A cloud-based recorder: Dubber

Mickey Mordech speaks with Steve McGovern, the Managing Director and Co-Founder of Dubber, regarding his cloud-based call recording software platform.
By · 6 Jun 2019
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6 Jun 2019
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Steve McGovern is the Managing Director and Co-Founder of Dubber.

Dubber runs a cloud-based call recording software and was founded in Melbourne in 2011.

I spoke to Steve to find out where the idea for the company came from, his background, how the company operates and its plans for the future.

Here's Steve McGovern, the Managing Director and Co-Founder of Dubber.

Dubber's a cloud-based call recording software, you were founded in 2011 in my home town there in Melbourne. Before we get started and look into the company in a little bit more detail, could you just tell us a little bit about your background, and how you started the company, and how you kind of came to be in the position that you're in today?

Yeah, sure. As you'd probably gather by my accent, I'm from overseas. I've been in Australia since 1995, and I was working in the pay-TV industry with Sky Television in the UK, and then came over here for the pay-TV industry and because of regulation and other interventions, it was quite slow over here.

At the same time telco were deregulated, so I switched after four or five years into the telco sector. Dubber came about because one of the telcos that a company I had, was working with was Optus, and Optus along with Telstra were subject to quite a bit of scrutiny around messaging around iPhone sales back in 2010, and so Optus went down the path of ensuring that anyone who acted as an agent, as well as its own call centres, recorded the entirety of all their sales calls.

Now that was a challenge in 2010, because of storage and technical limitations. And so what happened was we were running a business in a separate field for Optus, handling inbound 1300 calls. And occasionally twice a year we would handle outbound, when there were iPhone drops, and there were significant numbers of sales and requirements on resources, so we would have a small contact centre with 45 people in it, and there'd be overflow to our contact centre, and we'd be handling iPhone sales on behalf of Optus.

What happened in those days was that the sales agent would speak to you about the type of iPhone you want, and then put you through to a verbal contracting platform. But there were all sorts of inconsistencies between what was spoken about on that verbal contracting platform, and the iPhone that turned up in the box and this was all relating to the messaging that was spoken before the recording took place.

Optus wanted its agents to record all their calls. We were given a proposition to record off our PABX, which was I think a Samsung brand, and that looked like it was quite expensive and didn't provide any functionality whatsoever, other than dropping files in an unusable format onto a server. And so we had fairly modest ambitions of actually building a recording service that we would actually host in a data centre in Melbourne, with the aim of selling it on a monthly opex basis to other Optus dealers.

What happened was, we built a proof of concept and as we did that we got some external advisors in to look at what we built, and AWS Amazon had launched in the United States, and we knew it was coming over here. Our ability and our capacity to see a bigger vision came straight away. The truth is we actually started building a global platform to be built on AWS, almost two years before AWS came to Australia. That's how it all came about, from a 'necessity's the mother of all invention' and that's certainly the case with Dubber.

Right. Okay. And my initial understanding was that... and this could be completely wrong, but originally with the telcos, wouldn't they have had to have recorded all the conversations to begin with?

The telcos have a on-premise call recording, but in the case of Optus, Telstra, and most of the telcos, they have external dealers as well, particularly sales organisations. And so the way that compliance was enforced was really all around the actual verbal contract, rather than a conversation in whole. So, for example, if you were to buy a mobile from Optus, you would have a conversation with a salesperson and if that salesperson was not in the Optus contact centre, in other words they're an agent, then that conversation wouldn't be recorded.

What would be recorded is when you agreed to go ahead on a certain plan with a certain handset, you'd be transferred through to a recording service that really replaced the old fashioned standard form of agreement. So instead of signing a document, you just said yes, no, yes, no, gave your name and address and details to a recording service, which effectively took the place of a written contract, so that was the landscape at that time. So yes, do Optus, Telstra et cetera have call recording in their contact centre, yes, they do. But you know, Optus in our case had quite a few external contracting dealers with significant sales forces, that didn't have that functionality.

