ArchTIS rising as Australia builds cyber defences
Daniel Lai is the CEO of archTIS which is a cyber security company that has benefitted from Australia recently being cyber attacked and Scott Morrison’s subsequent announcement of a huge investment in the cyber defence sector.
Since these announcements in late June, archTIS has seen its share price double from 12 cents to now sit around 24 cents – it's still a relatively small company with a market cap of around 38 million dollars.
ArchTIS sells its platform to governments, universities and the defence sector so I discussed the growing interest that the company is getting at the moment and how it is positioned to benefit from the government’s investment in cyber defence.
Here is Daniel Lai, the CEO of archTIS.
Table of contents:
What is archTIS?
ArchTIS customers
Cyber attack on Australia and increased investment
Connection between COVID and cyber attacks
How archTIS differs from competitors
Capital raising & expansion into new markets
Cash flow positive quarter
Project pipeline
Thanks for joining us, Daniel. Could you start by explaining what archTIS does in the cyber security space and how it enables customers to share information securely?
Absolutely. ArchTIS stands for trusted information sharing, so it’s architected trusted information sharing which is where it comes from. The phrase, trusted information sharing, came out of a US senate commissioned report into the events of 911 where they discovered that a lack of trusted and infrastructure prevented the sharing of information between law enforcement, border protection and intelligence services to prevent the 911 attacks from occurring. We established archTIS to solve that problem, we saw that as a global problem, we saw it as an important problem and we saw it as a problem worthy of establishing a company to solve.
How did we do that? We build secure information sharing platforms which enable people to not only share information or any digital object but also to collaborate and work on those in a highly secure environment. Now, we do that with a policy enforcement product which looks at attribute-based access control but essentially what are we saying? We’re saying that we look after the access controls for sensitive and classified information to people to share and collaborate on in a nutshell.
One of your key platforms is called Kojensi, and so there is a version of that for government and for enterprises, I understand. Do you mind explaining how that platform works?
Yeah. The Kojensi platform is platform agnostic, so it can be utilised on-premise and/or on a cloud platform to service a software as a service model. The platform itself came out of the Department of Defence. We built it in 2006 to enable the Australian Department of Defence to share highly classified information with the US Department of Defence and that information was classified up to and including top secret. To do that it had to be certified by both the National Security Agency in the US as well as the Australian Signals Directorate here in Australia.
They are highly complex certification processes and they had to meet highly complex requirements and security requirements and effectively at the behest of the department of defence they asked us to commercialise that and bring that platform out to help solve other government agencies’ information sharing challenges where that was government to government, agency to agency or industry to government and that’s effectively what we have targeted the platform to do. It was commercially released in April 2019 so it’s just over 12 months since the product has been in the market.
The government is obviously one of your customers but you serve, as I understand, a range of industries. Do you mind running through which sort of areas you’re currently serving at the moment?
Essentially, we started where we were strong which was in government, because the government has a need to manage and share sensitive and classified information and they do that already so it’s not a new concept to them. We won the Attorney General’s department which was using it for the Aged Care Royal Commission in Adelaide and they use it for things like where a whole range of different auditors from different states need to get on and build the report and obviously there is information in there that is extremely sensitive but it’s a means for them to do that on a classified platform.
We also won the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission for their program area for the National Criminal Intelligence System so they were building that system which connects law enforcement and law enforcement intelligence agencies between states and federal government so that program obviously needed a way of sharing information between all of those different program offices as well. We also won the Commonwealth Ombudsman and of course, we have Defence, so we have a number of Commonwealth agencies. We also saw a very significant market in all of the industries which service the Australian Commonwealth and State Governments.
Anyone who is servicing those such as legal firms, consulting companies, and defence industry, for example, all have to meet the same level of compliance requirements the government do, and also manage and share sensitive and classified information. That includes universities which are doing research and development for government and in this case, we won our first client outside of government which was Curtin University, which is both an education sector win from a university perspective but also the program of work that they were doing is in the space sector which of course is another growing area outside of cyber which is taking off. That program work also introduces Kojensi to manage data, so big data analytics which is an area that we’re obviously very interested in expanding into.
