thing is with investing in a fund, or with any professional investor is that it's not a set and forget. You know, we don't put together a portfolio at 30 June one year and then look at it again at 30 June the next. We are investing dynamically all the time. We're always weighing up the opportunities and the risks and the current pricing and making adjustments, you have to.

Our probably most successful investment of the last years has been Afterpay. Now you've had a stock that's gone from $1 to $26. This isn't an investment where you just go, let’s put a bunch of money in now and just see how it goes. You're always assessing risks and opportunities and adjusting it, and that's how you end up with as smooth a return as you can from having a long-only investment strategy in the small-cap ASX market.

Let's finish up with one stock that you may be happy to talk about at the moment that you're seeing good opportunities in or you would consider a buy today for the fund. Sorry to put you on the spot here.

No. It's always hard to pick one.

Yeah. If you want to pick three I'm sure people won’t mind!

There's two or three things we're quite excited about. I'll just go through them really quickly. They're kind of like sort of three different sectors. So one thing we like is sort of advanced manufacturing and we have an investment in a company called Quick Step Holdings that do some really advanced carbon manufacturing and they make parts for the defence industry. So they make flaps for the Joint Strike Fighter and also one of the bombers. I think it's the... I can't quite remember the name of it. They're based in Sydney, and they do a turnover of about $60 million per annum, and it's capped at about $40 million. It's been a really long road to success, but we really like the fact that they are backed by government contracts. They're profitable and we think... by the stock market just by the fact they, they've got a long history of underperforming. They've got a new management team in there and that looks like we'd think a good long term story.

We've got an investment in a small little tech hardware company called Atomos that make high-end ancillary video equipment. As everyone would know, video is just exploding in terms of YouTube, in terms of corporate videos and the like. These guys have a leading global brand. Most of their sales come out of the US and they’re seeing some remarkable growth in that business, so we really like Atomos.

And the third one, which is really very, very speculative and in a very early stage but we think could potentially have a big future is a small company based in Sydney called Jaxsta. And they are consolidating all the, I suppose you could call it metadata for the music industry. So in terms of who produces music, who's involved in I suppose things like, you know, if you were playing a song, you want to know who was keyboardist, who was the drummer, who was the producer, who did all the mixing, all that sort of stuff. That information's kind of never been in one area. So Jaxsta have done really well in getting Sony, EMI, Warner, independents like Merlin, consolidating all that data into one area and they're looking to monetise that.


So you can consider like a IMDB of the music industry combined with the LinkedIn. Again, we think a lot of potential. So there's our three ones we think could be most exciting over the next sort of 6 to 12 months.

And so that has implications, I guess maybe for licensing and what not of music. Is that correct? Is that what they're going down the path, or is it actually to be an IMDB of, or LinkedIn of music?

Yeah. It's sort of, their view to be monetising, to say, hey look, I played keyboards for Beyoncé. I want to promote that to other artists. Or I did the mixing for the latest Jay Z song or for Miley Cyrus. And because that is, you know, you open up Spotify, all you see is it's a Miley Cyrus Song. There's no more information about that. It used to be on the back of CDs and album covers and stuff like that. So for people that work in the industry, it could be an incredibly valuable asset for them to promote their work and we think that kind of thing in a global marketplace, in a very, very big global marketplace as a smaller Australian company could have huge potential.


Again, it's not a... don't put your grandma’s retirement funds all in that one spot.

That's a small, it's a small position. One to two per cent to watch and see.

Exactly. I mean the thing is if nothing works then, you've lost a tiny fraction of your portfolio. But if it takes off, it could, you know, really move the dial in terms of investment. So that's the way we look at things. It's a blend of cash generative, dividend paying businesses right down to the ones that have binomial outcomes. And the overall outcome is what you're trying to achieve, and we think of blend of that works really well in this space.

Great. Well Dean, thank you very much for taking the time to chat with us and if people want to find you, they can go to, what's the web address?


Excellent. Thank you very much, Dean.

Perfect. Great. Thanks. Cheers Dean. Thank you very much for your time.

Thanks Mitchell. Yeah. Great to talk to you. I really appreciate the opportunity to come on.

That was Dean Fergie from Cyan Asset Management.

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