Also, I guess just to backtrack very quickly, I understand that you're a co-founder of the company as well, and you have your business partners as well. Could you tell us a little bit about what each of you do, and how you kind of split out your roles within the business? I imagine they're still actively involved as well?

Sure, they are, yeah. There are three of us and we funded the company privately for a couple of years, to the tune of $4.5 million before we listed it. I'm the CEO and James Slaney, who's got quite a profile within the company as well, he's the head of product based in Melbourne, and Adrian Di Pietrantonio manages all our key relationships. So probably later on in this interview, we'll talk about some of those, and he's currently living in Dallas. We have an office in Dallas and he's operating out of there, because you can imagine in the US our target market is telcos and service providers, and the largest ones in the world are all in the States, so he's over there doing that.

Sure. Okay, that's great. In terms of the problem that Dubber solves is, so you operate purely on the cloud and that's the way that you were designed to begin with. Maybe you could walk us through what that looks like, and compare it to how things were being done, say back in 2010, or whenever it was that... what you started around then. So compare it to that at that time?

It’s a classic case of cloud transformation. In any industry, not just call recording, you have the new players and you have incumbents and where the incumbents are hardware-based, it's very difficult, bordering on impossible, for them to transfer that technology into the cloud and scale it. In most industries that's not a big deal, but when it comes to what we're doing, our vision's pretty simple.

Our customers are actually telecommunications carriers. We have a unique proposition, which is, we go to the largest telcos in the world and say, "We can record anyone on your network." In America for example, Verizon or ATNT, that equals 150 plus million mobiles on their network. For a traditional player to take a hardware driven recording service, put it into a data centre, extend the storage, and try and extend the functionality, at some point that technology is going to break because of its core architecture.

We were built natively in the cloud, and scale is everything. It's our key differentiator from which it's determined our business plan, and all our ancillary technology and development work. We're a call recording service that's aimed at the telecommunications sector, rather than the enterprise directly. We don't rule out the enterprise directly, in fact, we're seeing a lot of traction there at the moment. But we're built for telco networks, because we believe that call recording is something that should be a quick and easy decision that you can purchase immediately, switch on immediately, and record the next call as part of your telco service.

That certainly is not the case for most enterprise clients, who would be looking to have a hardware or hosted service and it would be months and months worth of decision making, scoping, deployment process, and usually capital expenditure as well. In plain simple language, we believe you should be able to contact your telco, switch it on immediately, can record the next call, whether it be for one user or 100,000 users.

Sure, and so basically as I understand it, you've got the business user at the end, and they could contact the telco, switch it on. And you've got also a relationship with BroadWorks and BroadCloud, who are owned by Cisco now and that's how you aim to distribute your product through to the telcos directly. Could you talk a bit about that, and if that's a correct statement, and maybe just explain that a little bit more for our listeners?

Absolutely. So the key message for us is that we have 103 telcos globally, who've agreed to take our service. And when we say take our

Is that directly?

Yes, directly.


So they take our service, embed into their network as a core essential part of their infrastructure. And the reason why, is exactly relating to the names that you just mentioned. Most of your listeners wouldn't be familiar with the name BroadSoft or BroadWorks, and so perhaps if I can just explain that very quickly.

A number of years ago, most of the people listening would have worked for companies where the phone system or the PABX was sitting in a server room, and in this country, you'd probably be paying a telco line rental plus call costs. And then hopefully the telco has come along and said, "Well, actually you can retire all the things in your server room that I maintenance, and maybe you've got a third party maintenance conference, et cetera. You can disengage all of that and that PABX that used to sit there in your comms room will now serve to you virtually with all the same functionality."

And so, the layman's terms, the PABX is what sorry?

Your phones, your phones.

Your phone?

Yeah, the brains of your phone system.


That would sit in your comms room, the telcos moved it to their infrastructure, and the predominant player in that globally, is a company called BroadSoft, where they have 650 telcos globally, including most of the big ones who have deployed a BroadWorks platform, which is a virtual hosted PBX, or phone system.

