3 charts to smooth volatility
A balanced portfolio over the last 16 years puts the InvestSMART philosophy of diversification across asset classes perfectly into perspective.
The chart below shows the total return of the average balanced fund compared to Australian shares over the last 16 years. Yes, the total return over the long run for shares is higher and it should be. But what we want to focus on is the volatility.
Our investment philosophy is based on your investment timeframe. Just imagine you were about to meet your investment goal prior to one of the major pullbacks the Australian market experienced. The realisation of your goal just got further away.
This chart shows the performance of the average balanced fund during the GFC. You can see the total decline was less than half that of the Australian market.
And here we can see the performance through two more recent stock market corrections.
The best investment outcomes happen when diversification is aligned with the right timeframe.
Get the diversification right with our calculators and then set up getting the right investments to make up this diversification for the lowest cost possible, hence why we have capped fees on our portfolios.
It makes sense to us.
Click here to view the InvestSMART Balanced Portfolio and click here to read Paul Clitheroe's thoughts on balanced portfolios.