Commercial Property Investors Set To Be Rewarded

Non-residential property yields could fall another 2% — accelerating capital growth prospects for investors, says AMP Capital Investor's chief economist, Shane Oliver.
By · 14 Oct 2005
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14 Oct 2005
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The last few years have seen a fall in yields for nonresidential property, particularly for retail properties. This has prompted some to wonder how much lower nonresidential property yields can go, and led others to think that the non-residential property market (like the housing market before it) is becoming overvalued. Our assessment is that non-residential property yields could fall further yet, and catch-up to the declines seen in interest rates, bond yields, share market yields and residential property yields over the last twenty years or so.


A big driver of investment returns during the 1980s and 1990s was the fall in inflation/inflationary expectations. This pushed down interest rates and investment yields across a range of assets including bonds, shares, listed property trusts and housing (into the current decade). In other words, investors were prepared to hold assets on lower income yields because of a reduced risk that inflation would eat into capital values. The end result was of course large capital gains for investors. Directly held or unlisted nonresidential property has also seen a decline in yields, particularly for retail property – see the chart below.


However, the decline in non-residential property yields has lagged the decline in yields for other investments. This is clear in the next chart.

The table below shows the decline in yield for various asset classes since their 1980s average. With the exception of retail property, non-residential property yields have fallen by far less than has been the case for other classes.

The following chart shows the composite non-residential property yield (shown in the first chart) compared to an average over time of real bond yields, earnings yields (i.e. listed company profits divided by share prices) and the residential rental property yield (all for Australia). In the 1980s the two lines moved closely together, but a large gap has since opened up. If the relationship between nonresidential property yields and the average yield on bonds, shares and housing were to move back to its 1980s average then non-residential property yields can fall by another 2% or so.


To understand whether a further decline in non-residential property yields is feasible we need to consider the factors that have caused non-residential property yields to remain higher than yields for other asset classes. These include
the following:

    1. a move by investors away from directly held property, particularly office property, after the commercial property collapse in the early 1990s;
    2. an increased desire for liquidity – which worked against unlisted property and in favour of listed assets;
    3. scepticism on the part of property valuers that low inflation and low bond yields are here to stay; and
    4. scepticism about the likely rental and hence capital growth unlisted non-residential property will provide;

    Of these, the first is likely to have faded as a factor. The early 1990s is becoming a distant memory. The conditions which led to the 1990’s property bust (ie, over building leading to sky high vacancy rates) do not prevail today and seems unlikely to arise for many years to come.

    An increased desire for liquidity does not adequately explain the rise in the gap between non-residential property yields and other yields. In any case, in recent years some investors have started to embrace more illiquid assets as a way to boost returns. Remember a lack of liquidity certainly did not stop the collapse in housing rental yields.

    Caution on the part of valuers has certainly played a big role, but this appears to be starting to fade as low inflation/low bond yields have started to look more and more entrenched. Australian inflation has now averaged around 2.5% since 1993 (when inflation targeting was introduced) and the Reserve Bank seems intent on making sure that it stays low. Valuations are also likely to be forced to change as investors continue to chase non-residential property yields forcing them lower.

    This leaves scepticism about rental and hence capital growth, but even this is unlikely to provide a lasting restraint. One way to consider this is via the Property Risk Premium, ie, the likely return potential property offers over bonds.1 This provides a rough guide as to how much further non-residential property yields could fall. The chart below adopts the conservative assumption that property rental growth will be in line with underlying inflation of 2.5% pa. This has been added to the composite non-residential property yield shown in the charts above and the 10 year bond yield has been subtracted to show the Property Risk Premium. Note that this relates to prime property – it would be 1-2% higher for an average of all property grades.

    While the excess return expected from non-residential property over bonds has narrowed since 2003, it remains very high, suggesting that there is still scope for a further decline in yields. Note that each 1% decline in property yields will boost capital values by around 15%.

    An alternative way of looking at this for those who are sceptical that inflation and the average yields on other asset classes can be sustained at these low levels - certainly we think that housing yields will move higher over time - is to focus on relative returns. Either non--residential property yields are likely to move further towards the yields on other assets, or the other assets will see their yields rise relative to non-residential property. Either way, nonresidential property should offer attractive relative returns.


    The yields available on directly held non-residential property have lagged behind the decline in yields on other asset classes. Although this can partly be explained by caution towards office property and an increased desire for liquidity after the early 1990’s experience and scepticism on the part of valuers as to the durability of low inflation, these considerations are likely to be fading. Meanwhile, even conservative assumptions about rental and hence capital growth suggest that there is still significant scope for the gap between non-residential property yields and the yield available on other asset classes to narrow. The bottom line is that, short of a recession breaking out (which seems unlikely), non-residential property offers attractive returns relative to other asset classes.

    1 The Property Risk Premium concept is discussed in more detail and using detailed rental growth forecasts in John Sears, “How Low Can Property Yields Go?” Jones Lang LaSalle, July 2005.

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