And so our 103 service providers that we quote at the moment are predominantly on that platform. We've got 103 out of 650 total addressable market and those telcos include some of the world's largest, most obviously being AT&T, which is the largest telephony company in the world. What happened then was that BroadSoft themselves took an extra step, and they moved the PABX or the phone system that used to sit in your server room that now sits into the telco, they created a single cloud platform called BroadCloud, and all the telcos can be served directly from that single cloud platform. When they were putting that cloud platform together, they chose Dubber as a recording feature. We're embedded into the world's leading cloud telephony platform that services telephone carriers globally, and that platform, that company has subsequently been bought by Cisco, so it is now the Cisco BroadCloud platform, and we're Cisco's recording service for telephone carriers in that environment.

Essentially, on Cisco's platform, the default option for call recording, if a telco would like to enable it for their business customers, they need to use Dubber.


One question I did have, and I'd be very curious to the answer, Dubber's still at this stage a relatively small Australian listed company and it just seems strange for a huge business like BroadSoft or Cisco to be using Dubber. How did that come about, and why did they need your product for something like call recording?

Yep, I guess one of the key messages, we're not asking telcos to sell our product, we're asking them to sell more of theirs. If you go back to a telco comes to you as a customer and the proposition is, move your PABX or your phone system from your server into us. In order to do that, if you're in contact centre or financial services or you're recording calls, the telco needs to be able to offer call recording as part of that stack, so the proposition usually is, move to our hosted telephony platform and we'll charge you X dollars per month, per user, and they need to be able to include call recording for certain users otherwise those customers can't actually make the move.

It's their own existing customers, they want to get them from legacy networks like copper, PSTN, ISDN, et cetera, onto a digital platform, they can't move them unless there's call recording available, and depending on which telco you talk to, that can be anything between 4 and 11 per cent over three years of their customers that they believe need call recording for compliance reasons. The compliance usually means financial services or contact centre, small contact centre.

Is there anything to kind of stop, say, Cisco or BroadSoft from developing a similar product or anything like that, or is that something that they'd considered, I suppose, when they were setting up this cloud-based PBX system?

Yeah, they would consider it. The industry analysts in telco will all say that there are two dominating components now. First of all, speed to market is everything, so telcos will buy rather than build if it's something that they see is beneficial to them and is robust and stable, and the other part of it is, as with anything in life, customers, the end users, want to have a homogenous product that integrates with all their other business applications, so the idea of building a single global platform is there in other industries, and we've actually built it. We've taken that for call recording.

For a telco, for example, to build their own will take years and significant investment, millions and millions of dollars to actually build it, scale it and productise it, and they can just plug in Dubber, which is a complete platform as a service. That doesn't mean that they don't test it.

AT&T tested our platform for 14 months and put it through a level of load testing that probably no other recording platform in the world has ever been subjected to, and clearly once that happened with AT&T, the gravitas we got from that deployment was enormous, particularly in the North American market.

To answer the question probably a little bit more holistically, because the other question is, why did Dubber list? We listed because companies like AT&T, Cisco, would've had difficulty procuring our product from a company in your hometown, as you put it, in Melbourne. When we listed, it's a lot easier to get through those procurement hurdles.

And so I think the company's history, really, is for the first four years of commercialisation we set about getting on as many telco networks as possible, and that's still going to be a key indicator for the next two or three years as to our long tail of revenue.

Sure. Are there any, I mean, because if you do a quick google of Cloud-based call recording software, there's plenty...

Hundreds of them.

...that come up, so maybe walk us through that and why they might be different and maybe what sets you apart?

Sure. There are two major players in the recording industry, and the recording industry as a whole is getting larger, purely because of compliance reasons, so whether it be in Australia we have things like Royal Banking Commissions which have an impact on the requirement for compliance recording. In Europe it's far more prescriptive. There is something called MiFID II that was introduced early this year which prescribes that every single company in the financial services sector needs to be recording its calls and storing them for seven years. The industry is growing. 

