Saving for a rainy day

Do money better with InvestSMART

Saving for your emergency fund

Spend less than you earn is the first money principle. The second is build a rainy day fund. Don’t risk dipping into your investments when life throws unexpected costs your way.

  • How much?
    How much?
    Between 3 – 6 months living expenses saved in your rainy day fund is the general advice. This means you won’t need to borrow money or dip into your investments. 
  • Goal set and automate
    Goal set and automate
    The best goals are achievable and specific. Set up an automatic transfer from your bank account to your savings account each payday. This is a great habit for when you start investing.
  • Save first, then invest
    Save first, then invest
    Dipping into your investments could result in you unnecessarily paying capital gains tax and potentially missing out on future earnings when you sell.
  • Budget
    A budget will help you meet your financial commitments and enjoy life more. A clear idea of your living expenses and how much you can save and spend are the first steps in your journey towards investing.
  • Bucket theory
    Bucket theory
    Most banks allow multiple accounts (ie buckets). One for bills, food, fun, saving and investing etc. Each payday you send a predetermined amount to the buckets and live within those means.
  • Bootcamp
    Build your investing confidence with our beginner investors course. You’ll learn investing fundamentals and how to form better money habits.
    Learn more
  • Fundlater
    Fundlater lets you invest in a $10,000 portfolio with $4,000. We’ll loan you $6,000 (no margin calls) and you pay us back over 20 months.
    Find out more
  • Professional
    Professional managed portfolios 
    InvestSMART’s range of investment portfolios selection from conservative growth to high growth. We have a portfolio to suit your goals.
    Learn more
Start Investing

InvestSMART portfolio planner

Interested in investing? We can help.

Simply tell us how long you plan to invest, your goals, savings and other investments. We’ll recommend a suitable investment portfolio for you.

step 1

Set financial goal

step 2

Portfolio HealthCheck

step 3
Get investment plan
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Trusted by thousands of Australians

About InvestSMART

About InvestSMART

InvestSMART Group Ltd is a leading Australian digital wealth adviser. Our goal is to provide quality advice, easy-to-use tools and research to help you achieve your financial aspirations. Our fees are simple and transparent. No matter how much you invest, they're capped* at $550 a year.