Yes, you can hold multiple portfolios within a single account but you can only hold one diversified portfolio per Professionally Managed Account (PMA) with single asset class portfolios alongside it. For example, you could hold the InvestSMART Growth Portfolio with both the InvestSMART International Equities Portfolio and InvestSMART Hybrid Income Portfolio alongside it but you could not hold both the InvestSMART Growth Portfolio and InvestSMART Balanced Portfolio in the single Professionally Managed Account (PMA).
If you wish to invest in multiple diversified portfolios then you will be required to open multiple Professionally Managed Accounts (PMAs).
Diversified Portfolios
- InvestSMART Conservative
- InvestSMART Balanced
- InvestSMART Ethical Growth
- InvestSMART Growth
- InvestSMART High Growth
Single Asset Class Portfolios
- InvestSMART International Equities
- InvestSMART Australian Equities
- InvestSMART Property & Infrastructure
- InvestSMART Hybrid Income
- InvestSMART Cash Securities
- InvestSMART Interest Income
Intelligent Investor Funds
- Intelligent Investor Growth Fund
- Intelligent Investor Income Fund
- Intelligent Investor Ethical Fund
- Intelligent Investor Select Value Fund