The two major players are both multi-billion-dollar companies who supply on-premise recording to the largest customers in Australia and around the world, so every contact centre that you can think of in a large company would have one of these two providers. In terms of the Googling Cloud call recording and coming up with several pages of competitors, they are virtually all the same concept as we set out with Dubber to start with, which was to build a hosted solution with limited capability hosted in a data centre. 

The level that we've gone to and the steps that we've taken is that we've abandoned the hardware-driven solution, whether it be on-premise or on a hosted solution, and we've built natively into Amazon web services, and to that end we're the only recording company that has architected its product that way. 

And scalability, as I've mentioned before, is everything, and that's why we focused on the telco sector, because rather than go to an enterprise, we go to the source of the call, which is the telco network itself. The telcos need the extra revenue, the customers, I think, should be able to switch call recording on immediately rather than deploy it over a period of time with capex, and also it's the gateway, really, to the much bigger story, which we believe that AI, artificial intelligence, will be on every phone in the next year or so. To have that from the network, capturing voice data across an entire telco network, that drove our design and it drives our point of difference. 

We are regarded as the call recording service for telco networks, as opposed to the call recording service for businesses directly or enterprise users.

Once you've actually onboarded a telco and they say, "Yep, we want to use Dubber," say they change their mind and they get a year in and they'd like to change to a different provider, is that possible or is that very difficult to do? Maybe you could give us some oversight as to what that might look like?

Yeah, so one of the things I think we need to press home a bit more to our investors is the fact that we've had zero churn since we've started our business.  We've never had a telco that's taken on board our product and then said, "Oh, we don't want to use it anymore."

Now, that's the raw, I guess, answer. The real answer is that we're providing a layer, an essential layer, into a telco network on which other things are built. It's impossible for us to see how if a telco like AT&T, for example, starts using the Dubber platform, how we would ever come out off that network, and the reason for that is twofold. 

Firstly, in a large roadmap for telcos where they're trying to transform their entire company, being able to take call recording has been something that works seamlessly and is telco grade is a major plus. But I think from the company's perspective, we're all about capturing the data and having it displayed in third-party CRMs, trading platforms, et cetera, so when we do a demonstration in the US, for example, we show calls...AT&T, they're in the Dubber platform, we have a partnership with IBM where we throw some of IBM's services at the data and then it's displayed into Salesforce CRM.

Once a customer connects the data that we're creating, whether it be the recordings themselves or the transcriptions or the data that comes out of it, into the CRM, into the trading platform if they're a broker, into any of their other business tools, it's difficult for us to see how any telco will tell all of its customers to disconnect those technologies and those investments because they want to change a call recording provider. We just can't see that happening, and history would say that as well.

Great. Well, that sounds pretty good. We're talking a bit about AI and everything like that, and I'm sure you'd want to mention that in a second, but one of the things that I've found quite interesting was I understand that the Dubber platform is open architecture, so third-party developers can provide apps and things like that. How does that tie in, and have you had any examples of a third party developing anything for use on the Dubber platform so far?

Yeah, we have. The whole philosophy and the design and the architecture flows through to native Cloud, and so what that means in our case is that we provide this extraordinary scalable layer inside a telco network, you'd almost say it was virtual real estate, and the idea is that we have APIs, which are application programming interfaces. In layman's terms...

Interesting.’s the ability... yeah, they're connectors so that one technology can connect and use the data of another. The classic case here would be, as an example, we collect data by recording on a telco network and the end user actually integrates that into his Salesforce CRM so that when he's looking at his own business customer records manager, the links to the recordings are there upon any search or as part of the standard field.

The reason why we built it that way is we believe that ultimately voice data is highly content-rich, it's never been captured en masse before, and we think that there are... I mean, AI's a real buzzword at the moment, so there are lots of examples of AI start-ups in Australia and what each of those AI start-ups needs is data.

The ultimate example is that back in October last year, we announced a technology and sales partnership with IBM globally, so IBM have an artificial intelligence platform called Watson, and obviously for Watson to be effective it needs data, and in terms of voice data we provide the ability to capture data across a telco network and provide that with customer consent, obviously, to IBM for them to use Watson.

