Adding to specific portfolios
Hi I would like to add to my investment but instead of splitting it into the Balanced and Conservative, I would like it split to the Balanced and Growth funds. Can that be done? - Submitted by David
How can I make a specific contribution to my Professionally Managed Account (PMA)?
Everything you need to know about adding a new model, or contributing in a targeted manner for your PMA
Professionally Managed Account (PMA) investors have access to an online feature that allows them to request targeted contribution options to:
a) Add a new Model Portfolio(s) to their PMA...
For example, if you had $10,000 invested in the InvestSMART Balanced Portfolio and wanted to also have $10,000 in the InvestSMART Growth Portfolio.
b) Contribute to a specific Model Portfolio(s) within their existing PMA..
For example, if you had $20,000 invested between the InvestSMART Balanced Portfolio and the InvestSMART Growth Portfolio, and would like to add another $5,000 but only to one portfolio.
Both actions can be completed using the same feature in the My Account section.
- Click My Account and My Investments
- Select Add Funds
- Enter Contribution Amount by Dollar Figure ($)
- Provide New Allocation Breakdown by Percentage (%) and then select Next
- Select Verify to receive a Code via Email or SMS
- Enter Code to Complete Verification
Upon completing the verification step the details required to make the funds transfer utilising the BPAY system will be provided. If you require any assistance utilising this feature, please contact us at and we'll walk you through it.