Diversify your investment portfolio
Past event
Event Details
Tuesday, 01 August 2017
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM AEST
This event will take place online.

Correct asset allocation is just as important as picking the right stocks. We believe a diversified portfolio is a healthy portfolio, and helping people get appropriately diversified is a major focus for us.

Join InvestSMART's Head of Portfolio Services and Analyst, Mitchell Sneddon as he takes a detailed look at our model portfolios, and how you can utilize them to achieve your income and growth needs, while maintaining diversification.

Topics covered will include:

  • The individual holdings of each portfolio
  • How we select those holdings
  • Choosing the right portfolio for your needs
  • How our portfolios can help you achieve and maintain appropriate diversification
  • And have your questions answered – we encourage you to submit questions before and during the presentation