The end relationship would be between, for example, IBM and the bank, one of their banking customers. In order to get the insights that IBM can provide, the bank would need to switch on Dubber through its telco and capture the data. That's an example of how it works but it's totally compatible…

Is there any kind of practical applications that you see for the end business user? Can you give us one of those maybe so that's it's a little bit clear?

Yeah, sure. Recently we did a television show with David Koch on one of his Sunday morning shows, it was called Bricks & Clicks, it's aimed at really small businesses. People think that AI is built by big businesses for big businesses to use and I guess that the embryonics were. We believe, in the same way that you should be able to switch on call recording immediately and use it. We think that AI should democratised to everybody including individuals so we were on this TV show and we were asked to address the small business owners and they were one-man bands.  Record stores and interior designers, you can see it from the Bricks & Clicks website. 

When we walked into the room, there was shock and horror about AI, a lady put her hand up and said, "We think you're going to bring robots in to take our jobs," and we said, "No, we're trying to use your own business data that exists today to give highly convenient tools that enable you to run your business better and engage with customers." I'll give you two examples if I may. 


For me personally a great example of AI is I take most of my calls when I'm in the car to and from work, and a lot of those calls actually result in meeting requests so for me to have a tool whereby when somebody says to me, "Can I meet at your office on the 31st of June at 3:30." For that to create a calendar invite in my calendar without me having to do anything directly from the spoken word in the conversation is a major plus for me and it's something that I'd pay a few dollars a month for because it changes my life in terms of running my calendar.

At a higher level I'll give you an example of a product that we actually sell already, is called Business Assurance. You may run a company; I may be one of your salespeople and you've identified all your key clients. The clients that make your business tick. You can actually set a threshold around the sentiment of every phone call that goes to those clients and if I or one of my colleagues is on a call with those important customers and the sentiment drops below a certain threshold I probably wouldn't tell you because I'd try and fix it myself or I'd think maybe I'd lose my job because I'm not handling one of your important customers properly. Well, you can actually get a notification to say there's been a negative sentiment call, which enables you to ask me about the call, maybe talk to the customer, fix up the relationship et cetera. 

Both of these are examples of things every business can use.  It should be commoditised, easy to deploy, easy to pay for, easy to use and order it direct from any Telco. That comes back to our core vision.

They sound like very practical applications and I can see why business would be certainly want to know if customers are getting angry on the phone at them or something like that. I guess just to take the conversation in a slightly different direction and just quickly but how would you assess your company’s culture, and I don't know what it's like in the office there. Maybe you could tell us a little bit about what it's like to work at Dubber for a day and what's it like for your employees there. 

Yep. We're here in Melbourne on the corner of Russell and Flinders street and we're over the top of the Duke of Wellington Hotel which gives anyone who needs respite, some instant respite down on the ground level. We have a couple of floors in the building. We run all our development here rather than choose to have it overseas. I think our CTO insists on the quality... We're dealing with telco sector, we're dealing with AT&T, and Cisco, what we build needs to be carrier grade. So we build it to the highest possible spec and that means expensive development if you like here in Melbourne rather than cheap overseas development, but that's the game that we're in.

Half the team here are developers, they have a particular culture, which is a lot quieter than the other half which are salespeople, so mixing the two is always an interesting challenge. I think what binds everyone together is the fact that we've got a hugely innovative product, that's actually a global platform as a service. It's one of the few native cloud architectures in Australia, true native cloud and it's got global appeal. I think we're all unified by the same outcome which I think is important for us and we're all hugely different people. It's fun to work here, it's casual as you can imagine but we have deadlines to meet, whether it be developing the technology or getting the sales and growing the business.

I think we all swim in the same direction which is a good place to be. We're all very diverse. Working here, I hope it's fun, I try to tell our developers it should be a bit more fun but they're quiet people sometimes. Focused people.

You can't argue with that, as long as you're getting the work done, hey?

Oh yes. We have BBQ's every second Friday, which you should come down to. 