Our other win in the commercial space was with Northrop Grumman. Northrop Grumman is a global military system integrator and has billions of dollars in revenue and they were looking for how do they share classified information for bid management and tender responses between Australia, the US and their partners, and they’re looking to use Kojensi to solve that problem there. That’s just a couple of indications of where we are seeing this going. Naturally, of course, we see ourselves applicable to many other market segments as well, pharmaceuticals, energy, national critical infrastructure, finance, all of these market segments are now digitally transforming their businesses, digitally integrating globally.
The digital economy which was valued in 2018 at 3 trillion dollars is a trust economy and that trust economy, the foundation of that trust economy is security is breached we have a problem with that digital economy and people trusting that digital economy and using those transactions. Of course, it runs on sharing of that information so data is the new oil basically and we need to protect that infrastructure and that information.
Yeah, and I guess the big thing happening in the cyber security space was that recent cyber attack that Australia had in late June, and then Scott Morrison subsequently announced that $1.35 billion investment over the next decade. What sort of impact will that have on archTIS and the cyber security sector in general?
I think we’re already seeing the impact it is expected to have in the movement within cyber security stocks on the ASX. Let’s go back to thematics here, the first one is obviously the increase in cyber attacks in Australia. Hold that thought for a moment because those cyber attacks have been happening for a long time. What has changed really is that Australia has woken up to it and has now started to accelerate remedial actions to start to progress a response to those cyber security attacks. What do I mean by that? Since the 1st of January the AFR reported a 330 per cent increase in cyber attacks in Australia against every single institution in Australia. That includes government, it includes education, it includes industry, finance, everything.
It’s quite clear that we are being targeted and we are under attack and what are they looking for? They’re looking to steal intellectual property, they’re looking to steal personal information, they’re looking to map and watch everything that we do so that if there ever comes a conflict they know how to respond and target Australia’s critical infrastructure. Sometimes it is quite as simple as profiting, we know that we are being targeted by foreign state actors and organised crime. It’s very difficult to separate the two because they work so cohesively together sometimes as well. Sometimes it’s ransomware and sometimes it’s hacking Parliament House, or the ANU, or Toll, or Bupa, or Austal.
We know that these targets are very much focussed on the defence industry and the defence industry supply chain, and the financial sector and education sectors.
Do you think there’s a connection between the high rates of cyber attacks and COVID or is it a coincidence that they’re coinciding together?
I think COVID is interesting. COVID has accelerated the value of the digital transformation. When we physically cannot travel and physically cannot meet the digital platforms become significantly more valuable. The concentration of data that becomes available becomes much more attractive so we need to obviously step up the protection of those digital platforms. But as I said this has been going on a long time, we have really just woken up to the fact. The second point I’d like to make on all of that is, I mentioned it was $3 trillion in 2018, I’d hate to think about what the value of that is today given COVID. The other point with Scott Morrison making that announcement and the splurge of the $1.3 billion on ramping up Australian cyber security protections is that the majority of that money will be spent in government. There’s $500 million which will be set aside for the cyber security strategy and which clearly placed an emphasis on Australian businesses taking responsibility for increasing their cyber security protection mechanisms to protect the Australian citizens.
Also, I think, and this is critical, people have just started to wake up to the third announcement which was shortly following the Cyber Security Investment Fund was the increase in defence spending of $273 billion. Within that $273 billion there was $15 billion allocated for information and cyber. That comes on top of the $300 million already allocated to intelligence agencies to secure information sharing between those intelligence agencies a few years ago so there is enormous amounts of money going into this and that places companies that are dealing with government which are already trusted and have a record of delivering to government with security people and already on the government panels and who are trusted by government and a strategic advantage to be in a very good position to prosper from that and I think we’re well placed in all of those categories.
I was just about to ask that as well. I was going to ask how archTIS is positioned in the market to benefit from the investments. Are you going to be competing for market share or will your existing relationship with the government put you ahead of competitors to receive some of this investment?
