Top performing investment funds

A managed fund is a pooled investment. Investors combine their money with other investors, and this pool of funds is managed by a fund manager.
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Top performing investment funds

The Top performing managed funds list is determined by the 3 year historical return of funds rated 3 stars or higher by Morningstar Research.
Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
Global X FANG+ ETF starstarstarstarstar Equity North America 8.74% 36.06% 33.23%
Plato Global Alpha A starstarstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 7.97% 36.42% 27.72%
Colonial Geared Index Global Share FSF5688AU starstarstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 9.29% 38.41% 26.63%
Pengana High Conviction Equities B PCL9196AU starstarstarstarstar Equity World Mid/Small -1.96% 41.16% 23.60%
Pengana High Conviction Equities HHA0020AU starstarstarstarstar Equity World Mid/Small -1.98% 40.87% 23.42%
Vinva Global Systematic Equities Fund BEG1488AU starstarstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 5.74% 28.58% 22.51%
Colonial FirstChoice Investments - Acadian Geared Global Equity FSF0876AU starstarstarstarstar Equity World Other 3.14% 35.45% 22.26%
Colonial FirstChoice - Acadian Geared Global Equity FSF0891AU starstarstarstarstar Equity World Other 3.15% 35.49% 22.23%
Lakehouse Global Growth Fund OMF1140AU starstarstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 9.22% 34.63% 21.95%
Hyperion Global Growth Companies C WHT8557AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 5.87% 31.48% 21.28%
Hyperion Global Growth Companies ETF starstarstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 4.61% 28.85% 20.38%
Hyperion Global Growth Companies B WHT8435AU starstarstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 4.61% 28.85% 20.38%
Robeco Global Dev Sustainability Enhanced Index Equities (AUD) A ETL6926AU starstarstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 3.42% 35.32% 20.34%
Hyperion Global Growth Companies A WHT0070AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 4.82% 29.47% 20.10%
NovaPort Smaller Companies HOW0016AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 38.97% 59.14% 18.17%
Morningstar Global Opportunities Class Z INT2524AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Value 13.90% 28.95% 17.69%
PM Capital Global Companies PMC0100AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 9.15% 26.20% 17.55%
NovaPort Smaller Companies Class I HOW0018AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 40.30% 54.01% 16.76%
IFP Global Franchise Fund MAQ0404AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 9.13% 29.21% 15.95%
Bennelong Emerging Companies Fund BFL3779AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 5.24% 32.52% 14.16%
Resolution Capital Global Listed Infrs A WHT5739AU starstarstarstar Equity Global Infrastructure 2.45% 26.39% 10.34%
MFS Emerging Markets Equity Trust ETL0334AU starstarstarstar Equity Emerging Markets 8.70% 28.28% 9.89%
iShares Asia 50 ETF (AU) starstarstarstar Equity Asia Pacific w/o Japan 15.28% 38.15% 8.30%
Firetrail Australian Small Companies M WHT2716AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 1.32% 27.05% 7.94%
Firetrail Australian Small Companies A WHT3093AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend 1.22% 26.94% 7.79%

Fund data sourced from Morningstar. Some material is copyright and published under licence from ASX Operations Pty Limited ACN 004 523 782 ("ASXO"). Data and content is provided for personal use only. Whilst every care has been taken in producing these numbers, neither Morningstar nor InvestSMART can make any guarantees around the complete accuracy of these figures. Should you decide to change investments, please read all relevant disclosure documents including the Product Disclosure Statements and if required, you may consider speaking to a financial professional for further guidance. A tax event may be realised as a result of switching investments. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.



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Instead of owning the underlying securities, investors buy units in the managed fund and will receive distributions according to the amount of units they hold.
Managed funds allow individuals to invest in assets or asset classes that may normally be difficult for an individual to access on their own, for example international markets. Additionally, they have diversification benefits and the fund is managed by a professional fund manager.

Managed funds are either listed or unlisted. Listed managed funds trade on the share market. This means they can be bought or sold on the share market. Investors can access them by buying units through their broker. Unlisted managed funds are not traded on a share market. To purchase (or sell) units in an unlisted managed fund, you must buy (or sell) directly through the fund manager. 

A managed fund is a pooled investment. Investors combine their money with other investors, and this pool of funds is managed by a fund manager. Investors will own units in the managed fund but not the underlying securities.