Yeah absolutely. Sounds all right. But in terms of you're saying obviously you're a growing company at this stage. I guess that is the big question. In terms of the opportunities that sits in front of you and in terms of your idea of market size that you're facing, maybe you could give us an idea of where... You're still holding your shares in the company and I don't know what your plan to do with those or anything like that but maybe you could tell us a bit about how big you see this opportunity being in terms of maybe revenue or what kind of margins you might earn, or any sort of idea around that sort of thing.

Yep. Well in terms of my shareholding, I think if anyone who looks at the company will see that I actually have invested into two of the last three placements, quite significantly. I've got high hopes for the company obviously.  The technology's scalable as we've mentioned several times, the opportunity is enormously scalable. If you think about the size for example, of the world's mobile networks, I think I quoted AT&T, the last figures I saw were 153 million mobiles. When we get around to launching on the AT&T mobile network, the sky's the limit, and we've got user cases for everyone including individuals. 

I think it's important too, when we talk about Artificial Intelligence on every phone, that is not just a business case. It's something that we believe will have an impact on every single individual. That's the scale of the opportunity and where do we fit into that? Well we capture the data on the network that enables the artificial intelligence, so that's the scale of the opportunity and our goal will always be to get on more telco networks as a primary focus.

When it comes to scaling however, obviously what we have to do is scale the business to meet that opportunity so I think we've done a great job at getting the world's Telcos to validate and deploy our service and our philosophy. What we did in April is actually conduct a capital raise which gives us the funding to go and execute that now. We have currently offices in Melbourne, London, Atlanta, and Dallas, and I think whilst we believe that for compliance reasons, as the Telcos would say, between 4 and 11 per cent of their business base will need our products over three years anyway. Three years being the turnaround of an existing phone system contract. We do believe that AI will be on every phone and so we need to get depth into those relationships as well.

One of the big things for us is what Cisco is doing whereby the platform that they embedded us into which is BroadCloud is now being opened up as their primary transformation platform for their business, so they have 360,000 sales people about to be selling telephony onto the BroadCloud platform for which Dubber is embedded and that is a thing that we need to support.

We did a capital raise in April and the whole idea was to continue to create AI outcomes, such as the ones that I mentioned but really to support the three or four lines of channel which are Cisco, IBM, and the telcos. 

In Australia we are seeing engagement with enterprise direct, particularly off the back of the Royal Banking Commission. There's a lot of focus on how data can be captured and recalled, it can be generated from a variety of areas that have never been captured before. We may or may not have some opportunities in that field as well.

I think that the whole story's a big one and I think we've just got the funding to be able to go and execute that as well. I'm very bullish obviously at where we're at. I think our short term focus is to get to cash flow positive in the near term this year, we stated that earlier on in the piece, but I would definitely say to any investor that the number of Telco networks that we get deployed into is still going to be a significant barometer of where the company's at. 

We have huge operating leverage in that the platform is already built, and we're wearing the costs of a global platform that Telcos and individuals can connect into. In Australia for example, or in any location, every user that we put on is a net gain in terms of revenue against cost of goods. There is significant operating leverage in terms of the cost of the platform when it's filled with revenue generating customers. Difficult for commercial reasons to quantify but it is extraordinary. 

The cost of goods against recording is very, very low with our model.  Artificial intelligence is slightly different because we ingest a number of... the platform is open as you mentioned so we can take Google Analytics, we can take IBM, we can take that local companies here can use the platform, and most of those have a transactional cost which then would get bundled up into typically 100 per cent margin or 100 per cent up lift. But the call recording itself has extraordinary operating leverage once we’ve built the platform.

Great, well it certainly sounds like Dubber and yourself there Steve, you're aiming to go on to do big things with the company so we look forward to watching the story unfold over the coming years. It's good to see a Melbourne start-up taking on some of the bigger guys, so we wish you all of the best for the future and appreciate you coming on to talk for our members.

Appreciate it as well, thank you very much for the questions, I enjoyed it.  Thank you.

That was Steve McGovern, the CEO of Dubber.

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