The Commonwealth Government has strong procurement guidelines for making sure that there is transparency and open competition for those things. What we are seeing is much more rhetoric towards national capability and sovereign capability. It’s quite clear that the Australian government has actually started to recognise that the Australian cyber security industry is world-class. Second to none in terms of what we are presenting as cyber security products, consulting services, platforms, etcetera. There is now clearly a recognition in government that global multi-nationals still haven’t solved that problem and let’s look at Twitter as an example of that quite clearly these are large companies, Facebook, they’re all large companies, and yet they’re still getting hacked as well. There’s a lot to be done in this space.
How are you able to differentiate what you offer from competitors then? Are there certain accreditations that archTIS holds that others don’t?
As I mentioned before a number of investors will say to me how do I know what a good cyber security company or a good cyber security product is and I always respond with you don’t get the highest level of accreditation from the National Security Agency in the US and the Australian Signals Directorate if you don’t have a product that’s not good. That’s the first thing, yes we hold the certifications. We brought that security model out of the Department of Defence, the commercial product has the same security models in it. That policy enforcement or attribute-based access control allows us to present information in context of people’s risk profile and who and where they are.
If you’re in the Qantas Club and you log onto your terminal using Qantas Wifi you will see only unclassified information because the policy will say it’s an untrusted path, we’ll only release unclassified information to this person in this role of this nationality in that place. If I log onto my phone which is certified up to protected, and I connect to a VPN which is on protected, I would see up to protected information because we can have as many policies against any digital object as we like which means it can be contextually delivered against the risk profile of that person, and that’s a real game-changer.
Really, how are we different? There are many cyber security companies which produce firewalls or anti-threats, and virus software or routers. What we do is information security which is very different to most of the other ASX listed companies. We protect the crown jewels of any organisation’s information. That’s what our differentiator is.
That announcement by Scott Morrison on June 30 seemed to be the catalyst of a big surge in your share price, it’s almost doubled since then. What do you think has excited investors about archTIS, and I guess it seems to be the whole sector in general, as you said other ASX companies are seeing their share price grow as well.
Correct. I think that announcement really woke the market up. I think that announcement highlighted what the critical need was for the cyber security industry, national cyber security industry, and focussed investors on the huge opportunity that exists for Australian companies. Cyber Security incidents cost the Australian economy $29 billion every year, there is a cyber security incident reported to the Australian Cyber Security Centre every 10 minutes, the average cost of cleaning one of those up is $277,000. The sector is expected to triple from $2 billion to $6 billion by 2026, I think it’ll grow bigger than that by that timeframe.
I think investors have woken up to that, the announcement of the $1.3 billion being spent on cyber security products also obviously highlighted that but again the connection to the defence expenditure of $273 which of $15 billion is going to be spent on that as well, as well as the other previous announcements of hundreds of billions of dollars going to the intelligence sectors, I think all of those things and people have connected the dots. ArchTIS is an information sharing platform that has been specifically designed for and has government clients, and industry clients, it’s obviously well-positioned to prosper from these events and it obviously has a future because the expectation here is that we are at the beginning of this surge, not at the end.
You recently completed that $2.26 million capital raising which you said was used to accelerate the growth of Kojensi to new markets. Could you expand a bit more specifically how that money will be spent and what new markets you’re looking at expanding into?
Yes. That was part of a pivot that we just chose to do out of government and into specifically the university sector and the defence industry sector. Obviously, companies – there’s just as much risk for having too much demand as there is of having no demand when you’re looking at risk profiles of some companies. For us, we decided to stick to where we were strong and where we knew there was a distinct need in the market. That pivot has been really focussed on the defence industries and that’s like that announcement with Northrup Grumman. The Australian Government has not only announced the $273 billion in additional spending to defence but prior to that already had underway a $200 billion capability uplift for the defence department. It also has an Australian industry capability policy which means any prime that wins of government contract to deliver these new capabilities has to have spent 50 per cent of that money on Australian industry.
