CBA faces Lehman-style action from angry investors

Investments the bank recommended have soured, writes Clancy Yates.
By · 31 Mar 2010
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31 Mar 2010
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Investments the bank recommended have soured, writes Clancy Yates.

IN 2006, staff from the Huon Valley Shire had discussions with Commonwealth Bank over funding for long-term projects like childcare centres and upgrades to local roads.

After a 13-year relationship with the sleepy Tasmanian shire, the bank put its local government specialists on the case. They described snazzy new investment products that were all the rage in local government circles.

Little did the council know it would soon face hefty losses that could threaten the shire's long-term investment plans.

The bankers, highlighting their "extensive experience" in global markets, said these complex securities were developed with councils' needs in mind. Council staff left the briefings believing their $4 million in capital would be kept safely guarded.

It has now emerged that the bank was peddling investments that have rivalled those sold by Lehman Brothers for woeful performance.

"We went to them in good faith . . . we feel we've been let down badly by the CDOs," said the mayor, Robert Armstrong. "We want to make sure that we are relevant and representative of our community in the future. And without this money, obviously it creates some challenges for us." The book value of these assets known as collateralised debt obligations has shrunk by 99.55 per cent, to $18,000.

Daily activities like garbage collection will continue, but unless the council can find other sources of funding, ratepayers will eventually bear some cost. The $4 million is equivalent to almost a quarter of annual spending of $21 million.

And while Huon Valley's case is especially severe, the council is just one of more than a dozen facing big losses after investing more than $120 million in products marketed by CBA.

In New South Wales, Ryde council has had losses of $3.9 million from three CDOs, including one called "Palladin", also marketed by CBA. Goulburn council also purchased the Palladin asset, which was rated AA. Now Huon Valley Shire is demanding compensation, and threatening a lawsuit for professional negligence and breach of fiduciary duty.

It believes that the compensation it is seeking would shave a minuscule amount off the bank's wealth. (CBA made a $2.91 billion profit in the last half.) But the bank doesn't seem to be playing ball.

"We're quite disappointed that CBA hasn't taken the opportunity to do the good thing by ratepayers," Armstrong says.

CDOs are securities backed by corporate loans or bonds that are divided into classes or "tranches" that pay investors a return according to the level of risk. Many enjoyed AA and AAA ratings, but many are now worthless.

Of the $4 million Huon Valley spent on CBA CDOs, $3 million went into a product called "Pure" and another $1 million went into "Oasis". Pure now has no market value and if there is one more "credit event", the total loss will be crystallised; the council has already realised a $1.73 million loss.

Oasis now has a market value of just $18,000, and the council has been told it could also lose all its value if there are more "credit events".

The investments were due to mature in 2014 so it won't hit immediate operating revenue. But it affects the council's long-term financial plan and the replacement of assets such as roads and bridges.

Amanda Banton, a partner with Piper Alderman, said the three CDO notes marketed by CBA Oasis, Pure and Palladin were now virtually worthless.

Banton, who is representing Huon Valley Shire, said she thought more than 15 councils and several charities and churches had bought the products.

She also represents dozens of other councils involved in a High Court battle with the administrators of Lehman Brothers, which sold up to $1.2 billion of CDOs. The High Court ruled in favour of the councils yesterday.

"The Commonwealth Bank appears to have been marketing and selling products virtually the same as those marketed and sold by Lehman to the same sort of client base," Banton said. "The losses on CDOs are considerable and it is difficult to see how there could be anything but an effect on the community.

"The combination of losses in respect of Lehman and now the Commbank CDOs means that some councils may have pressure on their financial resources."

Piper Alderman is in discussions with the councils and other organisations about a possible claim against CBA for misleading and deceptive conduct, negligence and breach of fiduciary duty.

Banton said the products CBA was marketing and selling were arranged by Merrill Lynch, JPMorgan, and Bank of America. The notes were rated by Standard & Poor's.

CBA would not comment on the potential Huon Valley case, citing customer confidentiality. "The bank will continue to talk directly to its customers in relation to any complaints or matters of difference," it said. "The bank will vigorously defend any actions through the courts should it be required to do so."

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