There’s a massive amount of small and medium enterprises under cyber threat which need an uplift in their security profile very quickly and Kojensi is targeted to do exactly that so that these mum and dad stores, these medium enterprises, can come and log onto Kojensi and immediately be certified to hold up to protected information and share that information not only with the Department of Defence but with those large and middle entity system integrators such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, BAE, Naval Group, all of those sorts of areas. We’re strongly targeting that market and the two points are $6 million that we sort of raised, I think it was a bit less than that, but it is targeted to open up those markets. Obviously, with the win with Northrup Grumman, we are focussed on expanding that market pretty rapidly.
That June quarter, the one just past, seems to have been one of your busiest in terms of contracts, both new ones and renewals. I believe you recorded a cash flow positive quarter, is that something you’re expecting to maintain going forward?
The answer to the question is yes. We expect that we should, certainly looking forward if we execute the strong pipeline that we have developed over the last 12 months, that we’ll be cash positive. That is what we are looking to achieve, it’s something we’re focussed on. That doesn’t mean that we won’t necessarily look at additional capital to expand further growth because as I said we are hoping to be a global company. The problems that we’re seeing in Australia around those market sectors are the same problems that exist in the US, the UK, France, NATO, Southeast Asia. We are certainly looking at forecasting that there will be additional growth and in the future that we’ll look at our capital requirements as that arises and when we determine that we want to make those moves. Right now we did that raise very strategically and we have no expectation of coming back to the market unless there is a reason to.
You provided a bit of detail about how your revenue model works, what proportion of it, if any, is recurring compared to just once-off project-based?
All the platform licensing announcements are annual recurring revenue. The Kojensi platform is an annual recurring revenue model. It’s essentially a SAS platform and the instance per department or organisation, what we have done then is modelled it on the basis of up to 200 users. It provides about $140,000 in annual recurring revenue and there is an option there to renew each of those contracts on an annual basis. That money is paid upfront on that annual contract and that also helps to provide the cash flow into the business. We do also do services, those services are the more one-off payments. Those services are usually associated with bringing the platform sales through so where somebody wishes to trial the platform or wishes to ingrate the platform on-premise or into other applications because the platform essentially is extensible to other applications to provide that security model and extend it into their environment, or into a hybrid cloud, or into a public cloud.
It’s a very versatile platform which can solve a lot of different problems and once we land we expect that we will expand into those agencies and it’s based on a network growth effect because it’s about sharing of information which brings in additional other users from different organisations. We expect to get that growth through that mechanism.
Just going forward what is your pipeline looking like at the moment, are you in discussions with many potential customers both in Australia and abroad?
We are, actually. How we get connected up with that is obviously we’re trusted in government, the government introduces us to other organisations overseas which they have a relationship with and we then begin to pursue those opportunities through those introductions. That’s led to we are currently the only Australian cyber security company which is part of the NATO Industry Advisory Group advising them on how they share information between their 29 member states. We recently were invited to the US to present at the Indo Pacific Command in Hawaii about how new alliances can be up and running, and information sharing to their coalition interoperability forums. There is a lot of interest in the company and a lot of global opportunity there but those things need to be nurtured and done in a way that is going to be sustainable and successful so we are taking our time. Of course, there is a bureaucracy there as well so some of those sales cycles are a little bit longer but obviously, if you win them they’re extremely important.
Back to the pipeline, certainly, we have said that we have built up a significant pipeline and I have mentioned before that that’s in the vicinity of about $15 million. For us it’s about making sure that we convert that opportunity in that pipeline into sales over the next 3, 6 and 12 months. Really, that’s where our focus is, our focus is now building up that revenue base as a foundation to grow the company in those different areas to take on those other opportunities out there in the market. As we do that we will look at our capital requirements as well because it’s about making sure that you do it responsibly and to build a sustainable company and a profitable company, but also not necessarily to miss out on those opportunities to grow when you need to grow.
That’s great, Daniel. We might leave it there but thank you very much for your time.
Thank you very much.
That was Daniel Lai, the CEO of archTIS.